With the goal of uniting all Christian Bible students under One Head - Earth's Present Messiah Yeshua... "I declare that Yahweh's Representative, "Moshiach", is here now, present on the earth, He is setting up His Kingdom which is in opposition to all the powers of darkness. THIS is the REAL CAUSE of the trouble and the shaking and the overturning of society."
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Wednesday, November 06, 2019
Sunday, November 03, 2019
Sunday, October 27, 2019
BANNED by "Bible Students" for sharing PASTOR RUSSELL
BANNED by "Bible Students" for sharing PASTOR RUSSELL
Saturday, September 28, 2019
The Bible Student Movement Star Members 100% Pro-American Anti-Socialists
The Bible Student Movement Star Members
100% Pro-American Anti-Socialists
Paul Samuel Leo Johnson was the most able defender and expositor of the works and legacy of Pastor Charles Taze Russell. Hands down, he wrote more in defense of our beloved Pastor than any other human being.
Based on the writings of these two great men, I have proffered the view that "The Battle of Armageddon" would not be literal but figurative, and that it is now perhaps at it's apex, it's zenith, as seen on TV. It is nothing other than the colossal battle between right and left, between conservatives and radicals playing out on the world stage. It is Globalism vs. Nationalism. It is Brexit vs. the EU. It is Trump vs. Socialism. It can be summed up in simplistic terms simply as FOX vs. CNN.
Now I do not claim to be the worlds foremost expert on the writings of these two men. That being said I am endlessly fascinated by them, and find myself amazed at the seemingly endless amount of knowledge these men have shared. So my focus of late has been on one main topic - The Time of Trouble, the transition from that time into the Kingdom of God, and specifically the periods of World War, World Revolution, and World Anarchy they both taught would be the precursor to the Kingdom of God ruling on earth.
From my studies it is my contention that we are in the Anarchy period, and as it grows worse and worse day by day it only cements my understanding. And while I've been explaining this as best I can publicly to the best of my ability over many media platforms, the silence has been deafening. Even among the friends of Pastor Russell and Pastor Johnson, which are often mutually exclusive, even among those who accept both as messengers used by God at Christ's Second Advent, there is virtually no answer to the simple question, are we witnessing this now?
Leaving aside for the moment ancillary unanswered questions such as, "Is Zechariah 14 now in the past?" let me explain that first of all, many of the Bible Students over the last hundred years have drifted far away from Pastor Russell's words and works. So many seem contented with three or four main items of Truth regarding "Sheol" and God's unity and that there is a coming Kingdom and that's all they need to know. Yet there is so much more to the story. So few understand or accept what Paul Johnson clearly explains, that the entire history of Christianity is typed in the Old Testament, the Hebrew Bible. Some recoil at such ideas.
Most in fact have no use for the questions being asked at all, because it runs up against their own cherished beliefs that they themselves are either in "The Little Flock", or another class running another type of "narrow way" - the "Consecrated Epiphany Campers" - even though both servants writings contain only proof that the former class is completed, and the latter entirely non-existent.
To my knowledge there is only ONE SMALL GROUP of Christians, "The Epiphany Bible Students" who accept BOTH Pastor Russell AND Bro. Johnson, who are even remotely interested and willing to discuss these important questions. The rest are likely avoiding losing friends by entertaining these thoughts, even for a moment. That being said I must add, guardedly, that I may be the only person in the world who writes about this and shares these views publicly. That may be why I personally have almost no friends or family left who will even speak with me.
To my point: In all my studies I often read fascinating items that I neglect to bookmark. However with our modern search terms it is usually possible to relocate important items with key words, in this case, "real americans." I had recalled that in several places Bro. Johnson taught that the same classes elucidated by Pastor Russell, specifically labor and capital, would evolve into certain movements on the world stage he referred to with new terms.
These terms apply to the world scene today in my view, although today they have changed again into the modern vernacular. For instance what was once termed "America Reactionary" is now termed "Globalists" for they "react" to what Europe was doing as far as forming their united EU under socialism, and so they emulate that here in America by trying the same policies. As various presidential administrations have come and gone, more and more socialist policies were enacted, none more obvious than FDR's "New Deal" and BHO's "Obamacare".
Recalling that Bro. Johnson wrote that "real Americans" would dismantle and remove every last vestige of these decidedly unAmerican movements, teaching that "only 100% Americanism" would be blessed by God - here are some of what he wrote under that search term. And for those who refuse to see that the Global News Media are an arm of the Globalist Socialist movement, try to suspend your disbelief as you read these quotes and imagine that the current President Donald J. Trump really is an American patriot who wants to do rightly by defending the sovereignty of the nation. Imagine if you have to that the left wing news media really are attacking American principles in favor of socialism, which is a system Pastor Russell strongly opposed.
