Politically motivated mythology of "Palestine"Yes, the existence of a separate Palestinian
identity serves only tactical purposes. The
nding of a Palestinian state is a new tool
in the continuing battle against Israel ...
-- Zuheir Muhsin, late Military Department head
of the PLO and member of its Executive
Council, Dutch daily Trouw, March 1977
The Prophet Muhammad said, "War is deception
-al-Bukhari, al-Jami al Sahih
Although a politically based mythology has grown up around and smothered, the documented past of the land known as "Palestine," there is recognition among preeminent scholars of what one of them has called "the more chauvinist Arab version of the region's history as having begun with the Arabs and Islam."1
The claim that Arab-Muslim "Palestinians" were "emotionally tied" to "their own plot of land in Palestine" -- based upon a "consistent presence" on "Arab" land for "thousands of years"2 -- is an important part of that recent mythology.
It was contrived of late in a thus far successful Orwellian propaganda effort-an appeal to the emotions that would "counter Zionism" and that "serves" tactical purposes as a new tool in the continuing battle against Israel," as the late PLO official Muhsin stated candidly in an interview, quoted at the beginning of this chapter.
In order to understand how that tool, aided by a general near-ignorance of the "unrelenting past," has distorted the perception of the present, a look at the "yesterday" of "Palestine" is necessary.
The inspection will be focused upon completing a circle-tracing the actual conditions and events that have been glossed over or omitted from the dialogue about the Arab-Israeli conflict; they are conditions and events that shaped the real political, economic, and demographic circumstances in the area. Those circumstances in turn critically affected what "justice" really consists of-for the Jewish and Arab refugees, or the "Palestinian Problem"-for the Arab-Israeli conflict. Illuminating that situation reveals and fills in the chasm between the documented facts and the Arab claims, and gives perspective to those contentions and assumptions that have become key in interpreting what is "just" for the population in question today.
"The only Arab domination since the Conquest in 635 A.D. hardly lasted, as such, 22 years...," the Muslim chairman of the Syrian Delegation attested in his remarks to the Paris Peace Conference in February 1919.3
The British Palestine Royal Commission reported in 1937 that "it is time, surely, that Palestinian 'citizenship' . . . should be recognized as what it is, as nothing but a legal formula devoid of moral meaning."4
That the claim of "age-old Arab Palestinian rights to Arab Palestine" is contradicted by history has been pointed out by eminent historians and Arabists.
According to the Reverend James Parkes, "The Land was named Palestina by he Romans to eradicate all trace of its Jewish history..."
It may seem inappropriate to have devoted so much time to "a situation which passed away two thousand years ago." But it is only politically that the defeat by Rome, and the scattering of the Jewish population, made a decisive change in the history of The Land. That which had been created by more than a thousand years of Jewish history [a thousand years before A.D. 135] remained, as did that which was beginning to be created in the thoughts of the young Christian Church.5
Many authorities have addressed the misconceptions surrounding the word Palestine. The name derived from "other migrants from the northwest, the Philistines. Though the latest arrivals, and though they only exercised control over the whole country for a few uncertain decades, they had been the cause of its name of Palestine. These Philistines were an Aegean people, driven out of Greece and Aegean islands around about 1300 B.C.E. They moved southward along the Asiatic coast and in about 1200 attempted to invade Egypt. Turned back, they settled in the maritime plain of southern 'Palestine', where they founded a series of city-states."6
According to Bernard Lewis, an eminent authority, "The word Palestine does not occur in the Old Testament. . . . Palestine does not occur in the New Testament at all."
The official adoption of the name Palestine in Roman usage to designate the territories of the former Jewish principality of Judea seems to date from after the suppression of the great Jewish revolt of Bar-Kokhba in the year 135 C.E.... it would seem that the name Judea was abolished ... and the country renamed Palestine or Syria Palestina, with the ... intention of obliterating its historic Jewish identity. The earlier name did not entirely disappear, and as late as the 4th century C.E. we still find a Christian author, Epiphanius, referring to "Palestine, that is, Judea."
As many, including Professor Lewis, have pointed out, "From the end of the Jewish state in antiquity to the beginning of British rule, the area now designated by the name Palestine was not a country and had no frontiers, only administrative boundaries; it was a group of provincial subdivisions, by no means always the same, within a larger entity.7 [See the map of "Ancient Palestine" in Appendix I"
In other words, it appears that Palestine never was an independent nation and the Arabs never named the land to which they now claim rights. Most Arabs do not admit so candidly that "Palestinian identity" is a maneuver "only for political reasons" as did Zuheir Muhsin. But the Arab world, until recently, itself frequently negated the validity of any claim of an "age-old Palestinian Arab" identity.
The Arabs in Judah-cum-Palestine were regarded either as members of a "pan-Arab nation," as a Muslim community, or, in a tactical ploy, as "Southern Syrians."8 The beginning article of a 1919 Arab Covenant proposed by the Arab Congress in Jerusalem stated that "The Arab lands are a complete and indivisible whole, and the divisions of whatever nature to which they have been subjected are not approved nor recognized by the Arab nation."9 In the same year, the General Syrian Congress had the opposite view; it expressed eagerness to stress an exclusively Syrian identity: "We ask that there should be no separation of the southern part of Syria, known as Palestine . . .'10 The Arab historian George Antonius delineated Palestine in 1939 as part of "the whole of the country of th name [Syria] which is now split up into mandated territories..."11 As late a the 1950s, there was still a schizoid pattern to the Arab views. In 1951, the Constitution of the Arab Ba'ath Party stated:
The Arabs form one nation. This nation has the natural right to live in a single state and to be free to direct its own destiny ... to gather all the Arabs in a single independent Arab state.12
A scant five years later, a Saudi Arabian United Nations delegate in 1956 asserted that "It is common knowledge that Palestine is nothing but Southern Syria."13 In 1974, Syria's President Assad, although a PLO supporter, incorporated both claims in a remarkable definition:
... Palestine is not only a part of our Arab homeland, but a basic part of southern Syria." 14
The one identity never seriously considered until the 1967 Six-Day War -- and then only as a "tool" -- was an "Arab Palestinian" one, and the absence was not merely disregard. Clearly there was no such age-old or even century-old "national identity." According to the British Palestine Royal Commission Report,
In the twelve centuries or more that have passed since the Arab conquest Palestine has virtually dropped out of history.... In economics as in politics Palestine lay outside the main stream of the world's life. In the realm of thought, in science or in letters, it made no contribution to modem civilization. Its last state was worse than its first.15
1 . P.J. Vatikiotis, Nasser and His Generation (London, 1978), p. 254.
2. Thames Television Series, London, "Palestine," aired in the United States January February, 1979.
3. Minutes of the Supreme Council, in D.H. Miller, My Diary at the Conference of Paris, 22 vols. (New York, 1924), vol. 14, p. 405
4. Palestine Royal Commission Report, Command Paper # 5479,1937, p. 120, para. 14.
6. Ibid., p. 17.
7.Bernard Lewis, "The Palestinians and the PLO, a Historical Approach," Commentary, January 1975, p. 32-48.
8. Yehoshua Porath, "Social Aspects of the Emergence of the Palestinian National Movement," in Society and Political Structure in the Arab World, M. Milson, ed. (New York, 1973), pp. 101, 107, 119.
