Our 2nd Presence TIMELINE Table
Dear Friends of The Truth,
Greetings in the name of His Majesty Yeshua HaMoshiach, The Savior of the world!
Our Premise asks us the following 5 questions. Do YOU know?
Do You Know that as a result of Antitypical Elijah's failure to convert the world, the predicted curse—the great Time of Trouble by which Society as now constituted is to be destroyed—was to come?—Mal. 4: 6.
Do You Know that this predicted curse had the beginning of its fulfillment in the great World War—a symbolic wind—with accompanying famines and pestilences?—Joel 3: 9-14; Ezek. 14: 21.
Do You Know that this predicted curse will progress in its fulfillment through a world-wide Revolution—a symbolic earthquake—accompanied by still worse famines and pestilences?— Rev. 16: 18, 19.
Do You Know that this predicted curse will end in world-wide Anarchy—a symbolic fire— accompanied by the worst of famines and pestilences?—Mal. 4: 1; 2 Pet. 3: 10-12.
Do You Know that these troubles—the symbolic wind, earthquake, and fire—will befollowed by the still small voice God's Kingdom which will bless all nations?
1 Kings 19: 11, 12; Zeph. 3: 8, 9; Matt. 6: 10; Gen. 22: 18; Hag. 2: 6, 7; Acts 3: 19-21.
[by PSLJ HE 1921]
The 7 row table below shows changes
and decay of the social fabric, [worldly institutions], symptoms and
causes of decadence, decade by decade from our Lord's Return in 1874 to "The Anarchy" of today which in our humble opinion we are in. (see I Kings Chapter 19)
We endeavor to chronologically harmonize the four stage "binding of the
adversary" and the four "Watches of the Night" with world events.
DISCLAIMER: Allow me to use the editorial "We" as I explain, "we" are not a Bible Teacher, just a Bible student. The following timeline table was compiled on Feb 22, 2016. It is not complete. It is my own opinion, based on my individual studies. Feel free to comment and share. We make it available online before being fully completed to present it as an open study others may enjoy.
Forgive our mistakes but please correct our errors. We will be adding and subtracting as more is correctly understood in this shining light of the Epiphany. II Thes 2:8
DISCLAIMER: Allow me to use the editorial "We" as I explain, "we" are not a Bible Teacher, just a Bible student. The following timeline table was compiled on Feb 22, 2016. It is not complete. It is my own opinion, based on my individual studies. Feel free to comment and share. We make it available online before being fully completed to present it as an open study others may enjoy.
Forgive our mistakes but please correct our errors. We will be adding and subtracting as more is correctly understood in this shining light of the Epiphany. II Thes 2:8
Smith’s Bible Dictionary re: “Watches of night ”
Watches of night : The
Jews, like the Greeks and Romans, divided the night into military
watches instead of hours, each watch representing the period for which
sentinels or pickets remained on duty. The proper Jewish reckoning
recognized only three such watches, entitled the first or "beginning of
the watches," (Lamentations 2:19) the middle watch, (Judges 7:19) and the morning watch. (Exodus 14:24; 1 Samuel 11:11)
These would last respectively from sunset to 10 P.M.; from 10 P.M. to 2
A.M.; and from 2 A.M. to sunrise. After the establishment of the Roman
supremacy, the number of watches was increased to four, which were
described either according to their numerical order, as in the case of
the "fourth watch," (Matthew 14:25) or by the terms "even," "midnight," "cock-crowing" and "morning." (Mark 13:35) These terminated respectively at 9 P.M., midnight, 3 A.M. and 6 A.M.