The first quote:
Do you know that in answer to papal efforts to emasculate our immigration laws, real Americans are demanding an addition to them providing for the deportation of all criminal aliens, the vast majority of whom are papists?
Do you know that such alien criminals cost New York State alone $7,000,000 a year? HE 1926 #34-39
THIS ONE QUOTE puts to rest any idea that first, "real Christians" would allow any and all immigrants to enter the nation illegally, and that it's wrong to call them criminal. It also points out another fact most always ignored by the news media, that Mexico is almost entirely Catholic, which is why the Pope and his "charitable organizations" always stand at the ready to help flood the US with their faithful adherents. [Many Catholics are good people, that is not being argued. It is the Papal SYSTEM ONLY that is always called out by our Pastor and Bro. Johnson.]
Although in the world this is as unpopular as can be, I am compelled to continue to follow my conscience and explain what I see happening to the best of my ability regardless of the personal cost, even being disfellowshipped by longstanding Christian friends, even ostracized and mercilessly attacked by dearest family members with a multitude of falsehoods. Their hurtful attacks are mainly along the lines that I am just a liar and a charlatan. Whatever. If I were interested in personal gain, why would I write about the very thing that leaves me almost completely alone in the world?
Do you know that real Americans should resent this with keenest indignation and most uncompromising opposition as a violation of the American doctrine of separation of state and church?
Do you know that in a speech to the New York League of Women Voters in its Albany, N. Y. convention, Dec. 1927, Al Smith said: "There are parts of the [U. S.] Constitution that I hate?"
Do you know that these parts of the Constitution include the 18th Amendment and the clauses on the separation of state and church and the freedom of conscience, the latter two teachingsbeing against the teachings of the church that he puts ahead of the United States in allegiance?
Do you know that such sentiments disqualify him for the presidency, and would make an oath of his to support the Constitution sheer hypocrisy?
HE 1928 #046-051
This passage puts the lie to the view of some Bible Students that we should never discuss ANYTHING political, which was the whole point of Pastor Russell's Fourth Volume "Battle of Armageddon".
A further cogent reason for the course of enlightened Americans in the recent election in opposing Mr. Al Smith's election because of his relations to the hierarchy as a Catholic is that in every country in Christendom the Roman hierarchy is continually dabbling in politics and finds the Roman laity a pliant instrument in its hands to secure its political designs. The recent election, in which the Catholics as such almost to a man supported Mr. Smith as the hierarchy's years-long prepared and chosen candidate, proves the hierarchy's political meddling in America and its designs on America. And because history shows how disastrous to other nations the political machinations of the Roman hierarchy have been, such enlightened Americans out of love for their country, its institutions and liberties, and to maintain and perpetuate these in their true meaning, voted against Mr. Smith. Bigotry and intolerance are an ignorant, unreasonable and stubborn maintenance of one's opinions and their consequent propaganda and practices and an unreasoning boycotting attitude toward those of differing views and practices. The man who firmly holds and practices well reasoned and grounded opinions compatibly with the rights of others is not a bigot. It is simply vituperation and slander to call him such. And when such vituperation and slander proceed from designing and sinister agencies like the Roman hierarchy, the most bigoted and intolerant aggregation of all history, it should be accepted and worn as a badge of honor, an encomium from the Lord and a sign of his approval, granted by the Lord for opposition to the most bigoted of all corporations in its fell designs on the liberties of the freest and most liberal nation on earth. Let the pope fully renounce his undemocratic teachings and practices and then a Catholic will not be opposed as such when seeking the vote of real Americans for office.