9. Marie Syrkin, "Palestinian Nationalism: Its Development and Goal," in Michael Curtis et al., eds., The Palestinians: People, History, Politics (New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Books, 1975), p. 200. Syrkin found that Haj Amin al-Husseini-the notorious Mufti of Jerusalem himself - "originally opposed the Palestine Mandate because it separated Palestine from Syria." Ibid.
10. Ibid. According to Neville Mandel, Arabs and Zionism Before World War I (Berkeley, 1976), p. 152, n. 49: "After World War 1, when the nature of an independent Arab state and it's component parts were being discussed, the term 'Greater Syria' was advanced to embrace the Fertile Crescent and its desert hinterland. Palestine, as an integral part of that area, was dubbed 'Southern Syria.' But these terms were not in use in 1913 and 1914, when very few nationalists contemplated complete Arab independence."
11. George Antonius, The Arab Awakening. The Story of the Arab National Movement (Philadelphia, New York, Toronto: J.B. Lippincott, 1939), p. 15, n.1; also see Mandel, Arabs and Zionism, pp. 151-153.
12. The Balath Party "describes itself as a 'national, popular revolutionary movement fighting for Arab unity, Freedom and Socialism,"' in 1951. Syrkin, "Nationalism," in Curtis et al., Palestinians; p. 200; also see Menahem Milson, "Medieval and Modem Intellectual Traditions in the Arab World," in Daedalus, Summer 1972, particularly pp. 24-26; Michel Aflaq, prominent Ba'athist and Christian, on Arab Nationalism, cited in Milson, above; also see Aflaq, Fi Sabil al Baath (Arabic) Beirut, 1962 (3rd printing), cited in Milson, p. 26; also see Albert Hourani, Arabic Thought in the Liberal Age 1798-1939 (London: Oxford, 1962), particularly p. 301.
13. Ahmed Shukeiry, as head of the PLO, to Security Council on May 31, 1956, cited by Syrkin in "Nationalism," in Curtis et al., Palestinians, p. 201.
14. President Hafez Assad of Syria, Radio Damascus, March 8, 1974.
15. Palestine Royal Commission Report, Chapter 1, p. 6, para. 11.
This page was produced by Joseph E. Katz
Middle Eastern Political and Religious History Analyst
Brooklyn, New York
Source: "From Time Immemorial" by Joan Peters, 1984, a national
Israelophobia is the product of twenty centuries of Jew-hatred
[Summary: Contemporary anti-Zionism is the inevitable outgrowth of two thousand years of very deep-seated Judeophobia. The injustices suffered by the State of Israel is a continuation of the theology of contempt, which spans nearly two millennia. Twenty-first century anti-Zionism may not always driven by Christian Jew-hatred, yet centuries of Christian vilification, plus the importation of Islamic anti-Semitism, have provided the foundation for attacks on Israel.]
By Richard Mather
I have just finished re-reading Dan Cohn-Sherbok’s The Crucified Jew, which documents in horrific detail twenty centuries of Christian anti-Semitism from the era of the Gospels to the Holocaust. Although he doesn’t progress much beyond the Shoah, it takes no leap of the imagination to conclude that contemporary Israelophobia is the inevitable outgrowth of two thousand years of very deep-seated Judeophobia.
Israelophobes might say there’s a difference between pre-Holocaust anti-Semitism and post-Holocaust anti-Zionism, but there isn’t. Anti-Zionism is a continuation of Jew-hatred by other means. The assertion that anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism are qualitatively different is a ruse designed to legitimise Jew-hatred and delegitimise the State of Israel. In truth, European anti-Zionism preceded the creation of Israel by several decades. In 1911-1912, British journalists began a campaign accusing “Zionists” of fomenting the Turkish Revolution. Back then, anti-Zionism wasn’t about Israel but a paranoid reaction to a rumours of a worldwide Jewish conspiracy. It had nothing to with settlements or the Palestinians. After World War One, anti-Semitic French Catholics were lamenting the possibility of the Holy Land falling “under the domination of the Jews.” Again, no mention of the Palestinians.
In other words, anti-Zionism existed long before the Palestinian problem, which didn’t become an issue until after the 1967 Six-Day War. Anti-Zionism and Israelophobia are variants on an ancient theme. It is the prolongation of a prejudice that inspired the blood libel, the Inquisition, the pogroms, the Dreyfus Affair and the Holocaust. Given Europe’s history, it would be more surprising if Israelophobia wasn’t a regular occurrence in the twenty-first century.
Throughout the ages, Jew-hatred has taken on different forms at different times. At times Jew-hatred has been religious in nature; other times it has been motivated by race or economics. All of these variants have one thing in common: demonisation, which in colloquial usage refers to propaganda or moral panic directed against any individual or group; more literally it is the imputing of diabolical influences. As A. Jay Adler has stated, the demonised are “made malevolent beyond the pale: outsider, foreigner, witch, blasphemer, even literally an alien – somehow dehumanised.”
Most sane people in the West no longer believe Jews are guilty of deicide (killing God). Nor do they believe that Jews perform ritual murders of Christian children to make unleavened bread, or that they spread plague or poison wells, although these beliefs are still common in the Muslim world. Nobody believes that Jewish men menstruate. But once upon a time Europeans subscribed to some, or all, of these absurd beliefs. In fact, the blood libel was still widely believed in Poland after the Second World War and was the cause of a massacre of Jews in 1946.
Now, instead of deicide, Jews are charged with the genocide of a fictional country called Palestine. Instead of ritual murder, Jews are charged with killing Palestinian babies and harvesting organs. Instead of the plague, Jews are accused of spreading AIDS among Arabs in Judea and Samaria. I don’t think there is a modern equivalent of male menstruation, although cartoon images of Benjamin Netanyahu and Ariel Sharon gorging themselves on blood comes close. In the twenty-first century, Europeans subscribe to some, or all, of these absurd beliefs. The long tradition in the West of Adversus Judaeos (“Against the Jews/Judeans”) continues in the guise of anti-Zionism.
It’s true that Europeans no longer expel Jews or put them in ghettos or issue decrees forbidding Jews to do X or Y. But it is the case that Europeans boycott Israeli products, scapegoat hundreds of thousands of so-called settlers in Judea-Samaria, and call for Israel to be expelled from the family of nations. Likewise, Europeans have largely rejected Christian anti-Semitism, only to embrace Islamic anti-Semitism, which is just as virulent and nasty. Thanks to the internet, we have a cross-pollination of European and Muslim Jew-hatred, with anti-Semitic memes, ideas, images and conspiracy theories criss-crossing the globe at breakneck speed. As a consequence, there is little difference in the nature of Jew-hatred in Syria and Sweden, Iraq and Ireland, Jordan and Germany. Call it Euro-Islamic anti-Semitism.
Anti-Zionism is the superstition par excellence of the post-Holocaust era; the latest neurosis to afflict the planet. Perhaps in the year 2150, historians will look back on these times and wonder how it was possible that people actually believed the State of Israel was a bloodthirsty, genocidal, colonial power, when all the facts and evidence clearly show the opposite to be true. After all, historians look back on medieval anti-Semitism and ascribe Judeophobia to superstition, religious intolerance and economic jealousy. Historians never say that medieval Jews or the victims of the Shoah were to blame for the persecution they suffered, so maybe one day the State of Israel will also be exonerated.
