Pyramid Calculations Corroborate The Bible Chronology
The Great Pyramid of Gizeh shows the following dates of significant Biblical events. They are an exact confirmation of the Bible's own chronology.

dates are arrived at in numerous ways, the details of which can be read
in the most definitive book on the subject, "Great Pyramid Passages" by
John and Morton Edgar, from which this list was compiled. Many dates,
such as Jesus' resurrection in A.D. 33, are shown in several different
places. More dates could be given. This is a brief compilation in no
particular order.
- Birth of the "man Jesus Christ" B.C. 2
- Baptism of Jesus A.D. 29
- Death and Resurrection of Jesus A.D. 33
- Giving of the Law at the date of the Exodus B.C. 1615
- Date of the Fall of Adam B.C. 4126
- Death of Jacob B.C. 1813
- WWI - End of Gentile Times A.D. 1914
- Return of Christ A.D. 1874
- End of the Jewish "Double" of disfavor A.D. 1878
- Resurrection of the Church begins A.D. 1878
- Date of the Flood of Noah B.C. 2473
- Marsiglio A.D. 1324
- Wycliffe A.D. 1378
- Luther A.D. 1521
- French Revolution A.D. 1789
- Jews enter Canaan B.C. 1575
- Jerusalem overthrown by Romans A.D. 69
- Birth of Isaac B.C. 2021
- Fall of the Kingdom of Israel B.C. 606
- Completion of Solomon's Temple B.C. 1028
- End of last Jubilee B.C. 626
- Nehemiah's commision B.C. 455
- End of the 70 Weeks A.D. 36
- End of the 2300 Days A.D. 1846
- Abomination of Desolation set up A.D. 539
- Overthrow of Papacy by Napolean A.D. 1799
- Millerite Movement A.D. 1829
"Gizeh, Gizeh!
I got the Truth's location
Gizeh! self-referential Gizeh
The blueprint for man's destination
filling up a mathbook with pages
The Divine Plan of the Ages"
I got the Truth's location
Gizeh! self-referential Gizeh
The blueprint for man's destination
filling up a mathbook with pages
The Divine Plan of the Ages"
from the song "Measure The Pyramid" by Octaman
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