The 2nd Presence Timeline Table
4 STAGES"Binding of the Adversary"and“Watches of the Night”and
Four Seasons
| EVENTS and INFO RE: The history of socialism...has its origins in the French Revolution of 1789 and the changes brought about by the Industrial RevolutionPLUS: EVENTS RE: The Nation of ISRAEL |
Daniel 12 Events"many shall run to and fro and knowledge shall be increased" |
music trends........ | Television/ Radio |
Stage/Screen/Cinema | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1874 |
1874 -1914stage oneFirst WatchSpringbinding bundles, combinism | "Its first stage was from 1874 to 1914, [144 Creation.] when his binding was his increasing restraint by secular and religious truth, so that he could no more control the nations by his empire's three foundation doctrines—the Divine right of kings, aristocrats and clergy—and their three supporting doctrines—the change of humans into spirits at death, the consciousness of the dead and the bliss or torment of the dead. The completion of the first stage of his binding was marked by the World War, to which he resorted to maintain his empire, after realizing that he could no longer control it by its three foundation and three supporting doctrines, as of yore. 1878 Berlin Congress | TYPEWRITER | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1880 | Electric Lights | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1890 | U.S. education at 90+ % literacy | Gay 90's.... classical, baroque, vocals, orchestral "ragtime a national craze by 1897" "maple leaf rag" 1899 - height of his fame | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1910 | Pastor Russell speaks comfort to 10,000 Jews | Automobiles TELEPHONE | Scott Joplin dies 1917 - end of the era of ragtime | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
War |
War |
War |
War |
War |
War |
War | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1914 |
1914 - 1954stage two2nd WatchSummerWar |
War - revolution - Anarchy
"Since then he is
trying to maintain it by various other errors, especially
combinationistic ones, as these are manifest in various treaties, the
League of Nations, the World Court, alliances among the nations, etc.,
combines among the financiers and unions and federations among the
religious forces. By Biblical, factual and reasonable exhibitions of
secular and religious truth, Jesus is showing, and will continue to show
the erroneousness of these to such a degree that Satan, to maintain an
empire at all, will resort to a revolution of the masses against the
classes combined as above, and thereby will overthrow his present order. His resorting to the revolution—the fast approaching Armageddon—will be a proof of the completion of his second binding stage.Socialism grows 41 years 8 mos for "one hour" of prophetic time would take us to Passover 1916 1917 General Allenby Takes Jerusalem | end of divine right of kings end of ottoman empire opening the way to Jerusalem | Photo Drama of Creation | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1920 |
Socialistic reforms began
to take shape with Democrat President Woodrow Wilson (1914-1921; photo,
left), who enforced anti-trust laws against industry but not against
unions. Labor bosses began their long career of corruption and violence
in trade unions. World War I brought violations of civil liberties of
citizens and foreigners in the U.S., as well as a “war economy.”
Prosperity, wealth and happiness increased dramatically in the 1920s for most citizens
The Chinese revolution was a series of great political upheavals in China between 1911 and 1949 | RADIO August 18, 1920, the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution granted American women the right to vote—a right known as woman suffrage. Market Crash Oct 1929 | jazz, roaring 20's flappers, speakeasies... "stride" (lookup), | Mae West | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1930 | Then came FDR (photo, right) and socialistic "reforms" took place in earnest under the guise of "getting the | blues, guitar guys, robert johnon, blind lemon jefferson, etc. | Chaplin, WC Fields, Gone with the Wind, Wizard of Oz, Snow White and the 7 Dwarves 1937 \Frankenstein, | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1940 | HE July 1942 Do you know
that the religious freedom that Mussolini destroyed in Ethiopia in
favor of Romanism has been restored to all denominations by Haile
Salassie, Ethiopia's emperor, Rome being compelled to return the loot,
power and churches that she took from the other churches through
Mussolini's help? 1946 League of Nations becomes United Nations anti semites attacking Israel as the entire world. | big band swing band era Tommy Dorsy, Glenn Miller, Benny Goodman, Count Basie, Duke Ellington, |
1939Black & white Television
got their first look at television at an exhibit sponsored by RCA at
the 1939 New York World’s Fair. A promotional brochure described it as
“Radio’s newest contribution to home entertainment.”