The trouble is that like the anti-Semites of old, the contemporary anti-Zionist is immune to facts and statistics. As George Orwell said, “If you dislike somebody, you dislike him and there is an end of it: your feelings are not made any better by a recital of his virtues.”
Orwell makes an interesting point. Anti-Semitism has always been an emotional or neurotic condition in which the individual or group in question loses contact with reality and is impervious to logic. The emotional attachment to hating Israel must be maintained by the anti-Zionist at all costs, otherwise their worldview is at serious risk of collapse. People who comfort themselves with inadequate or wrong answers to the questions of life usually end up acting out their problems in the guise of irrational fixations.
Of course, anti-Zionists never tire of telling us that some Jews are also opposed to Zionism. Ergo (they argue) this is proof that anti-Zionism does not equal anti-Semitism. But this overlooks the long history of Jewish apostasy. It used to be the case that some Jews would convert to Christianity and write long diatribes against the rabbis or petition the Pope to ban the Talmud. But this does not prove that Christian Jew-haters were right just because a handful of Jewish renegades fanatically denounced their former religion. All it means is that Jews are just as capable as anyone else of betrayal and opportunism. The modern-day phenomenon of the self-hating Israeli/anti-Zionist Jew is part of a long tradition of cosying up to the gentile majority and it does not exonerate anti-Zionist gentiles from the charge of anti-Semitism.
Jewish apostates aside, the non-Jewish world can’t be trusted to slay its own anti-Semitic demon (despite the horrors of the pogroms and the Holocaust). Islamic anti-Semitism and the West’s capitulation to Muslim Jew-hatred is proof enough. Who can we trust? Our friends today may be our enemies tomorrow. Shifting political allegiances may shift again. That is why the State of Israel’s military strength is essential because it is the one thing that stands in the way of the anti-Zionists whose ultimate intention is the utter destruction of the Jewish state and the genocide or expulsion of millions of Israeli Jews. Thanks to the men and women of the IDF, the security and intelligence services, as well defensive systems such as the Iron Dome and the Samson Option, the world is no longer in an easy position where it can eradicate Judaism or the Jewish people – not without paying a very high price, anyway.
So even though Europe in particular, and the world in general, have reverted to anti-Semitic type, the bulk of the Jewish people have taken it upon themselves to ensure that “Never Again” really does mean “Never Again.” For the first time in history the Jews are not helpless. We may be alone. But we’re not helpless. That is something that the nations will have to accept. The Jews, and the Jewish state of Israel, are enduring features on the world’s landscape. There is no going back.
The Jews and the Khazars
Fact Paper 23
The primitive Rus tribes thus became heir to the industrial, technological and commercial development that took place under the Judaic/Khazar state over the course of three centuries. The presence of residual communities of Jews in Kiev and elsewhere in the Ukraine and southern Russia were tolerated, inasmuch as they were essential for maintaining the industries they had established and for bringing wealth into the region with the commercial ties they had likewise established. In Perislavl and Cernigov major Jewish enclaves continued to carry on crafts and commerce. The multiplicity of Khazar and Judaic eponymic names of ancient towns of western Russia testify dramatically to a continuous and pervasive Judaic presence: Zydowo, Kozarzewk, Kozara, Kozarzow, Zhydowska Vola, Zydaticze, to mention but a few.
The Jews were understandably uncomfortable under the hegemony of the Rus. A movement of Jews into Silesia (now Poland) and western Russia ensued, enticed into the region by a newly rising class of feudal noblemen. At this time the Polish nation was formed, and the Jews were central to its formation. The Polish, Ukrainian, and Russian nobility, eager to obtain industries and develop commerce, proffered refuge to the Jews escaping Western European and Byzantine persecution and created an environment in which a new social structure developed, the shtetl civilization, a fully articulated nation within a nation.
A rich store of early Polish legends exists, persistent despite having been regarded as next to blasphemous by churchmen and as bourgeois Zionist [!] propaganda by the Soviets. The very creation of the Polish nation is attributed in these folk tales to a legendary Jew, Abraham Prokownik. The Polans were the mightiest of several Slavonic tribes who formed an alliance around the year 962. Concluding that they needed a king capable of creating a viable state, the "Slav backwoodsmen" elected Abraham to that office. "Abraham, with unwonted modesty, resigned the crown, in favor of a peasant named Piast, who thus became the founder of the historic Piast dynasty which ruled Poland from circa 962 to 1370."14
The culturally and economically underdeveloped Silesian region eagerly welcomed Judaic craftsmen and merchants of all sorts from Germany, Armenia and Khazaria. The Jews were granted extraordinary privileges. The Jewish towns, large and small, became bustling craft centers and trading posts from which the people of the surrounding hinterlands obtained local and imported products. Fairs were regularly held in which farm products, timber, products manufactured in the towns and in rural cottage industries and imported wares were exchanged. The local trade centers were integrated into a free market network which spanned across the borders of the regional fiefs of the noblemen. The metal working acumen of the Jews provided them with the obligation of minting coins for most of the rulers of central Europe, a discipline that remained in Judaic hands over many centuries. Polish silver coins of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries bear Polish inscriptions in Hebrew lettering.
"These coins are the final evidence for the spreading of the Hebrew script from Khazaria to the neighboring Slavonic countries. The use of these coins was not related to any question of religion. They were minted because many of the Polish people were more used to this type of script than to the Roman script, not considering that it was particularly Jewish."15

From an embroidered reproduction of a famous scroll painting, Riverside Scene at Clear and Bright Festival Time, by Zhang Zeduan, 12th century.
Among the Jews there were those who served the nobility as physicians, managers of estates, accountants, tax collectors, and bankers; but by far the vast majority were blacksmiths, gold- and silver-smiths, jewelers, millers, tailors, millwrights, bakers, tanners, textile manufacturers, candlestick makers and most other skilled trades; they were scribes who wrote letters for the essentially illiterate indigenous populace; they ran the inns at which merchant/travelers found respite; they were the carters who brought the local goods to market and ranged abroad for goods produced in neighboring shtetls and from other countries; they were bards, itinerant story tellers, and troupes of actors and musicians.
Among these artisans and entrepreneurs were the Judaic glassworkers. After its appearance across the Caucasus, the art spread up the Volga, Dan, Dnieper, Dniester and Danube river routes coincident with the advance of Judaic/Khazar civilization. By 1964 Russian archaeologists had confirmed eleven glassworking sites in Kievan Khazaria "notably at Kiev, Cernogov, Kolodjajin, Kostroma, Novgorod and others.16 All the sites lie along established Judaic/Khazar trade routes
From Kiev and its outlying towns the art advanced to Novgorod and finally into Silesia (Poland). The Khazars had penetrated northwest to Grodno. Lithuania, the Slavic city in which a Judaic glassworks was established in the late ninth or early tenth century. Documentation of that event is contained in the famous Judaic libraries assembled by the Jewish Barons Gunzberg and Polakoff. Both libraries were confiscated by the Bolsheviks and stored away in the Hermitage in Leningrad.17
The glassmakers continued to operate in the region after the defeat of the Khazar state. The Silesian barons enticed the glassmakers with forest privileges and sundry other inducements to encourage the immigration of these artisans into their fiefs. One of the oldest was uncovered at Wolin, dating to the first half of the tenth century. That facility was followed by others at Opole, Niemeza Sl. Wroclaw, Kruswica, Miedzyrzecz Wielkapolski.