If the criminal, the vicious, the grafting, the rebellious, the traitorous, the oppressive, etc., denounce our well-reasoned opposition to their evil designs as bigotry and intolerance, do such denunciations really make us bigots and intolerants? Should we permit them thereby to make us, cowardlike, desist from opposing their ways? Surely not! And, for a similar reason, the similar denunciation of Americans enlightened as to papal political designs on America, which sought realization in Al Smith's election to the presidency, does not make such Americans bigots and intolerants, nor should such denunciation make such Americans retreat one step in this battle for the actual separation of state and church in America. Rather it should make them all the more aggressive to oppose unto complete victory designs so inimical to America's well-being and liberty. And the irony and effrontery of the whole situation is this, that the most intolerant and bigoted system of all history has hypocritically put on the to her ill-fitting garments of tolerance and brayed "intolerance" at the most tolerant part of the human race, whose intelligence as to papal designs on America rightly arouses them against the unAmerican designs of the foreign-spirited Roman hierarchy on American soil, which designs it seeks, among other ways, to realize by the election of its subservients to office in America. It was not bigotry and intolerance that moved patriots, Protestants and consecrated Christians to vote against Mr. Al Smith for his relations to the hierarchy as a Catholic, but it was a well-reasoned vigilance, whose eternal exercise is the price of liberty, a true knowledge of history, whose pages teach that the papacy is everywhere and always the worst, most cunning enemy of popular liberty, a holy love for the principles of our government, whose foundations are directly opposed to those of the papacy, and the laudable desire to preserve American freedom, for whose existence our fathers sacrificed, bled and died, that moved patriots, Protestants and consecrated Christians to vote against Al Smith as the hierarchy's candidate and hope for the realization of its designs on America.
HE 1929 #052-057
I had to post the entire quote to prove a point: The brethren are right in talking about the political landscape as it regards the divine plan. They either have forgotten or never knew this basic fact.
Fourth Comment:and last (for now)
Do you know that while advising the New Deal as a temporary measure, the hierarchy was acting in bad faith, since it has all along purposed, after getting it introduced, to have it made permanent and thus destroy America's Democracy and perpetuate an absolutism in the form of Fascism in America?
Do you know that since the New Deal has been introduced, Rome is working to effect this, its ulterior and secret purpose, as the following facts prove: (1) its mouthpieces, like the Jesuit magazine America, Rome's ablest literary advocate in this country, Priest Dietz, at the encouragement of his metropolitan, Archbishop Stritch of Milwaukee and others, are advocating the abolition of the Constitution in whole or in its parts that make for Democracy, "to legitimate the New Deal," which they concede contravenes many Constitutional provisions; (2) the papal governmental theories, as absolutistic, to which the entire hierarchy is committed, make the hierarchy hostile to Democracy and friendly to absolutism; (3) Rome's efforts began before the Civil War to Romanize America and its people, politically, governmentally, religiously, socially, educationally, economically, financially, etc.; (4) her course in advocating that the pupils of the public schools be indoctrinated in the theories of the New Deal, so that when they are grown up they may accept it as a matter of course and conform to it, i.e., long after the present emergency is past; (5) her indoctrinating, as her textbooks prove, the scholars of her own schools in its undemocratic theories, all the time the hypocritical lip service that her advocates have here offered Democracy has been intended to blind the American people on her real intentions; (6) the course of the hierarchy in Fascist Germany, Italy and Austria is to perpetuate Fascism; and the future will prove that the hierarchy has been plotting for Fascism throughout Christendom, since Rome is "semper idem"—always the same?
Do you know that neither Mr. Roosevelt, nor Congress, nor the bulk of non-Romanist supporters of the New Deal ever dreamed that the hierarchy plotted through the New Deal to destroy perpetually Democracy in America and to establish in its stead a perpetual absolutism in the form of Fascism?
Do you know that this situation means that unless real Americans defeat the hierarchy in this plot Democracy in America is lost?
"Our Father's God to Thee,
Author of liberty,
To Thee we sing;
Long may our land be bright
With freedom's holy light,
Protect us by Thy might,
Great God, our King."
HE 1933 #076-081
After reading these remarks, is there any doubt that the "Star Members" of the Truth Movement were pro - democracy, pro - America and decidedly anti-socialist? Is there any doubt as to who they would be decrying were they on the world scene today?
So to reiterate my question from the beginning of the Trump presidency: Is "Trump Vs. Globalism 'The Battle of Armageddon'"? The question still stands, but with far more corroborating evidence behind it now than it had those three years ago. As always, feel free to contact me, share, like, discuss, any and all of the above.
Yours in Truth,
Bro. Regan
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
FREEDOM VS. TYRANNY in HONG KONG - Protesters sing Hallelujah to the LORD
This is Freedom Vs. Tyranny - I cried watching this.
The oppressed people of Hong Kong wave the flag of my country and sing the song of my LORD against the evil of tyranny.
Soon the lovers of freedom in China will outnumber those in America or so it seems. In this video they sing the US National Anthem...
The oppressed people of Hong Kong wave the flag of my country and sing the song of my LORD against the evil of tyranny.
Soon the lovers of freedom in China will outnumber those in America or so it seems. In this video they sing the US National Anthem...
