Global Anarchy - Antitype of the French Revolution?
The French Revolution was a foretaste of that great trouble coming upon the whole civilized world

"...even worse conditions prevailed in France until the Revolution, in the end of the last century, when the people aroseand confiscated property and abolished the privileges of the aristocratic class. All know of the terrible state of affairs that overthrow of aristocracy and royaltycaused. The streets literally ran with blood and for a while anarchy prevailed. And as the Lord shows us through the Prophet Daniel that the knowledge now being shed abroad will bring about the great time of trouble, such as was not since there was a nation, so he shows through the symbols of John the Revelator that the French Revolution was a picture and foretaste of that great trouble coming upon the whole civilized world.

The coming trouble will be a period of divine judgment upon the kingdoms of so-called "Christendom" and upon the nominal church so closely yoked to them, none the less because it comes about in a natural way. It will render vengeance and justice to those who have misrepresented God's character and plans for the upholding of their own false systems political and ecclesiastical; and who in the name of God's church, in the name of Christ's kingdom, and in the name of his law and authority, haveabused their power and influence selfishly, and frequently presented more of the spirit and methods of Satan than of Christ.
Beloved, followers of Christ, avenge not yourselves. Wait ye on the Lord. He will establish a righteous administration of government shortly, and is already preparing his implements (unknown to the world) by which the present rule shall be brought to an end and the control of earth given to a truly royal class (Christ and the Church), whose perfection and love shall secure to men every advantage, and shall bring the willing and obedient up by restitution to that grand perfection of Eden, lost by sin. And then the dominion of earth shall again be given to again competent man."
Pastor Charles Taze Russell
This is the MANNA for JULY 16
Be ye filled with the Spirit-Eph. 5: 18.
The measure of our filling will correspond with the measure of our emptying of the spirit of self-will, and filling with the spirit of faith and obedience. And although the obedience cannot do otherwise than manifest itself in the daily life, nevertheless, it is the obedience of the intention, of the will, of the heart, that the Lord regards in His consecrated people. Hence some whose hearts are thoroughly loyal to the Lord may be pleasing to Him, while not the most pleasing to some of those with whom they come in contact; while others, "highly esteemed among men" because of outward moralities, may be an "abomination" in the sight of God, because of coldness or dishonesty of heart. Nevertheless, he that hath the new hope in him, and the new spirit, will seek to purify himself, not only in his thoughts but also in his words and deeds and all his affairs, inward and outward-Z '99, 92 (R 2455).
To be filled with the Spirit means, as disciples of Christ, to be dominated by the primary graces, harmoniously adjusted one to another. To receive such a filling implies a faithful use of the Spirit, Word and providences of God; and to remain so filled results not only in the crystallization of a character like Christ's but also in a fitness for the Kingdom with Him. Such Spirit-filling has the promise of the life that now is, and that which is to come-P '36, 94.
Parallel passages: Mark 13: 11; Luke 11: 13; John 3: 34; 7: 38, 39; 14: 16, 17, 26; Acts 4: 8, 31; 5: 32; 6: 5; 9: 31; 11: 24; 13: 52; Rom. 5: 3-5; 8: 1-16; 1 Cor. 2: 4, 10-14; 3: 16; 2 Cor. 3: 3, 6, 17, 18; Gal. 5: 16, 17, 22, 25.
Be ye filled with the Spirit-Eph. 5: 18.
The measure of our filling will correspond with the measure of our emptying of the spirit of self-will, and filling with the spirit of faith and obedience. And although the obedience cannot do otherwise than manifest itself in the daily life, nevertheless, it is the obedience of the intention, of the will, of the heart, that the Lord regards in His consecrated people. Hence some whose hearts are thoroughly loyal to the Lord may be pleasing to Him, while not the most pleasing to some of those with whom they come in contact; while others, "highly esteemed among men" because of outward moralities, may be an "abomination" in the sight of God, because of coldness or dishonesty of heart. Nevertheless, he that hath the new hope in him, and the new spirit, will seek to purify himself, not only in his thoughts but also in his words and deeds and all his affairs, inward and outward-Z '99, 92 (R 2455).
To be filled with the Spirit means, as disciples of Christ, to be dominated by the primary graces, harmoniously adjusted one to another. To receive such a filling implies a faithful use of the Spirit, Word and providences of God; and to remain so filled results not only in the crystallization of a character like Christ's but also in a fitness for the Kingdom with Him. Such Spirit-filling has the promise of the life that now is, and that which is to come-P '36, 94.
Parallel passages: Mark 13: 11; Luke 11: 13; John 3: 34; 7: 38, 39; 14: 16, 17, 26; Acts 4: 8, 31; 5: 32; 6: 5; 9: 31; 11: 24; 13: 52; Rom. 5: 3-5; 8: 1-16; 1 Cor. 2: 4, 10-14; 3: 16; 2 Cor. 3: 3, 6, 17, 18; Gal. 5: 16, 17, 22, 25.
Octaman Pleads With America with Freddy Mercury's New Song "Time Waits For No One"
"Let's learn to be friends with one another
Or there'll be no more future at all "
Sid Canoe predicts the future from the past. This week he talks about the battle between conservative and radical melting the elements of society just as the Bible predicts! AND HIS MOST IMPORTANT MESSAGE TO FRIENDS AND FAMILY...
THIS EPISODE: Heart of the STORM The New Radio Adventures of Sid Canoe (recorded Sept 7, 2018)
OCTAMAN takes off the mask to fight back against the global satanic pedophile ring.
(unless you live under a rock or listen to mainstream media)