The region's economy prospered, and the position of the Jews was solidified by King Boleslav the Pious, with a charter in 1264; it became the model for securing Jewish freedom of opportunity and security from molestation.
How is it, therefore, that so many hundreds of years of the advance of civilization into central Europe is virtually absent from modern historiography?
The final obliteration of this glorious history was perpetrated in Stalinist Russia.
The Distortion of History
Pre-Soviet Russian sources were unequivocal regarding the advanced status of Judaic/Khazar civilization and the beneficial influence it exercised on the evolution of the Russian nation. In 1798 Miranovich cited documents which recorded the ninth-century activity of a substantial and thriving Judaic/Khazar community in Kiev, documents which disappeared during the Soviet period. The documents detailed the seminal role of the Khazars in the development of commerce and particularly in the importing of big fish, caviar and salt, exchanged for furs and other products of the aboriginal Rus and other northern tribes.18 The earliest Soviet Russian histories likewise credited both the Khazars and the Jews with playing a seminal part in pre-Russian and proto-Russian development. Typical of the early Soviet historical renditions is that of the Professor Artamonov, whose book expounded on the progressive cultural influence the Jews had exerted upon the uncultivated Northmen. Artamonov expanded on the Jewish role in propelling the tiny village of Kiev into the great commercial and administrative center which subsequently became the capital of Russia. Artamonov presented this history at a session of the Department of History and Philosophy at the USSR Academy of Sciences in 1952. He was subjected to a vicious attack in Pravda:
"The idealization of the Khazar kingdom reflects a manifest survival of the defective lies of the bourgeois historians who belittled the indigenous development of the Russian people. The erroneousness of the concept is evident. Such a conception cannot be accepted by Soviet historiography."1`9
A shameful campaign of calumny against Artamonov ensued. His magnum opus, History of the Khazars, apparently in preparation when Pravda and the Stalinists struck, was not published until ten years later. It was an adulterated version which carried a recantation in its final section which amounted to a denial of all that went before - and indeed of the author's life-work:
"The majority [of the Khazars] merged with other peoples and the minority, settling in Itil, lost its nationality and turned into a parasitic class with a Jewish coloration... From the Itil Khazars the Russians took nothing. Thus also by the way the militant Khazar Judaism was treated by other peoples connected with it: the Magyars, Bulgars, Pechangs, Alans, and Polovians. These insignificant eastern elements in Rus culture which were passed down by the Khazars... did not penetrate into the heart of Russian culture, but remained on the surface and were of small significance."
Another Russian historian, Krachovski, suffered similar abuse. In 1939 Krachovski reviewed the documents of Ibn Fadlan, written by that Arab traveler about an extended sojourn in Atil (Itil), one of the major Khazar cities at the delta of the Volga River. "In one part," Fadlan reported, "live Muslims and in the other part the Khazar king and his entourage. The Khazars and their king are all Jews, the Slavs (as-Sakaliba) and their neighbors obey the Khazar king submissively." The mere mention of such historical documents was deemed by the Soviet hierarchy as the fulminations of a renegade flouting the party line.
The remnants of even greater and more significant city of Sarkal, the main fortress and headquarters of the Khazar nation, have since been demolished. Russian diffidence regarding Khazar historiography came painfully into evidence when investigation into the site gave way to callous industrialization. Little protest and no effort at preservation or rescue was made when a dam was built and the entire city was inundated. "The famous fortress and priceless archaeological site... was submerged in the Timslansk reservoir, adjoining the Volga-Dan Canal."20
The "idealization of the Khazars' was condemned and the "autochthonous Slavic tribes" (Great Russians) were extolled as "the real creators of the Russian State structure and culture." This rendition of history was formally rendered obligatory at the Thirteenth International Congress of Historians held in Moscow in 1970. The historians who had written on Khazar history were required to write retractions of their "spurious claim" that the Russians had built upon the foundation laid by the Khazars and to admit that the Jewish religion had corrupted the Khazar elite by turning them to parasitic trade and enrichment. The doctrine was termed the "Solution of the Khazar Problem."
Russian ethnography was welded to "Soviet Patriotism," a euphemism for the Stalinist party line. The position had to be adhered to by all who wished to avoid the Siberian Gulag. It had an equally disastrous effect upon archaeological research; an archaeologist's reports had to conform to Stalinist doctrine.
How strange and patently ironic is the opposite, no less vehemently vindictive tack taken by American right-wingers, one of whom lamented that communism was the creation of Judaized Khazars, "for the Babylonian Talmud had taught them to accept authoritarian dictation on everything from their immorality to their trade practices," and that the insidious Khazar subversives had "infiltrated the Democratic party and were in high positions in the American, British, and French governments."
It was not only the ethnocentric Stalinist doctrines which reduced the Khazars to a "small parasitic group of bourgeois decadents" who contributed so little to Russian culture and history that they are hardly worth mentioning. There are a number of pan-Arabic renditions which aim at proving that the Jews stem from a nation of 10,000,000 Asian Tatars to substantiate the argument that since modern Jews did not originate in the Kingdom of Judah they were not Semites and had no inherent claim to Israel.21
This view found support in the United Nations. Sir Abdul Rahman, representing India, opposed the partition of Palestine, arguing that Zionist claims to a homeland were invalid because its proponents were racially unqualified. He argued that the Jew's claim of returning to the land of their ancestors cannot be made by people of the Turco-Finn race who had converted to Judaism about 690 A.D.22
The Jews have become inured to being the butt of extremists from the right, the left, and the center. They are regularly condemned with the same breath for being usurious capitalists and radical communists; for adopting worldly atheism, and otherworldly orthodoxy; for being endogamous and internationalists.
It is evident that Khazar historiography has suffered the same obfuscation as has affected that of the Jews. Account must be taken not merely of the obliteration of traces of Judaic and/or Khazar contributions by the Byzantines and their lackeys, the Rus and the Magyars, but of the swath of destruction wreaked by the Mongols as they swept through the region shortly after the Byzantines obliterated the Khazar state. The Crusaders likewise ravaged through the East, employing the cross to capture treasure and territory. The Inquisition wrought its havoc upon history, and the hierarchy of the reformation was no less intent upon deleting references to positive contributions to civilization by the Jews. Truth must be culled out from between the distortions of the promulgators of a wholly Arabic Near-East, and by the rabid McCarthyites and their successors. The process was epitomized by the Nazis, whose professed intent was to wipe out the Jews along with their history. Last, but not the least, were the abject Stalinist conformists who were required to substitute Russian nationalism for scientific objectivity. The latter were the most destructive of Khazar history, for most of the relics of that history lie within Russia's borders, and recovery is affected by a doctrine that persists despite the passage of its promulgator.
- See HHF Fact paper 3: The Silk Route; A Judaic Odyssey. Fact Papers 3 and 23 are largely digests of chapters 8 and 10 in Samuel Kurinsky, The Glassmakers; an Odyssey of the Jews, Hippocrene Books, 1991., in which a more extensive Bibliography and references is provided.
The Jews and the Khazars
Fact Paper 23
It's an old and tired claim, that the "real" Jews were the Germans, and their efforts to destroy the "false" Jews in the Holocaust (which they say never happened) was really just weeding out the imposters!