Black athletes make greater inroads in pro leagues: Marion Motley 1944 Jackie Robinson 1947 |
Disney Fantasia 1940 Citizen Kane 1941 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1948 | In the first half of the twentieth century, the Soviet Union and the Communist parties of the Third International around the world mainly came to represent socialism in terms of the Soviet model of economic development, (from history of socialism, wikipedia) 1948 Israel Statehood 19148-1950 Israel's War of Independance "unwalled villages" = pre-statehood? see Ezek 38, Zech 14 | Following
the war the 2 major sides were the US and Soviet Union. They drew up
the map between them. East Berlin, West Berlin. East Germany, West
Germany. See Olympic Games : East vs. West dominated the overview of
all world events including the sporting world. | 1948 — 1959 Cable television Community Antenna Television (CATV), delivered via coaxial cable, originated in the United States in 1948 and in Canada in 1952, primarily to serve rural areas. By 1959, Canada had a cross-country network of microwave relay stations. |
1950 | Bro. Johnson passes beyond the veil... oct 22 1950 Israel finally obtains stability, see IDF 1950 Israel becomes a state as well as the stage for Armageddon. See Ezek 38 study (soon) | "The
present European powers [written in 1938 by PSLJ] are symbolized in
their entirety in the seven-headed Beast of Rev. 17: 7-12, by its
ten-horns, which Beast is, of course, symbolic. As such they will be
destroyed in the coming Revolution. We look for the coming of another (symbolic) Beast, which seems to represent the form of European government to be set up after the Revolution, and which, we opine, will probably be socialistic in form. This being a part of the "present evil world," Satan, of course, will be its invisible ruler. Forced, much against his preference, to accept such an order of affairs, he will seek to use it to further his controllership over the human family. However, the inherent impracticability of Socialism as a method of government among fallen, selfish men will be quickly demonstrated..." see 140 Creation. |
rock and rollLittle Richard, Chuck Berry, Jerry Lee Lewis, Elvis, Buddy Holly, et. al.[All sad stories see my "Climbing Rock Mountain" Video in the works] Not accepted in more homes until Elvis and the Beatles... "Rock Around the Clock" Bill Haley & His Comets july 1955 next just after Hoefle removed on June 25 |
1954 Colour television 1954 kicked off with the first nationwide colour television broadcast in the United States: the Tournament of Roses parade. TV sitcom attitude accepted into homes I love Lucy, Honeymooners, Sid Ceasar show, Ed Sullivan show, Roy Rogers, Leave it to Beaver, Andy Griffith, My Three Sons, etc. |
Harvey 1950 It's a Wonderful Life 1952 African Queen 1952 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
revolution | ARMAGEDDON is "revolution" | Right vs. Wrong, Truth vs. Error |
revolution |
revolution | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1954 |
1954 - 1994stage three3rd WatchFallREVOLUTIONMany Bible Students discuss this question: Does"armageddon" have to mean literal destruction? Bro. Russell taught it was a battle of truth vs. error, right vs. wrong, right vs. left...with SOME destruction. How much? who can say? Much destruction is FIGURATIVE. We don't agree with our JW friends about Armageddon, nor should a Bible Student agree with the Sunday TV preacher mob. RCB Hoefle removed on June 25 1955 Feb 1956 Hoefle DF'd |
War - revolution - Anarchy
He will establish on false teachings a socialistic form of government which,
as the third stage of Satan's binding, Jesus will expose as erroneous,
by secular and religious truth; and in a mad dash to preserve some sort
of power over mankind, Satan will lead the people on toanarchy, which will prove the completion of the third stage of his binding.Socialism grows CTR: In the Scriptures, the Lord has evidently seen fit to associate the name of this famous battle-field Armageddon, with the great controversy between Truth and Error, right and wrong, God and Mammon, with which the Gospel Age will close and the Messianic Age be ushered in. He has purposely used highly symbolic language in the last book of the Bible, evidently with a view to hiding certain important truths until the due time for their revealment. But even in the due time, "None of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand." (#Da 12:10.) 1956 Suez Conflict Note: 41 years 8 mos for "one hour" of prophetic time [PSLJ] would take us to about January 1958 |
Cold War Era
Capitalism vs. Communism Right Vs. Left Conservatives vs. Radicals Capital vs. Labor Republican vs. Democrat (U.S.A.)
Status Quo vs. Anarchy
Viet Nam War started 1954 This war becomes the Cold War between Capitalism and Communism. Each have their sattelites and fight proxy wars. 1956 Joseph McCarthy vs. Communists 1959 Castro Cuban revolution Series of 20th Century revolutions:
| 1953 Elvis first record
did a short series of recordings with the Memphis Recording Service. In
1954 one of his recordings got good ratings on the radio.
1954 first live show
After doing well on the radio, Elvis and his group performed at a live show. The crowd loved him.
1956 Elvis makes first album/television appearance
headed to Nashville where he recorded his first record. It included one
of his hits, Heartbreak Hotel. ...Elvis' TV debut is on a show called
"Stage Show".