Sad thing is, I shared this on facebook before. Zero likes, no shares. (Perhaps because it was that hateful channel called infowars (FB rules followed, thou shalt not mention infowars except to disparage. It's their actual company policy. I watch Infowars daily as a far more trusted source of news.)
NOTE to those styled Non Patriots: The following link is from TIME.com, a left leaning source so that even our democrat socialist friends might listen.Maybe they will even learn to say no to the chaos and violence proscribed by their leaders both in the US and China...ALL CHINA will say yes to FREEDOM and ultimately learn to believe in the real LORD celebrated in the Hallelujah chorus, the God of TRUTH, FREEDOM, LIBERTY and JUSTICE for ALL! Matthew 6:10 "Thy Kingdom Come on Earth"
WATCH a few of their short videos HERE, you should be amazed...
Friday, August 09, 2019
New Emergency Radio Broadcast SPECIAL for August 9th - In honor of all those lost in war, with prayers for no more! INCLUDES live song performance. Octaman decries racism with Bob Marley's "Carry On (I Know a Place") - This PEACE and LOVE BOMB is sent with hope and prayer for God's Kingdom on earth SOON! Matt. 6:10
"Revolution", "Anarchy" and "Genetically Engineered Food" were prescient topics discussed in "The Wrecking of Society", the final episode of a show called "The New Adventures of Sid Canoe" which broadcast weekly on KGHP Gig Harbor 89.3, 89.9 and 104.5 FM until the hosts firing just after air on Sept. 13, 2000. RADIO host "Sid Canoe" was fired for talking about God on the air.
What Were Robespierre’s Pronouns?
The French Revolution was led by sociopaths who politicized language, much like today’s Jacobins.
Peggy Noonan -- The Wall Street Journal: July 25, 2019
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
Global Anarchy - Antitype of the French Revolution?
Global Anarchy - Antitype of the French Revolution?
The French Revolution was a foretaste of that great trouble coming upon the whole civilized world

"...even worse conditions prevailed in France until the Revolution, in the end of the last century, when the people aroseand confiscated property and abolished the privileges of the aristocratic class. All know of the terrible state of affairs that overthrow of aristocracy and royaltycaused. The streets literally ran with blood and for a while anarchy prevailed. And as the Lord shows us through the Prophet Daniel that the knowledge now being shed abroad will bring about the great time of trouble, such as was not since there was a nation, so he shows through the symbols of John the Revelator that the French Revolution was a picture and foretaste of that great trouble coming upon the whole civilized world.

The coming trouble will be a period of divine judgment upon the kingdoms of so-called "Christendom" and upon the nominal church so closely yoked to them, none the less because it comes about in a natural way. It will render vengeance and justice to those who have misrepresented God's character and plans for the upholding of their own false systems political and ecclesiastical; and who in the name of God's church, in the name of Christ's kingdom, and in the name of his law and authority, haveabused their power and influence selfishly, and frequently presented more of the spirit and methods of Satan than of Christ.
Beloved, followers of Christ, avenge not yourselves. Wait ye on the Lord. He will establish a righteous administration of government shortly, and is already preparing his implements (unknown to the world) by which the present rule shall be brought to an end and the control of earth given to a truly royal class (Christ and the Church), whose perfection and love shall secure to men every advantage, and shall bring the willing and obedient up by restitution to that grand perfection of Eden, lost by sin. And then the dominion of earth shall again be given to again competent man."
Pastor Charles Taze Russell
This is the MANNA for JULY 16
Be ye filled with the Spirit-Eph. 5: 18.
The measure of our filling will correspond with the measure of our emptying of the spirit of self-will, and filling with the spirit of faith and obedience. And although the obedience cannot do otherwise than manifest itself in the daily life, nevertheless, it is the obedience of the intention, of the will, of the heart, that the Lord regards in His consecrated people. Hence some whose hearts are thoroughly loyal to the Lord may be pleasing to Him, while not the most pleasing to some of those with whom they come in contact; while others, "highly esteemed among men" because of outward moralities, may be an "abomination" in the sight of God, because of coldness or dishonesty of heart. Nevertheless, he that hath the new hope in him, and the new spirit, will seek to purify himself, not only in his thoughts but also in his words and deeds and all his affairs, inward and outward-Z '99, 92 (R 2455).
To be filled with the Spirit means, as disciples of Christ, to be dominated by the primary graces, harmoniously adjusted one to another. To receive such a filling implies a faithful use of the Spirit, Word and providences of God; and to remain so filled results not only in the crystallization of a character like Christ's but also in a fitness for the Kingdom with Him. Such Spirit-filling has the promise of the life that now is, and that which is to come-P '36, 94.