Like many lies, this one is built on small kernels of truth. One small kernel has been blown into this what is known to be only a THEORY.
Beware of pro-Arab, pro-Nazi, pro-Stalinist, and Christian replacement theology PROPAGANDA!
"It was not only the ethnocentric Stalinist doctrines which reduced the Khazars to a "small parasitic group of bourgeois decadents" who contributed so little to Russian culture and history that they are hardly worth mentioning. There are a number of pan-Arabic renditions which aim at proving that the Jews stem from a nation of 10,000,000 Asian Tatars to substantiate the argument that since modern Jews did not originate in the Kingdom of Judah they were not Semites and had no inherent claim to Israel.21
This view found support in the United Nations. Sir Abdul Rahman, representing India, opposed the partition of Palestine, arguing that Zionist claims to a homeland were invalid because its proponents were racially unqualified. He argued that the Jew's claim of returning to the land of their ancestors cannot be made by people of the Turco-Finn race who had converted to Judaism about 690 A.D.22
The Jews have become inured to being the butt of extremists from the right, the left, and the center. They are regularly condemned with the same breath for being usurious capitalists and radical communists; for adopting worldly atheism, and otherworldly orthodoxy; for being endogamous and internationalists. "
from http://www.hebrewhistory.org/factpapers/khazars23.html
Some more:
It was not only the ethnocentric Stalinist doctrines which reduced the Khazars to a "small parasitic group of bourgeois decadents" who contributed so little to Russian culture and history that they are hardly worth mentioning. There are a number of pan-Arabic renditions which aim at proving that the Jews stem from a nation of 10,000,000 Asian Tatars to substantiate the argument that since modern Jews did not originate in the Kingdom of Judah they were not Semites and had no inherent claim to Israel.21
This view found support in the United Nations. Sir Abdul Rahman, representing India, opposed the partition of Palestine, arguing that Zionist claims to a homeland were invalid because its proponents were racially unqualified. He argued that the Jew's claim of returning to the land of their ancestors cannot be made by people of the Turco-Finn race who had converted to Judaism about 690 A.D.22
The Jews have become inured to being the butt of extremists from the right, the left, and the center. They are regularly condemned with the same breath for being usurious capitalists and radical communists; for adopting worldly atheism, and otherworldly orthodoxy; for being endogamous and internationalists.
Hear Octaman Defend Israel on INFOWARS
The Controversy of Zion
January 31, 2002 from "Present Truth Forum" message board...
Dear Faisal,
Always a pleasure.
As long as the peace that you are trying to impose is not pr-Zionist well, I am capable of it.
I hate to break it to you, but God is a Pro Zionist.
"Out of ZION shall go forth the law, and the Word of the Lord from Jerusalem, and He shall judge among the nations." Isaiah 2:3
You missed the point. Are you not the one who is quoting Bush’s statements?
I'm amazed at your take on my post. To any fair minded reader it is quite evident that mine was a scathing rebuttal of President Bush. You seem to think it was some kind of statement of support! I have no idea how you can see it that way. The title alone says that my post was very opposed to Bush's statements.
If supporting the Coming Kingdom of God means the killing of Palestinians, then I don’t support it.
Whatever gave you that idea? Bush's speech offered them a state, and demanded Israeli withdrawal. I am against both of these ideas, but neither he nor I said anything about killing Palestinians. The Kingdom of God promises peace and eternal life to all who are willing, Jew and Arab alike.
Funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! “Grand Mufti gave the Nazis the very concept of "the final solution." Show me one document to support your lack of Christian Ethics (lies).
The facts of history are known. Usually I don't read web sites for such facts,preferring books, such as Ramon Bennet's "The Wall", or "Secret War Against the Jews" by Loftus and Aarons, among other fine works. However a simple search at google.com for the words "Arafat Eichmann Mufti Husseini Final Solution" reveals the following information for your benefit:
linked ... for your convenience, as a prime example of the facts, which I hope you are interested in...
And how many times do we have to say that a Semite cannot be anti-Semite?
Most people know and understand that the modern use of the term "anti-semitism" means specifically "anti-Jewish." My use of the term corresponds accordingly with this useage.
But, does it say that the Jews have the right for the Land eternally!!!
Yes, the Bible does state this emphatically:
Amo 9:14 And I will bring again the captivity of my people of Israel, and they shall build the waste cities, and inhabit [them]; and they shall plant vineyards, and drink the wine thereof; they shall also make gardens, and eat the fruit of them.
Amo 9:15 And I will plant them upon their land, and they shall no more be pulled up out of their land which I have given them, saith the LORD thy God.
Eze 36:10 And I will multiply men upon you, all the house of Israel, [even] all of it: and the cities shall be inhabited, and the wastes shall be builded:
Eze 36:11 And I will multiply upon you man and beast; and they shall increase and bring fruit: and I will settle you after your old estates, and will do better [unto you] than at your beginnings: and ye shall know that I [am] the LORD.
Eze 36:12 Yea, I will cause men to walk upon you, [even] my people Israel; and they shall possess thee, and thou shalt be their inheritance, and thou shalt no more henceforth bereave them [of men].
Eze 36:13 Thus saith the Lord GOD; Because they say unto you, Thou [land] devourest up men, and hast bereaved thy nations;
Eze 36:14 Therefore thou shalt devour men no more, neither bereave thy nations any more, saith the Lord GOD.
Eze 36:15 Neither will I cause [men] to hear in thee the shame of the heathen any more, neither shalt thou bear the reproach of the people any more, neither shalt thou cause thy nations to fall any more, saith the Lord GOD.
Israel simply was NOT the first major empire in Palestine. Hence, they have no claim to the land in the year 2002.
Your position is bizarre to say the least. To call oneself a Christian, and then to arbitrarily assign the Holy Land to the "first major empire in Palestine" simply on the merit of being first, regardless of what God says in His Word, is unconscionable, and also imposible, because "Babylon" was the first, and it is also no longer in existence!
"But God has given Israel to the Jews"... no, that is wrong. This is speaking of a future event.
Interesting. Now you are saying that the Jews DO have a right to the land? My it is difficult to understand your viewpoint. Regardless of when, we apparently both agree as to who will be in the land after all. Therefore I fail to understand your hostility toward me.
Since 70 AD, Israel’s house has lain DESOLATE, after Yahweh’s judgment fell upon Jerusalem and initiated the Diaspora. IF modern-day Israel is a chosen people, why on the Temple Mount do TWO Muslim mosques stand?
They were built during times of conquest. That does not mean they will last forever. NOW is the very time when the Jews are being regathered, as the Bible says:
Eze 39:27 When I have brought them again from the people, and gathered them out of their enemies' lands, and am sanctified in them in the sight of many nations;
Eze 39:28 Then shall they know that I [am] the LORD their God, which caused them to be led into captivity among the heathen: but I have gathered them unto their own land, and have left none of them any more there.
IF modern-day Israel is a chosen people, why are they largely an atheistic, secular police-state, who could care less about their lineage of Prophets; who give no mind to the Law Yahweh established for them on Mount Sinai?
While I disagree with your assessment of the character of the state of Israel, I will allow it and answer it with this:
Rom 11:25 ... blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in.