"The Great Pretender"... on Ed Sullivan on Jan 6 1957 he was shown from the waist up The Platters | ible in Films? Ben Hur, 10 Commandments, The Robe 1953 war movies, western movies, monster movies SciFi and Serials Creature from the Black Lagoon 1954 Buck Rogers Peter Pan 1953, Alice in Wonderland 1951, Sleeping Beauty, From Here to Eternity, Hitchcock: Rear Window 1954, Vertigo 1958 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1960 | American socialistic reforms were given a boost with LBJ's "Great Society" program. By 1968, the prolonged Vietnam War (1959–1975), gave rise to the New Left, socialists who tended to be critical of the Soviet Union and social democracy. Anarcho-syndicalists and some elements of the New Left and others favored decentralized collective ownership in the form of cooperatives or workers' councils. 6 Day War June 1967 | Vietnam, Drugs, LSD, marijuana, fortified bread and breakfast cereal, pre-packaged foodsrevolution Tolkein trilogy in paperback 1965 | british invasion, harder rock, Beatles, Stones, Who, et al. Cream, Credence, Hendrix, Grateful Dead, Doors, WOODSTOCK Altemont | Tonite Show, Lenny Bruce, Bonanza,Flintstones, Jetsons, Gilligan's Island, Twilite Zone, Lost in Space, |
Westerns, Elvis movies, James Bond, Star Trek, 2001 Space Oddysey Compiler of this study born 1964, accelerating societal collapse... ON A MORE SERIOUS NOTE: This writer does not see a lot of movies and tv, being more of a musician, so sorry for the weakness of the list off the top of my head. MANY more impactful screen moments exist I realize. It's just a sampling so far. [Dec 2017] RCB | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1970 | Socialistic reform was
advanced during the Carter years with the establishment of the
Department of Education (i.e., government indoctrination), financial
reforms (i.e., Community Reinvestment and subsequent legislation), etc. Kurt Waldheim 1971 becomes U.N. Sec. Gen (he allowed Arafat the terrorist on the podium with a gun at the UN, accelerating unimpeded global jihad against Israel. RCB) 1972 Munich Olympics Israeli team murdered 1973 Yom Kippur War 1976 Raid On Entebbe | sexual revolution, pornography divorce rates skyrocket Huge Sports Contracts: see Bobby Hull, Dave Parker, Catfish Hunter, Ali, Billie Jean, Wilt, O.J., Pele... 1972 Richard M. Nixon 1974 Nixon Resigns 1975 Viet Nam War ends 1976 Jimmy Carter 1979 Islamic Revolution | Janis Joplin dies Jimi Hendrix, Jim Morrison rock fusion, pop, DISCO Led Zeppelin, Elton John, David Bowie, Alice Cooper, Motorhead 1975 Black Sabbath, Judas Priest, reggae worldwide, Bob Marley and the Wailers, Peter Tosh | SNL, SCTV, ... Steve Martin, Richard Pryor, Red Foxx, ROOTS 1975, Star Trek,Happy Days, Laverne and Shirley, Three's Company, Love Boat, Fantasy Island, cop shows like Baretta, Starskey and Hutch, Barney Miller, Taxi, "Soap" first gay guy Billy Cryrstal, MASH, Archie Bunker, Battlestar Galactica 1978, Kreskin Blackstone Doug Henning |
Woody Allen, Clockwork Orange,Taxi Driver, Charles Bronson, Clint Eastwood, Deep Throat 1972, The Exorcist, Godfather, Close Encounters Jaws Star Wars Norma Rae 1979, Grease, Saturday Night Fever, Jaws | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1980 | NO. 53: SOME TIME FEATURESJJH: Please understand we are making no specific prediction for the year 1984 other than that the stress upon Christendom will be materially eased at that time; but to what extent we cannot now be certain at this early date. [JJH]The 1980s were the prosperous years of Ronald Reagan (photo, right), the advance of socialism at home | 1980 Ronald Reagan economic boom era cocaine AIDS CNN begins Sports Contracts see table USA Hockey Miracle1980 Carter Boycotts the summer games Spiritual oddities increase, such as: Ramtha w/ Shirley McClain Berlin Wall Torn Down 1989 | commercial pop, dance music, glam bands, punk, new wave, U2 REM, Devo, Blondie, Madonna, Cyndi Lauper, Duran Duran, AC/DC, Van Halen, Hair bands, Rap Run DMC and Public Enemy | David Letterman, Bosom Buddies (Tom Hanks dressed as a woman), Hill
Street Blues, Family Ties, Cheers, Cosby Show, Star Trek Next
Generation, ALF, TV SPORTS - contracts
more Star Wars, Eddie Murphy "trading Places", ET Raiders of the Lost Ark Ghostbusters, Rambo, Rocky, Top Gun, Halloween movies, Freddie Krueger, etc. Batman 1989, | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1990 | further economic growth raves, xtc, piercings, tattoos, more heinous crimes... OJ Trial, 24/7 cable news channels are born Clinton Vs. Bush Era | CD's taking over for vinyl, cassette...grunge, Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, alternative, Hip Hop, Prince, | PERSONAL COMPUTERS Star Trek con't, X-files, Law and Order, 70's Show, Family Guy, Seinfeld, South Park, Simpsons, NYPD Blue, Living Colour, Mad TV, PSI Factor |
Terminator 2, Cable Guy 1996 Jim Carey 20 million, Philadelphia 1993 Tom Hanks, The Matrix 1999, Schindler's List | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Anarchy | Anarchy is the fire of I Kings 19 |