Parallel passages: Mark 13: 11; Luke 11: 13; John 3: 34; 7: 38, 39; 14: 16, 17, 26; Acts 4: 8, 31; 5: 32; 6: 5; 9: 31; 11: 24; 13: 52; Rom. 5: 3-5; 8: 1-16; 1 Cor. 2: 4, 10-14; 3: 16; 2 Cor. 3: 3, 6, 17, 18; Gal. 5: 16, 17, 22, 25.
Be ye filled with the Spirit-Eph. 5: 18.
The measure of our filling will correspond with the measure of our emptying of the spirit of self-will, and filling with the spirit of faith and obedience. And although the obedience cannot do otherwise than manifest itself in the daily life, nevertheless, it is the obedience of the intention, of the will, of the heart, that the Lord regards in His consecrated people. Hence some whose hearts are thoroughly loyal to the Lord may be pleasing to Him, while not the most pleasing to some of those with whom they come in contact; while others, "highly esteemed among men" because of outward moralities, may be an "abomination" in the sight of God, because of coldness or dishonesty of heart. Nevertheless, he that hath the new hope in him, and the new spirit, will seek to purify himself, not only in his thoughts but also in his words and deeds and all his affairs, inward and outward-Z '99, 92 (R 2455).
To be filled with the Spirit means, as disciples of Christ, to be dominated by the primary graces, harmoniously adjusted one to another. To receive such a filling implies a faithful use of the Spirit, Word and providences of God; and to remain so filled results not only in the crystallization of a character like Christ's but also in a fitness for the Kingdom with Him. Such Spirit-filling has the promise of the life that now is, and that which is to come-P '36, 94.
Parallel passages: Mark 13: 11; Luke 11: 13; John 3: 34; 7: 38, 39; 14: 16, 17, 26; Acts 4: 8, 31; 5: 32; 6: 5; 9: 31; 11: 24; 13: 52; Rom. 5: 3-5; 8: 1-16; 1 Cor. 2: 4, 10-14; 3: 16; 2 Cor. 3: 3, 6, 17, 18; Gal. 5: 16, 17, 22, 25.
Octaman Pleads With America with Freddy Mercury's New Song "Time Waits For No One"
"Let's learn to be friends with one another
Or there'll be no more future at all "
Sid Canoe predicts the future from the past. This week he talks about the battle between conservative and radical melting the elements of society just as the Bible predicts! AND HIS MOST IMPORTANT MESSAGE TO FRIENDS AND FAMILY...
THIS EPISODE: Heart of the STORM The New Radio Adventures of Sid Canoe (recorded Sept 7, 2018)
OCTAMAN takes off the mask to fight back against the global satanic pedophile ring.
(unless you live under a rock or listen to mainstream media)
Friday, July 05, 2019
Octaman: "Tell the Truth About the Pharmaceutical ASSASSINS!"
Octaman Performs "Mr. Pill Doctor" plus a jazz guitar improv, live at Kimball Coffeehouse in Gig Harbor, WA 6/22/19
Subscribe won't you for every thrilling episode of OCTAMAN Radio!
Full Lyrics:
Mr. Pill Doctor sir, have you any medicine today?
Mr. Pill Doctor sir, the whole world needs it right away
Mr. Pill Doctor sir have you any medicine?
My mother is ill and afraid she’s going to heaven
There’s some news I’ve heard and I would like your opinion
Nature is better than the medicine your selling
Now I know many people with cancer in for chemo
the cure makes them sicker than all the disease we know
Why the strong aversion to any and all things natural
Fighting against the vitamins and herbs that make the cancer go?
No more reason for suffering a cardiac arrest
Those doctors with their pills and Cadillacs
Know I’m not talking about the signs of the zodiac
But being a vegan will prevent your heart attack
Mr. Pill Doctor sir have you any medicine?
My brother is ill headed for hell or heaven
There’s an herb I’ve heard could cure his condition
And I know that he won’t take it and I don’t know what to make of it
Mr. Pill Doctor sir, have you any medicine today?
Mr. Pill Doctor sir, the whole world needs it right away
Mr. Pill Doctor sir, have you any medicine today?
Mr. Pill Doctor sir, the whole world needs it, yeah they need it right away
No more reason for suffering a cardiac arrest
Those doctors with their pills and Cadillacs
Know I’m not talking about signs of the zodiac
But being a vegan will prevent your heart attack
Was a lady named Reenee who had saved many patients
Who were sick with cancer and AIDS so they took away her license
The people who are responsible are without a conscience
The decision was the American Medical Association’s
Mr. Pill Doctor sir have you any good reason
For continuing the con-game medical establishment
Now show people the depths of your compassion
Tell the truth about the pharmaceutical assassins
Mr. Pill Doctor sir, have you any medicine today?
