It's always a challenge to get these old projects updated and formatted. Time not allowing, so I'm posting this concept AS IS without the anticipated serious upgrade and makeover
What you will see in the PYRAMID CHART BELOW should suffice to make a point about where we all may end up in the resurrection. I used humor where speculative, as the compiler of this chart was himself a painter, soccer player and still is a musician. Please forgive and please enjoy. Feel free to comment and share.
Originally the following short synopsis appeared at the bottom of the chart...
- First place, Gold Medal: THE LITTLE FLOCK are on the Divine Plane
- Second place, Silver Medal: The Great Company are on the Spirit Plane
- Third place: Bronze Medal: THE HIGHEST HUMANS are the ANCIENT WORTHIES, our heroes of the faith
- Fourth place: Bronze Medal: The Youthful Worthies come in with the AW's. They knew the Truth (chk.) and ran after the high calling was ended up until restitution set in.
- Fifth place: Blue Ribbon: The JEWS, Very 1st after the Worthies, to help implement the New Covenant, which is Israelitish. Everyone on earth must become a Jew in a sense.
- Sixth place: Red Ribbon: THE LAST FAVORED SPOT among the restitution class is: Christian believers who did not consecrate. (These are pictured in the Tabernacle camp.)
- LAST PLACE (Participation): ALL UNbelievers. NO REWARD. Failing to believe in this life, they still they got PERFECT HUMAN LIFE FOREVER in the next life, if obedient.
The table, inspired by Pastor Charles Taze Russell, was completed rather hastily with a sense of humor, however to make these pointed points:
- There is no "reward" for unbelievers above everlasting life on earth.
- Even "worse than Hitler" get everlasting life, IF they progress up the Highway of Holiness in the New Covenant. Failure to progress after 100 years means individual extinction.
- The only "reward" for Christian believers above these last place unbelievers is to be placed at the head of the class by virtue of the name of Christ more than any personal merit.
- Those in the know, who know the Divine Plan and are running "a" narrow way actually vie for a position among the Youthful Worthy Class. These may mistakenly believe they are running for the High Calling, or the "consecrated Epiphany Campers" class, but are actually eligible only for the YW's. Proper knowledge of this class should help one attain it.
Yours in Truth,
1st |
GOLD Kings & Priests |
GOLD The Christ head and body |
ON the throne | The Little Flock -
144,000 |
... | Plane | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
2nd |
SILVER Underpriests |
... | SILVER Great Company |
... | Spirit |
servants BEFORE the throne |
... | "stars of heaven" "no man can number" |
... | Plane | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
3rd |
Gov't to give orders given to them from heaven above |
... | S |
BRONZE ["WOOD"] Ancient Worthies 'Heroes of the Faith" |
... | Human |
4th |
aid the AW's toward humanity |
... | S |
& The Youthful
Worthies ["EARTH"] from close of the high calling "until restitution sets in" |
... | Plane... |
5th |
in Judea, Samaria & Jerusalem |
... | E |
Believing Jews (non worthies) "to the Jew first" - teachers |
... | Human | ||||||||||||||||||||||
a faculty of faithful Hebrews |
... | N |
advantage the Jew? much in every way" "New Covenant - Israelitish" |
... | Plane... | |||||||||||||||||||||||
or 6th |
they EQUAL with Jews as Teachers? or next as teachers
aids? |
... | I |
RED RIBBON Believing Gentile World (faithful until death, without consecration) |
... | Human | ||||||||||||||||||||||
at a minimum they are above non-believers, the highest reward they can attain, unless their YW's | ... | L |
"believing Gentiles during
the Gospel Age who, while faithful unto death in
justification, did not consecrate, will constitute a
class of saved ones distinct from the unbelieving Jews
and Gentiles of pre-Millennial times who will become
faithful as restitutionists." E11:293 |
..... | Plane... | |||||||||||||||||||||||
7th- 27th |
will be opened the Highway of Holiness |
O |
PARTICIPATION Unbelievers: The masses of mankind... (includes Jews and Gentiles) |
(con't) |
may be placed above others on "highway of holiness" |
H |
Faithful or
unfaithful, these are Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists,
non-christian and non jewish faiths, including atheists |
... |
on prereq's |
of |
... |
according to character needs continues at 7th place: |
... | Way |
7. |
best of the best from among all non
Christians: perhaps doctors, public servants, military,
sportsmen, these are all at the head of the restitution
class, just behind believing but non consecrated
Christians.. |
... | ... |
High |
8. | workaholics,
good folks, didn't quite balance it right in life. |
The |
9. |
pretend show off/do-gooders, did good things, wrong
spirit and motives. |
10. | science
nerds, contributors but lame or annoying |
11. | sports junkies, soccer moms, etc... added descriptions to be determined... | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
12. | vegan nazis and parking meter ladies | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
13. | alcoholics
and couch potatoes |
14. | Crooks,
robbers, thieves etc. |
15. | smokers, casino gamblers and the like | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
16. | street people, junkies, bag ladies, etc. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
17 | magicians,
other big liars |
18 | big carbon footprinter | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
19 | lawyers and politicians | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
20 | child, animal abusers, | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
21 | killers, rapists, | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
22 |
devil worshippers | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
23 | soccer players/painters | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
24 | musicians | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
25 | Hitler | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
etc. |
than Hitler. And so on, each according to their
needs in the restitution class. No matter how bad,
all get the opportunity to pass. |
P.S. If you are asking, "is there a place for the hopeless sinner?" If they are incorrigible, there will be no place found for them in the Kingdom of God. All will have a minimum 100 year trial to improve. Isa 65:20 Again we apologize for the brevity of this document but one day Lord allowing we will add more Scriptural citations and serious analysis.
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