Anarchy |
Anarchy |
Anarchy | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1994 |
War - revolution - Anarchy
The fourth stage of it will be our Lord's exposures, by secular and religious truth, of his effort of despair and hatred against the Jews by the anarchistic remnants of all nations. Thus, at the end of the tribulation Satan's binding will be complete. He will haveSocialism grows 145 The World of Spirit. run the full course of his pre-Millennial deceptions. In every way the Truth—the great chain—will restrain him, so that he will be unable to move hand, foot or mouth, in the way of deceiving the nations during the Millennium." 41 years 8 mos for "one hour" of prophetic time would take us to about august or sept 1999 Increasing worldwide Anti-Semitism USA makes Israel give up territory, 2000 A.D. | Global Internet 24 hour news programs, FOX, CNN Communists infiltrate government and broadcast media of the US, working to destabilize borders, alter demographics Clinton crimes:
The Euro single currency 1999 Y2K "Armageddon" | DVD's 1995 WINDOWS 95 1997 Drudge FOX CNN etc. | Pulp Fiction 1994, Forrest Gump Titanic 1997 Saving Private Ryan 1998, Star Wars Phantom Menace 1999 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2000 | 9/11/2001 | World Trade Center attacked by Al QaedaThe expansion of government was one of the 20th century’s most striking developments. In 1900, the U.S. government took in just $567 million in taxes. In 1999, the total was $1.7 trillion. Government spending as a share of Gross Domestic Product (the measure of wealth created) in 1913 ranged from 1.8 percent in the U.S. to 17 percent in France. At the end of the century, it ranged from 34 percent in the United States to 65 percent in Sweden.
| laptops, internet, porn explosion Iraq War 2002 2002 War on Terror 2000 Intifada against Israel 2004 Intifada against Israel 2008-2016 President B. Hussein Obama war in Syria after Iraq pullout means Muslim invasion of Europe and growing Jihad in America LGBTQ Issues explode Leftist agenda to grow it Nazi like ban on Christianity in some civic arrangements. At the turn of the 21st century, in LatinAmerica, Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez championed what he termed 'Socialism of the 21st Century', | 2004 smart devices streaming music, bigger money pop, darker hard rock, (screamo, 7th string guitars, death metal) Brittney Spears and other mouseketeers turn porn star light / pop divas. 2004 Super Bowl wardrobe malfunction | RCB: I personally stopped watching episodic tv in 1992. You may fill in the blank areas with the most inappropriate trash of the appropriate era. The anarchy seen on TV now, with all the murder, sex and perversion, cannot go much further without becoming all out devil worship. "Someone has to kill the babysitter." Jim Carrey "The Cable Guy" 1996 |
marvel comics, superman, spiderman, batman, etc. 2001 to 2011 Harry Potter movies Gladiator, Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Passion 2004, Avatar 2009, Batman Dark Knight, Heath Ledger death 2008, | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2010 | And here, we must pause and ponder Sir Alex Fraser Tytler's (University of Edinburgh; 1714-1778) dictum: "A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largess from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidate promising the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that a democracy collapses over loose fiscal policy...always followed by a dictatorship." socialism | 2014 iPhones, iPads, VR, AI, gene editing, Obama crimes against US and ISRAEL:
| Avenged Sevenfold, Katy Perry, Coldplay, Taylor Swift, Lady GaGa, Kendrick Lamar, | "Real Housewives","Guide to Divorce" ...etc. See "Walter's World" and Mark Dice for videos illustrating the dumbing down of the population. |
Toy Story 3 2010 Skyfall 2012, Iron Man, Avengers, etc. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NOW | 2016 Global Anarchy reigns I confess I don't know for certain that "the" anarchy OFFICIAL may be yet future. ... HOWEVER in light of the signs of the times, I believe sufficient evidence abounds to easily prove we are in the anarchy phase right now and have been since perhaps 1994 with the Rwandan Genocide etc.. |
Bernie Sanders vs. Donald Trump
More from Bastiat's The Law: [written 1850]
Socialism, like the old policy from which it emanates, confounds Government and society. And so, every time we object to a thing being done by Government, it concludes that we object to its being done at all. We disapprove of education by the State — then we are against education altogether. We object to a State religion — then we would have no religion at all. We object to an equality which is brought about by the State then we are against equality, etc., etc. They might as well accuse us of wishing men not to eat, because we object to the cultivation of corn by the State.