Mr. Pill Doctor sir, the whole world needs it right away
Mr. Pill Doctor sir, have you any medicine today?
Mr. Pill Doctor sir, the whole world needs it, yeah they need it right away yeah
Mr. Pill Doctor sir, have you any medicine today?
Mr. Pill Doctor sir, the whole world needs it right away
Mr. Pill Doctor sir, have you any medicine today?
Mr. Pill Doctor sir, the whole world needs it, right away yeah
Regan Balman is a singer, songwriter, musician, teacher, writer, broadcaster and Bible Student, announcing the King and the Kingdom since 1983 through music, radio and print.
Official Web http://www.reganbalman.com
BandCamp http://octaman.bandcamp.com
Copyright © 2019-20 by Octaman All Rights Reserved. May use for fair use and educational purposes.
Sunday, June 16, 2019
A "Great 'Earthquake' of Social Revolution Comes
"an uprising of the people to throw off the great power that is strangling them"
From Studies in the Scriptures: "The Battle of Armageddon" by C.T. Russell, 1897
When this great "earthquake" of social revolution comes, it will not be a mere handful of anarchists, but an uprising of the people to throw off the great power that is strangling them. Selfishness is at the bottom of the whole matter.

Not Yet, but Soon
For forty years the Armageddon forces have been mustering for both sides of the conflict. Strikes, lockouts and riots, great and small, have been merely incidental skirmishes as the belligerents cross each other's paths. Court and army scandals in Europe, insurance, trust and court scandals in America, have shaken public confidence. Dynamite plots, charged by turns on employees and on employers, have tended to make each distrustful of the other. Bitter and angry feelings on both sides are more and more manifested. The lines of battle are daily becoming more distinctly marked. Nevertheless Armageddon cannot yet be fought. ...

The Image of the Beast must yet receive life—power. It must be transformed [Dxvi] from a mere mechanism to a living force. Protestant Federation realizes that its organization will continue to be futile unless it receives vitalization—unless its clergy directly or indirectly shall be recognized as possessed of apostolic ordination and authority to teach. This, the prophecy indicates, will come from the two-horned Beast, which we believe symbolically represents the Church of England. High-handed activities of Protestantism and Catholicism, operating in conjunction for the suppression of human liberties, await this vivifying of the Image. This may come soon, but Armageddon cannot precede it, but must follow—perhaps a year after, according to our view of the Prophetic Word.

Still another thing intervenes. Although the Jews are gradually flowing into Palestine, gradually obtaining control of the land of Canaan, and although reports say that already nineteen millionaires are there, nevertheless, prophecy requires an evidently larger number of wealthy Hebrews to be there before the Armageddon crisis be reached. Indeed, we understand that "Jacob's trouble" in the Holy Land will come at the very close of Armageddon. Then Messiah's Kingdom will begin to be manifested. Thenceforth Israel in the Land of Promise will gradually rise from the ashes of the past to the grandeur of prophecy. Through its Divinely appointed princes, Messiah's Kingdom, all-powerful, but invisible, will begin to roll away the curse and to lift up mankind, and to give beauty for ashes.
I can see His coming judgments, as they circle all the earth,
The signs and groanings promised, to precede a second birth;
I read His righteous sentence, in the crumbling thrones of earth;
The signs and groanings promised, to precede a second birth;
I read His righteous sentence, in the crumbling thrones of earth;
Our King is marching on.
The seventh trump is sounding, and our King knows no defeat,
He will sift out the hearts of men before His judgment seat.
Oh! be swift, my soul, to welcome Him; be jubilant, my feet;
He will sift out the hearts of men before His judgment seat.
Oh! be swift, my soul, to welcome Him; be jubilant, my feet;
Our King is marching on.

[Editors Note: With Israel obviously having fulfilled all of the above and now prosperous in the Holy Land, very little is left undone. Regarding Protestantism and Catholicism working together, we have seen this activity on the increase recently. Here's the latest example - The Catholic Church is now officially offering ordination to protestant denominations in order to handle the increasing demonic activity occurring here at the end of the age. See the quote below regarding a major conference held just recently regarding exorcisms. This fulfills the requirement noted above regarding ecumenical cooperation, which in our view was already fulfilled in other ways, but this makes it even more complete. RB]
From Catholic Weekly - June 13, 2019 https://www.catholicweekly.com.au/fr-john-corrigan-lessons-learned-from-an-exorcism-course/
"While most participants were priests, there were also many lay faithful. Some were medical professionals: physicians, psychiatrists, psychologists. Some were experts in demonology; others run healing retreats and prayer apostolates.