IF modern-day Israel is a chosen people, why are they led by a genuine war criminal, and have been led by war criminals in the past? Israel of 2002 is apostate, plain and simple.
I completely disagree with these false accusations and your final assessment.
Yahweh WILL save them one day as is written, but only as a display of His abundant mercies, not because Israel is a shining example of a "good and decent religious community".
This is absolutely correct.
The Kingdom of God is OPEN to all. That’s what the Bible says.
This is absolutely correct.
[Previously quoted text]
Jer 23:7 Therefore, behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that they shall no more say, The LORD liveth, which brought up the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt;
Jer 23:8 But, The LORD liveth, which brought up and which led the seed of the house of Israel out of the north country, and from all countries whither I had driven them; and they shall dwell in their own land.
Yes typical. There are some Christians that live with the Old Testament not the New One.
And there are some Christians who accept and live with BOTH, and find them in complete harmony.
I also must clue you in on a little history: Arab rule over "Palestine" as it was re-named by previous Roman conquerors, ended with the fall of the Ottoman empire after WWI. All the facts of history as well as all of God's Scriptures are against you! The Arabs only controled the land for a little more than 300 years throughout the centuries.
Palestine was named after Canaanites. Your selective memory has totally ignored Canaanites. For your information, Canaanites & Arabs ( both are Samies) descend from the same area in modern day Yemen. You may get offended, but Canaanite are the first to settle in Jerusalem & they called it 'ILYA (not Alya) after one of their Gods (it was not Allah at the time). Palestas (Greek tribe from Creet which means a "Fighter" by the way) invaded Palestine, & mostly settled in the coastal area like Gaza, Lydda, & some areas in the North of Palestine like Jinin (Greek name by the way too). So that is how the west knew Palestine, after the Greek Palestas (fighters).
Faisal, regardless of the roots of the modern Palestinians, who claim conflicting ancestry, such as the untrue claim to being descendants of the Philistines, the fact remains that the God of the Bible TOLD the Hebrews to conquer the land of Caanan. The Jews have roots in the land that go back to Genesis 15. God commanded the Hebrews to take the land, and they were punished for not doing it! Now you and many others wish to punish them for doing it.
I don't blame you for suffering the effects of Arab revisionist history, because the Encyclopedias are rife with it. The facts remain however: "Palestine" was named by the Roman emporer, many centuries after the Philistines were long gone. So there was no "Palestine" until long after the death of Christ.
Here is some info:
Most people assume that the name Palestine derives from “Land of the Philistines” via the Greek Palais-tine and the Latin Palaestina. But there is evidence, both philological and geographical, that questions this traditional attribution. The name Palestine may have originated as a Greek pun on the translations of “Israel” and the “Land of the Philistines.” The Greek and Latin words appear frequently in ancient literature, but for the most part, they appear to refer not to the Land of the Philistines, but to the Land of Israel! The Philistines arrived on the eastern coast of the Mediterranean from Greece or Cyprus by way of Egypt at the end of the Late Bronze Age (about the 13th century BCE) . We know this because Philistine material culture has close affinities with contemporaneous Mycenean culture, especially their pottery. The earliest references to the Philistines in Egyptian inscriptions mention them as one of several Sea peoples. As early as the Histories of Herodotus, written in the second half of the fifth century BCE, the term Palaistine is used to describe not just the geographical area where the Philistines lived, but the entire area between Phoenicia and Egypt—in other words, the Land of Israel.
—Biblical Archaeology Review, May/June 2001
Believe it or not, over a small period of time, Palestas & Canaanites milted into one society were Palestas & Canaanite became the same people. In Arabic, Palestinians are known by the Philisteens which resembles the same way the Bible referred to the Palestinians (what a big propaganda machine). So now instead of backing your accusations with facts, you have decided on ignoring that facts, & I wish if you can make your augments little bit more objective in your response.
Regardless of what you are I "believe", the fact is that the Bible never refers to "Palestinians." Nor do the modern day Palestinians have ANY connection to the ancient Philistines.
From the booklet "The Land is Mine!" http://network54.com/realm/present_truth/thelandismine.html
But what will be the inheritance of the Palestinians? That is still another question. This is
particularly so if their own claim be true that they are not genetically Arabs, but Canaanites, of
Hamitic stock. If that claim is true, it would seem to nullify any title deed to the land of
Palestine, for the Canaanites were one of the people the Israelites were to dispossess in order
to inherit the promised land.
Yet, some say that their ancestral claim to being Canaanites is a little faulty, that there is good
genealogical reason to identify them, not with the Canaanites, but with their cousins, the
Philistines, from whence Palestine derives its name. Genesis 10:14 substantiates this
If this is the case, their claim to Palestine as an ancestral homeland is also flawed. Although the
Philistines were not listed as one of the tribes which Israel was to dispossess in order to
occupy the promised land, their land was considered as being attached to that of the
In this regard, note the testimony of Joshua 13:2, 3: ,I."This is the land that yet remaineth: all
the borders of the Philistines, and all Geshuri, from Sihor, which is before Egypt, even unto the
borders of Ekron northward, which is counted to the Canaanite: five lords of the
Philistines; the Gazathites, and the Ashdodites, the Eshkalonites, the Gittites, and the
Ekronites; also the Avites."
It is important in this text to note the specific mention of the Gazathities, inhabitants of the Gaza
strip. This is one of the hotly contested pieces of land in controversy today. Here it is
specifically listed as part of the eventual inheritance of Israel.
Racist Zionist insisted on ignoring the Palestinians so they can relief themselves from the responsibility of looting their homes & properties.
Rather, I see an anti-semitic revisionist history and replacement theology which totally ignores the fact of the pogroms and the Holocaust, and the non-stop round the clock efforts of the Arabs to destroy the state of Israel, including the persecution of the indigenous Jews in Arab lands. Meanwhile, the Jews PURCHASED land from the Arabs - a far cry from "looting."
Just to give you an idea on what magnitude the looting of Palestine took place, Palestinians owned & developed 55% of Palestine's GDP, & up to 90% of that their economy & properties were looted by Holocaust survivors. WHAT A SHAME?
The shame is that you believe this kind of nonsense! When the Jews began their migration in the late 1800's the land was desolate! Through JEWISH toil and sweat and sacrifice they turned the malarial swamps into Petah Tikvah, and other settlements. The Arabs FOLLOWED the Jews for the economic opportunities created by JEWS! To credit the Arabs with this work is like crediting them with the first space flight!
About the Ottoman Empire, we should do more research. Are you telling me that the Turks built Al Aqua Mosque?
Faisal, talking with you is always a hoot! When did I ever suggest that? LOL!
The Ottoman Empire came much later to the land, but, they colonized the Arabs already living in the land. That’s the point you are missing. There were people living in Palestine (native Arabs) during the Ottoman conquest.
And the point YOU are missing is that there were JEWS there "From Time Immemorial". That's the title of a book by Joan Peters. You should read more books like this.
Notice the selectivity. You started with Babylon. What happened to the Canaanites!!! Palestine was inhabited from the dawn of time. This proves that the Judaism was a colonialist “phase” like those who came after them.
Babylon was the first major conquest, which was the point of the list. However, the Bible is the only unimpeachable source for who lived in the land and when. Read Genesis 15, or if you prefer the New Testament, Matthew 2:20-21. Joshua led the Israelites into the land as early as the 15th century B.C.!