Bastiat concludes his penetrating analysis with this:
The social organs are constituted so as to enable them to develop harmoniously in the grand air of liberty. Away, then, with quacks and organizers! Away with their rings, and their chains, and their hooks, and their pincers! Away with their artificial methods! Away with their social laboratories, their governmental whims, their centralization, their tariffs, their universities, their State religions, their inflationary or monopolizing banks, their limitations, their restrictions, their moralizations, and their equalization by taxation! And now, after having vainly inflicted upon the social body so many systems, let them end where they ought to have begun — reject all systems, and try of liberty — liberty, which is an act of faith in God and in His work. | NOW:
Right vs. Left have pounded each other into Bernie Sanders vs. Donald
Trump, both proof that the ruling class of each party has been
dethroned... 19 trillion in debt.... Catholic Priests murdered in Mexico, 37 and counting... some headlines from just one day, Jan 20, 2016 'No means no': Norway sends migrants on anti-rape courses... 'Refugee' says he'll kill 10 people, 'eat humans'... Red doors mark out asylum seekers' houses in English town... Health crisis as refugees bring diphtheria, tuberculosis, malaria... SOROS: Europe on the verge of collapse... 527,127 aliens overstayed work and tourist visas in 2015... Sessions: 'Tantamount to an Open Border'... Oldest Christian monastery in Iraq razed... Robots running your company 'within 10 years'... Global stock markets dive... World faces 'wave of epic debt defaults'... Oil Cheaper Than Barrel Comes In... Gallon Milk Worth Two of Crude... Canada Tops USA in 'Best Countries' Rankings... | Exorcism the latest big fad from Christendom... | By Pat Buchannan: "Trump repudiated all three pillars of Republican globalism: namely, military adventurism, immigration multiculturalism, and trade globalism..... " “Contrast where we were when Ronald Reagan went home, with where we are, and it is easy to understand the revolutions raging in both parties, Buchanan concludes. “America’s establishment has failed America. The single clearest message in the presidential campaign of 2015-2016 is that the American people would like to cleanse our capital city of its ruling class.”.... Buchanan observed that there is nothing about Bush Republicanism that is particularly attractive to American conservatives. He said, “After the judges and tax cuts, what is there about Bush that is conservative? His foreign policy is Wilsonian. His trade policy is pure FDR. His spending is LBJ all the way. His amnesty for illegals is Teddy Kennedy’s policy… In smearing as nativists, protectionists and isolationists those who wish to stop the invasion, halt the export of factories and jobs to Asia, and stop the unnecessary wars, Bush is attacking the last true conservatives in his party.” |
Star Wars Force Awakens | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2018 | 70 years from Statehood |
Is a "generation" 70 years?