For the first time, an invitation was extended to Christians from other denominations, which attracted a small number of Anglicans, Episcopalians and Evangelical Protestants. The conference spanned six days...
This is the MANNA for JUNE 16
No chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous, but grievous: nevertheless afterward it yieldeth the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them which are exercised thereby-Heb. 12: 11.
It is under such discipline that the soul is mellowed to a loving submission that calmly says, I can do all things, bear all things, through Christ who strengtheneth me. As gradually the dross of the old nature is consumed, and the gold becomes more and more manifest, these precious souls become ever dearer to their loving Lord. So dear are they to Him that in every affliction He is near with His grace to sustain and His presence to cheer; and the deepest shades of sorrow become memory's most hallowed resting places, where the Day Star shines the brightest-Z '96, 44 (R 1943).
By chastisement God's disciplinary measures are meant, and no recipient of them is at the time happy, but rather sad. However, those who permit themselves to be properly disposed by these chastisements are made fruitful by them in the peaceful development of Christlikeness-P '32, 62.
Parallel passages: 1 Cor. 10: 13; Heb. 10: 32-34; Job 5: 17; Prov. 3: 11, 12; Psa. 94: 12; 119: 75; Jas. 1: 12; Rev. 3: 19; Acts 14: 22; 1 Pet. 5: 9; Jas. 3: 18.
No chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous, but grievous: nevertheless afterward it yieldeth the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them which are exercised thereby-Heb. 12: 11.
It is under such discipline that the soul is mellowed to a loving submission that calmly says, I can do all things, bear all things, through Christ who strengtheneth me. As gradually the dross of the old nature is consumed, and the gold becomes more and more manifest, these precious souls become ever dearer to their loving Lord. So dear are they to Him that in every affliction He is near with His grace to sustain and His presence to cheer; and the deepest shades of sorrow become memory's most hallowed resting places, where the Day Star shines the brightest-Z '96, 44 (R 1943).
By chastisement God's disciplinary measures are meant, and no recipient of them is at the time happy, but rather sad. However, those who permit themselves to be properly disposed by these chastisements are made fruitful by them in the peaceful development of Christlikeness-P '32, 62.
Parallel passages: 1 Cor. 10: 13; Heb. 10: 32-34; Job 5: 17; Prov. 3: 11, 12; Psa. 94: 12; 119: 75; Jas. 1: 12; Rev. 3: 19; Acts 14: 22; 1 Pet. 5: 9; Jas. 3: 18.
Regan Balman (a.k.a Octaman) performs Babylon System by Bob Marley
Live at the Antique Sandwich Company in Tacoma, Washington.
"The Babylon system is the vampire, falling empire,
Suckin' the blood of the sufferers, yeah!
Building church and university!
Deceiving the people continually, yeah!
Now they're graduating thieves and murderers
Look out now they're sucking the blood of the sufferers
Tell the children the truth
Tell the children the truth
Tell the children the truth right now!
Come on and tell the children the truth"
Live at the Antique Sandwich Company in Tacoma, Washington.
"The Babylon system is the vampire, falling empire,
Suckin' the blood of the sufferers, yeah!
Building church and university!
Deceiving the people continually, yeah!
Now they're graduating thieves and murderers
Look out now they're sucking the blood of the sufferers
Tell the children the truth
Tell the children the truth
Tell the children the truth right now!
Come on and tell the children the truth"
The New Radio Adventures of Sid Canoe
Octaman Radio Published on Sep 20, 2018
"I lost everything after this video."
Octaman Radio Published on Sep 20, 2018
"I lost everything after this video."
Is Satan's Empire about to crumble? What will come in it's wake?
Will it be a Global "New World Order"? Or a new dark age?
Octaman Radio Published on Jun 15, 2018
INFOWARS reporter contest
Will it be a Global "New World Order"? Or a new dark age?