Becoming judgmental are you??? You are mixing up many issues together here. What facts are you talking about? I am asking you if it’s ethical or even legal to impose “democracy” on others. If this is the system that you believe in then good to you. However, it’s not a divine law to impose it on others. And what democracies in the Arab States got to do with those who reject the Scripture??? And many times we said the Jews are no longer Gods people. This is the shame of the pro-Zionist evangelists like you Regan.
Well Faisal, you dish it out faster than most burger joints, I'll give you that. But your thoughts contain about as much nutritive value. I have told you time and again that I am not a supporter of Bush. I am not supporting democracy. Yes, I quoted Bush, but in order to ATTACK his speech, NOT support it! Do you understand that? I said nothing of Bush representing "divine law"! To the contrary!
My comments on "Arab states" and democracy stemmed from Bush's comments on the same. I was asking how Bush could say that the Arab states were going to "help" him to help the Palestinians create a democracy, when there are no democracies among them to begin with! I was being critical, not supportive, of Bush's plan, and his lack of logic.
I know you say the Jews are no longer God's people. Therefore you reject Romans chapter 11, and many other portions of Scripture. The shame therefore, is all yours, Faisal.
Zac 8:23 is not the New Testament, is it?
No, but Romans 11 is, and I accept BOTH the Old and New Testaments, while you reject two thirds of the Bible. That is your choice, but God will teach you eventually to respect ALL of His Word. I will pray for you along those lines.
Yours in Truth,
Who's "We"?
Israel is an Arab nation. Arabs are in the Knesset. The Arab mind persuades the Jewish leadership, citizenry and Jews abroad, so that they make decisions against Jews in favor of terrorists.
Who is a Jew? Can any on the left who support ideas favoring the destruction of Israel be considered Jewish? Who is really a Jew other than those who believe the promises offered through Moses? Only those on the far, far right are right thinking on the defense of Israel, but it was their own wrong thinking that allowed a fictitious Arab run ad-campaign go untrumped and virtually unopposed - the lie of "occupation".
"Occupation occupation" is all you ever hear, and is all you are ever GOING to hear from the Arab side, because they are sticking to the game plan, because they know it works. It was the single most effective word in allowing the present day chess board to look as it does today; with many Arab pieces taking squares and the few Jewish pawns that have not yet been sacrificed to protect the queens in Israeli govenment forced into scrambling to the corners of the board, wondering where their knights are.
Turns out they got rooked - castrated by bishops. And in reality it is the Christian world that is forcing the hand of governments, including Israel's - against Israel. They are forcing them into making decisions that are continually shrinking the Land of Israel not only in size but in Jewish character. Christendom is guilty of the Holocaust, and Christendom still has not reneged on her determined goal to get Israel out of Jerusalem, because they know that their own laity expect that a Christian ruler of the world will sit there one day, be it fact or fiction. They expect wrongly to see Jews converted to Christianity or be destroyed at Armageddon.
And who is a "Christian"? There are very few Christians on the far far right enough to get what is going on in the Holy Land, because they are influenced so heavily by mainstream leadership and public opinion polling. How many understand the Scriptures enough to understand that Jewish people should and must remain Jewish in character and identity in order to fulfill the very plan they hold in their hands when they read their own Christian Bibles? Instead they have the said determined goal to remove the Jewish character and identity from the Jew himself, and strip all vestiges of the history of Israel from every square inch of the land of Israel.
This is no less than a Satanic plot, and those far right enough to see the truth of half of it already know that unseen hands are guiding the major players, whose number is so many that it cannot be a conspiracy of any human invention or guidance, even though they think they may be in control. The conspiracy is unmasked when you see a literal spirit being called the devil who as the adversary of G-d is seeking to keep Him out of His own seat in Jerusalem. I'm sure this is all very amusing to some.
And it's beside the point, because be it true or false, love it or hate it, the point is almost moot. Meaning those Christians far right enough to share this message are A. not telling the Jews on the far right anything they don't already know, and B. are mostly drowned out by the shrill voices of mainstream Christendom on the left - and their media shills...
The only actual Jews in Israel are now relegated to refugee status, and are pitied as a minority homeless population. In essence they have traded positions with the very group that was invented for the sole purpose of making this all come to pass - the PLO. Well the world pitied Arafat so much as to allow him to address the U.N. with a gun and thinly veiled threats. The Jews could come before the world with the cure for every disease, and the world will not have any more pity for Jews than they did in 1942!
Actual Jews are now a tiny minority who are really at the mercy of their now distant cousins, the left wing majority, the party of Peres/Chamberlain. Will they come to the defense of Eretz Israel? Or will they continue to follow the path of demonizing the only real Jews left in the land of Israel, while they steer the ship of Israel with their own hands down a course set by the Arabs who desire no less than Hitler desired.
Saudi Arabia is the author peace initiative that is the central piece of the Road Map. And it was a leftist Jew, Thomas Friedman of the New York Times who brokered it to the world courtesy of his own imagined genius for peace making. Thank you very much, but Friedman is not a real Jew, any more than Sharon himself is a Jew. Neither is George Bush a Christian, nor any other leader in Washington. Because only those who believe the PROMISES are Jews, and only those who understand that Jews must remain Jews, and must be in the land of Israel with a Jewish identity and character, are really Christians.
So who's "we"? The very few friendless Jews and a few dozen Christian Zionists who are non-proselytizing. These two groups form the apple of G-d's eye, and He will protect them. You will see the humbling of the world - especially the Arab world and Christendom - soon and very soon, I'm afraid. And thrilled! At the prospects of a peace soon afterward, on the heals of the devil's machinations through mankinds folly. There will be peace beyond the measure of men in the Kingdom. But first there will be woe unto those who fight against that Kingdom!
"they (Israel) will plunder the sons of the east. They will possess Edom and Moab. And the sons of Ammon will be subject to them."
The Israeli-Arab Peace Process and Bible Prophecy
Peace, Peace When There Is No Peace
Isaiah 11:14-16 also speaks of the smiting of a sea and a river (again in Hebrew not the Euphrates) in connection with a large immigration of Jews from Assyria to Israel. Verse 13 parallels Jeremiah 3:18 the "house of Judah" and the "house of Israel" become one in Diaspora and return "together" to the Promised Land. Verse 14 shows any peace agreement will explode in a two-front war on Israel's southwest and eastern borders. "They (Israel) shall fly upon the shoulders of the Philistines toward the west (Gaza strip on the southwest Mediterranean coast where the Palestinians now reside)." The Hebrew literally means a flying attack from behind. The picture becomes even more vivid as the Hebrew for "shoulders" in Numbers 34:11 refers to a maritime coast-"the side (shoulder) of the sea." Any Palestinian state or self-rule on the Gaza Strip will be short lived. Eventually, Israel by missiles or planes will circle out into the Mediterranean and attack the Palestinians from behind. Then the war shifts to the eastern front and verse 13 (NAS) continues-"they (Israel) will plunder the sons of the east. They will possess Edom and Moab. And the sons of Ammon will be subject to them."
Gaza pullout = death of millions?
August 11, 2005Arafat's gift to the world is the gift that keeps on giving the world a headache, which is getting worse and worse in exact proportion to the world's rising level of double standard regarding the people and the land of Israel.