from the fig tree learn her parable: when her branch is now become
tender, and putteth forth its leaves, ye know that the summer is nigh; 33even so ye also, when ye see all these things, know ye that he is nigh, even at the doors. 34Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass away, till all these things be accomplished. 35Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
41 years 8 mos for "one hour" of prophetic time would take us to about May June 2041 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2034 |
binding complete,
4th watch end
| NO. 57: GREATEST FAVOR - GREATEST TRANSGRESSIONJJH: As to religious systems after Armageddon, Brother Johnson tells us in E:16‑143‑144: “Worse famines and pestilences than those that accompanied the World War will come during Revolution. Its destructiveness of human life, property, comfort and health will be even greater than that of the World War (Jer.25:29‑33). And its end will witness the overthrow of every governmental, religious and aristocratic system on earth. (A _babe in the truth’ – especially Epiphany Truth – would know that we specifically stated that ‘another group’ of unscrupulous politicians would succeed the present governments, but this will be only a continuation of the Gentile rule; their lease has expired, but they will continue to rule until Completely evicted inAnarchy – JJH) ... Further from Reprints 5864 (top): “The ecclesiastical systems will, we believe, go into destruction first, according to the Bible. The fire will next affect the social and Industrial organization.” |
2018 is the shortest we might dare hope for as far as being near the end of anarchy, in order to see the completion of Jacob's Trouble at the end of this Anarchy. This date commends itself by being exactly 70 years [which is only one possible correct duration of what is a Scriptural "generation"] from 1948 Israel becomes a state, and a stage for Armageddon / Anarchy / Jacob's Trouble 2034 is more solidly based on the basic 40 year periods, arrived at using the four stages of 40 years each concept that I derived from the fact that Bro. Johnson explained the first stage of the binding as a period of time from 1874 to 1914, and also expected the next period to last from 1914 to 1954 for the "second stage" of the binding of Satan. Further study is of course ongoing.
2041 is the next
shortest time I might hope for as the end of the binding of the
Adversary, this chronology partly based on the 4 night watches of 41
years 8 mos each...2060 AD looks great for the final tearing down of Christendom because it's exactly 1260 years after 800 AD Charlamagne. I never heard that suggested by Bible Students before, as it likely seemed unthinkable things could take so long... RCB | AFTER Anarchy... Jacob's Trouble Phase 2 [Ezek 38 Finale'] E02 143 Satan, beholding these prosperous Israelites, and realizing that his days of mischief are about over, will, after anarchy has destroyed the future socialistic governments, in hatred against Israel stir up the anarchistic remnants of all nations to plunder the Israelites in Palestine. These plunderers, as described in Ezek. 38 and 39 and in Zech. 12: 1-9 and 14: 1-3, will be gathered by Satan from among all nations and will sorely afflict Israel in what the Bible calls Jacob's Trouble (Jer.30: 1-9). This will be a very severe trouble, according to the prophetic description given in the above citations, and will be Israel's final chastisement. It will effectually turn them to the Lord Jesus in thorough conversion, when they, in the complete overthrow of their plunderers by the Lord Jesus, will remember that their trouble and their troublers' overthrow were forecast to them by the Truth people. And their affliction and the overthrow of their anarchistic plunderers will be the last act of Satanic oppression as the god of this evil world. With that wicked effort his days as man's supreme oppressor will be over, for which we thank God. According to Rev. 20: 1-3, Satan will be bound and ... |
we keep watching... |
Here's what we think can be expected to occur, from Vol 4 "The Battle of Armageddon" by CTR
long cherished hopes of the Kingdom will meantime be reviving amongst
those who, from respect for the promises, shall have gathered to
Palestine. When to these the Ancient Worthies shall declare their
resurrection, and the form of righteous government to be established,
the plan will undoubtedly be promptly recognized as of the Lord, and
when they shall learn that the real Kingdom over them is the spiritual,
and that Jesus the crucified is the King, and mentally, with the eye of
faith, shall “look upon him whom they pierced”—then, “They shall mourn
for him, as one mourneth for his only son, and shall be in bitterness
for him as one that is in bitterness for his firstborn. In that day
there shall be a great mourning in Jerusalem.” And God “will pour upon
the house of David and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem the spirit of
grace and of supplication.”(Zech. 12:10,11)
news of the discomfiture of the hosts of Gog and Magog, and of the
wonderful deliverance of Israel from their enemies, will be speedily
followed by the news of the appearance of their renowned “fathers,”
resurrected, and the establishment of a government with these at its
head, and of the general conversion of Israel to the long rejected
Messiah. And no doubt much of this will pass for a fraud amongst
Gentiles: the Jews will be laughed at for being gullible, and the
Ancient Worthies will be classed as shrewd impostors.