Octaman Radio Published on Jun 15, 2018
INFOWARS reporter contest
Wednesday, June 12, 2019
Troubles Financial, Political and Religious will Fill the Earth with Distress
Troubles Financial, Political and Religious will Fill the Earth with Distress
"altogether within the power of the Creator, when He is ready, to make it warmer at the poles"
The Word of God is the only revelation of what lies behind the vail of futurity. It declares trouble, more general and greater than the earth has ever yet known (`Dan. 12:1`); that troubles financial, political and religious will fill the earth with distress; that there will be no hire for man nor hire for beast, nor any peace to him that goeth out or to him that cometh in, because every man’s hand shall be against his neighbor. (`Zech. 8:10`.) Yet this is not all; for in connection with these changes, necessary to prepare for the Millennium Kingdom, will come some physical changes to the earth, incidental to its preparation for increased fertility and for rest from storms and cyclones, that it may be more suitable for the race in the “times of restitution.”
The irregularity of the seasons begins to show even to infidels that it is altogether within the power of the Creator, when He is ready, to make it warmer at the poles and cooler at the equator.”
C.T. Russell — October 1890
— — — -
“To our understanding there are physical changes necessary to the full introduction of Millennial conditions: these will probably come about gradually, and incidentally cause great trouble and losses. These we understand are so timed as to form a part of the great time of trouble with which our age is to end, which, however, the Lord designs shall prepare man as well as the earth for further, future blessings. ‘When the judgments of the Lord are abroad in the earth, the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness.’”
C.T. Russell — September 15, 1900
C.T. Russell — October 1890
— — — -
“To our understanding there are physical changes necessary to the full introduction of Millennial conditions: these will probably come about gradually, and incidentally cause great trouble and losses. These we understand are so timed as to form a part of the great time of trouble with which our age is to end, which, however, the Lord designs shall prepare man as well as the earth for further, future blessings. ‘When the judgments of the Lord are abroad in the earth, the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness.’”
C.T. Russell — September 15, 1900
Until man repents and turns from their own evil ways to call upon the God of ISRAEL, this “Time of Trouble such as never was” [Dan. 12:1] will worsen unto the catastrophe of total World Anarchy, which will worsen in condition until mankind is humbled under the dreadful experience.
Zeph 3:8,9
8 Therefore, wait for Me —
this is the LORD’s declaration —
until the day I rise up for plunder.
For My decision is to gather nations,
to assemble kingdoms,
in order to pour out My indignation on them,
all My burning anger;
for the whole earth will be consumed
by the fire of My jealousy.
this is the LORD’s declaration —
until the day I rise up for plunder.
For My decision is to gather nations,
to assemble kingdoms,
in order to pour out My indignation on them,
all My burning anger;
for the whole earth will be consumed
by the fire of My jealousy.
9 For I will then restore
pure speech to the peoples
so that all of them may call
on the name of Yahweh
and serve Him with a single purpose.
pure speech to the peoples
so that all of them may call
on the name of Yahweh
and serve Him with a single purpose.
This is the MANNA for JUNE 12
This one thing I do-Phil. 3: 13.
We observe the Apostle's singleness of purpose-"This one thing I do." He did not try to do several things; if he had, he would surely have failed. He devoted his life to the one purpose to which he was called, and to that end dropped every other aim in life. He did it, too, in view of the fact that all through the present life his chosen course would bring certain loss, privation, toil, care, persecution and continual reproach. In this singleness of purpose he was relieved of many temptations to turn aside to enjoy some of the good things of this present life, or to pursue some of its illusive bubbles-Z '95, 250 (R 1884).
The Apostle Paul is to us an example of singleness of purpose. We may be sure that to his varied talents all sorts of appeals with enchanting incentives were made to enlist them for other objects than the one which he made his goal in life; and his sturdiness in refusing to divert his activity from this one thing may well deserve our admiration and imitation. We cannot be a jack of all trades and a master of any one. Realizing that "a rolling stone gathers no moss," let us bend all our energies to attain this one thing-the making of our calling and election sure-P '30, 78.
Parallel passages: 1 Cor. 2: 2; Matt. 10: 42; Luke 9: 51, 61, 62; Mark 10: 45; John 4: 31-38; Acts 1: 14; 2: 1, 46; 4: 24, 32; 5: 12; 21: 10-15; Rom. 15: 5, 6; 2 Cor. 13: 11; Phil. 1: 27; 3: 18.
"Revolution", "Anarchy" and "Genetically Engineered Food" were prescient topics discussed in "The Wrecking of Society"
Eerily I predict losing friends...I did my Christian duty to the best of my ability...if you do follow Christ it's going to cost you.
Regan Balman "a.k.a. Octaman" Live at Kimball Coffeehouse, Gig Harbor WA
performing "Worldwide Bereavement" and "Eyes of Faith" from the"Great Creed Smashing" C
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