In my own personal view, the level of worldwide terror, the number of people killed, the number of cities and countries involved, and sheer number of terror incidents occurring, will rise in direct proportion to the way the world treats Israel.
To me these things are not connected directly in a way seen by the natural eye, but spiritually connected.
The United States difficulties in Iraq are a result of their forcing Israel to coddle Arafat so many years, and now American soldiers are experiencing what Jewish soldiers have been forced to deal with all these years. Thanks to America's insistence that the Israel not fight back, but instead cave in to terror with the gift of land for terror, the export of terror has blossomed.
The message to Arab terror that their work pays off in nothing less than the destruction of the state of Israel will encourage and embolden all of them at this juncture in their worldwide Jihad. This can only hasten the day of their inevitable usage of the most destructive weapons they can find, and that they will use them in the United States is a given.
Even if you were to ignore the spiritual side completely, from a purely pragmatic standpoint of fighting terror, Israel and the United States plan to give the gift of the Gaza region to the late Arafat's cronies in exchange for nothing but rockets and blood is a precedent that spells certain doom for some poor innocent souls on this earth.
From the standpoint of international law, it is unprecedented for a democracy to uproot thousands of it's own people from their lawful homes, by force, based purely on their religion.
It is galling to anyone's sense of justice that Jews be encouraged to acquiesce territory to stop terror, and to release terrorists in order to stop terror, and then of course to arm these terrorists to stop terror, and to provide them with sea and airports to bring in more weapons for terror, and then perhaps to import Osama Bin Laden himself...
And then again perhaps that is the plan. Maybe Sharon and Bush have conspired to have all the terrorists congregate in one place, on the beaches of Gaza, in order to wipe them out completely. If not, then that's too bad for the poor innocent souls on the earth, because then the shoe is on their foot.
Bible Students have reported from the very beginning that "Palestine" and the so-called "Palestinian people" are nothing but a ruse, perpetrated by Arabs worldwide. They are a fictional people created as a "wedge" to destroy Israel.
This is but a step in their well published and publicized long range plans to enslave and destroy all the free peoples of the world.
In my view, the Arab world are the "Edomites" of Obadiah. Read that prophet to see how the story really proceeds.
U.S. on thin prophetic ice...
May 5 2002, 1:59 PMDear Friend,
While I don't think any of those verses apply to the United States, or the literal burning of any cities save for the ancient cities cited in Ezekiel, I do think that oil is acting as a strong magnet drawing the nations toward armageddon.
I don't believe that "anarchy" means that the cities will burn. "Anarchy" simply means the lack of government, a situation where each individual governs themselves. I believe we are living in virtual anarchy today.
This is not to say that there is not to be any literal cities burning, because there may be. Any day we may see the first use of nuclear weapons somewhere in the world. I believe most of the action will take place on the middle east stage. Syria's capitol of Damascus is a possible prophetic target.
As the U.S. seeks to expand it's access to the oil resource, more and more the middle east scenario grows difficult for them. Unable to pass the Anwar Alaska drilling project through congress, the only other place in the world where they may gain access to oil is in the Caspian sea.
This may explain the buildup of U.S. forces in Afghanistan. U.S. need for oil certainly explains their continual courtship of the evil Saudi government and other Arab countries. This creates the situation that has been ongoing for some years now, where the U.S. while appearing to be friendly toward Israel, has actually been favoring the Arabs all along.
The U.S. cares not at all whether or not Israel survives, or whether or not there is a "Palestinian State." However they will do whatever is necessary to procure their own share of the resources, and that means currying the favor of the Arabs by sacrificing Israel's security. Therefore, we know that the U.S. is on thin ice with God.
He will not leave nations unpunished who treat Israel with such enmity as the U.S. secretly has for over 50 years now. In their haste to part the Holy Land for their own expediency, they only hasten their own judgment.
So, as it now stands -- ISRAEL once again is center stage
Response to This War of Subjugation
In spite of all the liberal hand-wringing and socialist/communist opposition, Allied forces took over the entire country of Iraq in only three weeks. They have indeed planted themselves in the middle of the Middle East and have begun saying hello to their new neighbors in Tehran and especially Damascus.
"Hello, we're your new neighbors! Can we borrow a cup of sugar? Do you have any chemical weapons? Well can I come in and look? Because if not, it's just about an hours drive from here to Damascus by TANK!"
And now that things are going so overwhemingly well, the leaders of the "free world" are discussing the next part of their plan - the parting of Eretz Israel. This issue was dovetailed to the Iraq war from the start. In order to gain concessions and aid from Arab nations in the war effort it was necessary to tell them that the Palestinian State would follow.
Ariel Sharon spoke in the ultra left wing "Ha'aretz" just yesterday to the effect that they are willing to part with Biblical lands for peace. Of all the enemies of Israel and the Zionist dream of regathering to the Holy Land, the greatest enemy is the Israeli government itself.
By their human logic, things should work just like their plan for Iraq did, just as smoothly. Put the foot down and make demands, and people will co-operate, now that the tanks and battleships are in sight. Israel will withdraw, and Palestinians will behave peaceably in their own state - But their fight is now against the God of Israel. The Jews will NOT abandon their Biblical lands, and all governments of the world will be against them - those who hold to the Biblical Zionist dream.
The War in Iraq has put an idea in the minds of the Arab/Socialist axis: If Israel won't co-operate in leaving Judea and Samaria, simply invade with overwhelming force. Ezekiel 38 speaks of this invasion coming upon "the land of unwalled villages." We have long thought this referred to the settlements, which by the way, weren't formerly outside the confines of an actual literal wall, as they are today. And the description of the invasion is "like a swarm" - which is the only method by which they might effectively negate Israel's military edge, and nuclear capabilities. They won't nuke Moscow AND Damascus, etc.
And, as in the Ezekiel 38 vision, The U.S. and U.K. won't hardly protest much, since their plans of Palestinian Statehood are being defied. They may complain slightly, but that's about it. They won't intervene militarily.
The stage is set, and Israel is once again in the center of it through this miracle of the Iraq war live television coverage! The Lord could be exalted in the eyes of the heathen over this one event, when the Kingdom will be ushered in to bring lasting peace.
These are just my thoughts on one possible scenario.
The World against God
posted by Octaman, June 9, 2004The whole world is lined up in solid phalanx behind the "Palestinian" people, but more specifically, AGAINST the Jewish "settlers", that they are willing to forcibly evict Jews JUST AS THEY DID IN THE 1930's, only this time it is from their own land of Israel.
Because of this course of folly called the "Road Map" that the world leaders all promote, including the not guiltless current government of Israel, JUDGMENT COMES.
Because "My ways are higher than your ways" says YAHWEH, and because His Opinion is the only one that matters, the world is about to be stopped dead in it's tracks.
It is my sincere hope that millions of people now living may not die, but I am saddened to think of its inevitability as the world hurdles itself headlong against the very ROCK of Offence, the very Christ of the Passion , who is the SON of the Highest - the Heavenly Father Yahweh.
Unless the world turns from their course, and supports the increasing of the Jewish population of Judea, Samaria and Gaza, they will experience something more bitter than World Wars One and Two combined, I'm afraid.
The city will NEVER be divided! Unless THE JEWISH CHARACTER of Israel is undeniably affirmed, there will be war.
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