the blessing from the reorganization of government under the new
auspices in Israel, will work such wonderful and rapid changes in
Israel’s welfare as will astonish the then anarchistic and discouraged
world, and lead many to think and to say—whether impostors or not, the
work of these men who claim to be the resurrected prophets is the very
one the world needs! Would to God they would take control of the whole
world, and bring order and peace out of our universal disorder. And then
they will send to have these wonderful “princes” extend everywhere
their government, their yoke of righteousness, seen to be so beneficial
to Israel. This is stated by the Prophet in the following words: “It shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain [Kingdom] of the Lord’s house shall be established in the top of the mountains [as a Kingdom above all kingdoms], and shall be exalted above the hills [the highest peaks]; and all nations shall flow unto it.
many people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain
[Kingdom] of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will
teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths. For out of Zion [the spiritual Kingdom—the glorified Christ, head and body] shall go forth the law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem [the seat of the earthly representative government in the hands of the “princes”]. And [previously—in the great Time of Trouble] he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people. And [as a result of the Lord’s rebukes and subsequently his law and Word] they
shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning
hooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they
learn war anymore.” (Isa. 2:2-4; Micah 4:1-4)
and from Bro. Johnson...
That the fire of our text is symbolic does not only follow from the fact that the heavens and earth that it devours are symbolic, and from the fact that it consists of worldwide war, revolution, anarchy, famine and pestilence, but also from the numerous other Scriptural figures used to designate the self-same destructive troubles. The following are the chief symbolic designations of these destructive troubles: a battle (Rev. 16: 14; Zeph. 3: 8; Is. 13: 4, 5), Armageddon (Rev.
16: 16), an earthquake (Rev. 16: 18; Heb. 12: 26), a whirlwind and a storm (Nah. 1: 3, 6, 7), a
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tempest of hail, a destroying storm and a flood of mighty waters (Is. 28: 2; Nah. 1: 4, 5, 8), the besom [broom] of destruction (Is. 14: 23), a furnace of fire (Matt. 13: 42), a lake of fire (Rev. 19: 20), the supper of the Great God (Rev. 19: 17), and a winepress (Rev. 14: 19). All of these figures expressive of destruction referring to the same thing as the fire of our text, conclusively prove that destruction is symbolized by the fire. Thus through the symbolic fire of the Great Tribulation will Satan's evil order of affairs—his world consisting of its symbolic heavens and earth—be burned up, be completely destroyed. Thus will end, never to arise again, the second world—this present evil world or order of affairs—with its symbolic heavens and earth, in anticipation of which let us thank and praise God.
That the fire of our text is symbolic does not only follow from the fact that the heavens and earth that it devours are symbolic, and from the fact that it consists of worldwide war, revolution, anarchy, famine and pestilence, but also from the numerous other Scriptural figures used to designate the self-same destructive troubles. The following are the chief symbolic designations of these destructive troubles: a battle (Rev. 16: 14; Zeph. 3: 8; Is. 13: 4, 5), Armageddon (Rev.
16: 16), an earthquake (Rev. 16: 18; Heb. 12: 26), a whirlwind and a storm (Nah. 1: 3, 6, 7), a
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tempest of hail, a destroying storm and a flood of mighty waters (Is. 28: 2; Nah. 1: 4, 5, 8), the besom [broom] of destruction (Is. 14: 23), a furnace of fire (Matt. 13: 42), a lake of fire (Rev. 19: 20), the supper of the Great God (Rev. 19: 17), and a winepress (Rev. 14: 19). All of these figures expressive of destruction referring to the same thing as the fire of our text, conclusively prove that destruction is symbolized by the fire. Thus through the symbolic fire of the Great Tribulation will Satan's evil order of affairs—his world consisting of its symbolic heavens and earth—be burned up, be completely destroyed. Thus will end, never to arise again, the second world—this present evil world or order of affairs—with its symbolic heavens and earth, in anticipation of which let us thank and praise God.
Lord is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them
that trust in him." But "who can stand before his indignation, and who
can abide in the fierceness of his anger? … He will make an utter end
[of iniquity]: oppression shall not rise up the second time."—Nah. 1: 7,
6, 9.
Thanks for reading, please feel free to comment and share.
Yours in Truth,
Regan Balman
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