"The End Of The World GAME"
We start with Adam in 4126 BC* [see note below]
I ask the Lord's blessing at the front of my discourse, because I really need it. It may be overly ambitious but we'll see how it goes. I have a memory of a brother being asked to step down from the podium mid-way through his talk, and I could imagine that happening pretty easily with this one. I want to assure you however that although my approach may seem irreverent at times, my hope is that it will be informative and edifying, and perhaps a bit entertaining as well.
From watching what's going on in the world with world wide terrorism, the advance of Isis, swarms of refugees from Syria flooding Europe, it's as though every day, even right now on TV they're it looks like "The End of the World" game is being played out. You can see it on every channel. It's certainly on all the news channels.
Let's tune in and watch some of the game now, if you'll indulge me and my imaginary TV.
[game show voice] It's the end of the world GAME that game where YOU decide who side you're on - or you stay out of it -
with your host, Yeshua, that's right, Jesus Christ himself [applause]
... with his faithful bride, the little flock! [applause]
... tell us who's playing bob?
[GSV] That's right the first patriarch of the human family, the one and only Adam, and who will he be going up against, Bob?
[broadcaster bob] Satan! the devil! (crowd: yeah!)
[GSV] Thhat's right, .. who will be assisted by 7 devil underlings all worse than the first. {crowd: ooooh...}
[GSV] con't Yes, everyone's dad Adam is making his 7th trip back to the show, after 6 days of miserable failures over the last week. tell us what he's won so far, bob!
[broadcaster bob] [crescendo] As of the start of this 7th day, - father Adam - has incurred: death upon all!
[crowd laughs and then a conversation between Jesus our "Game Show Voice" and Adam]
[GSV]: How did we get to this point? Adam? can you explain how that happened?
[Adam]: "Well on the first day, I listened to my wife." [crowd laughs]
[GSV] Tell us what happened.
[Adam] God created me perfect, and everything around me was perfect, like a garden of Eden?
[GSV] Genesis 2:8
[Adam]: Whatever you say. Anyway, God told me that I could eat anything I wanted, except for this one tree?
[GSV] And?
[Adam]:I ate from that one tree. [crowd: Awe! boo! (beligerent mood)]
[GSV] So you were born in 4126 BC* [NOTE: 4126 BC was the date of the fall of Adam. The date of Adam's creation was 4128 BC. rcb] And from then until 3126 BC that was your first day. Kicked out of the garden.
Ok so, what happened on the second day Adam?
[Adam] on the second day I caused a flood! [crowd]] "oh!"...yeah, . ....things got so bad, there had to be a flood.
[GSV] Genesis 6:13
So God said to Noah, "I am going to put an end to all people, for the earth is filled with violence because of them. I am surely going to destroy both them and the earth.
Now the flood in 2470 BC, that's your second thousand year day, what happened next?
[Adam]: The Pyramid got built....
[GSV] Yes indeed, you used slave labor to build empires.
And then on the 3rd day from 2126 BC to 1126 BC, what happened? [columbo voice, optional]
[Adam] The Abrahamic Covenant was born! [defensively] Abraham begat Isaac, Isaac begat Jacob, and Jacob became Israel! They became slaves in mighty Egypt, Moses came along, "Let my people go!" happened. It was a big thing. They make movies about it and celebrate it every year, when the Hebrews left Egypt and escaped cruel Pharoah.
[GSV] Ah! so there's hope. and what then, how did they do?
[Adam] They... didn't do so good.
[GSV] Tell us why not! (overdo smiling)
[Adam]:They didn't do so good at not breaking the law.
[GSV]: tell us why you didn't do so well during the law period?
[Adam] because during that round, you have to be perfect]
[GSV with effect]: and!?
[Adam] and I'm, not perfect.
[GSV] I can see that! So what happened with the Hebrews on the fourth day?
[Adam] the judges
[GSV]: and they?
[Adam] and they sort of judged Israel, I don't know I don't have time to explain it.
[GSV]: What else happened? What was the really big thing happening then?
[Adam]: Babylonian empire.
[GSV]: More slavery. And What happened to that?
[Adam]: It took the Hebrews as slaves and then It fell.
[GSV]: Then weren't there empires after that?
[Adam]: The Medes and the Persians
[GSV]: and what about them?
[Adam]: They fell.
[GSV]: And next?
[Adam]: Greek empire, Fell. Look, human kind didn't do so good, be they arab, jew, or whatever mesopotamian who lived back then, nobody but kings was doing great.. there was failing and wailing, finding nothing in common but common misery. Can we move on?
[GSV]: I see and didn't God's prophets, such as Daniel in the Bible tell all this before it happened? What happened to him? What did your people do to people such as Daniel and Ezekiel and such when they were on the scene.
[Adam]: I'd rather not talk about it.
[GSV]: You put him in the lion's den. you tried to set his friends on fire. didn't you.
[Adam]: I need a substitute.
[GSV]; we'll get back to that.
OK Adam. Now when we got to the fifth day of our end of the world game, representing by the way the fifth one thousand year day since you were born... what happened next, from the years 126 bc to 925 ad]
[Adam] Christ and the Church.
[GSV] Christ and the Church got started! [theme music plays, much applause] ==========-------------==============
Hey that's great. what happened to them, Adam?
[Adam] they were crucified and killed.
[GSV over booing crowd:] "Oh that's too bad. It's really looking like it should be the end of the world for you, Adam. Wasn't there anything you established over any of these 6 days that was any good whatsoever?
[Adam] During the 6th day we built the holy roman empire! it lasted a long time, or at least until about the year 1806
[GSV] Great! And how'd that go.
[Adam] Oh that was a strong empire. well they kind of owned people all over the world.
[GSV] That's right, your kids Adam set up despotic rule, and it spawned lordships and aristocracies that have all been overthrown since then, isn't that right?
[Adam] That's about it. Oh and, uh, they ignored your messengers!
[GSV] That's correct, do you remember how many?
[Adam] All of them sir .
[GSV interrupting]: That's right, ALL of them!

[GSV sincerely to Adam: ]: So now Adam, you've come all this way, to now, the beginning of the chronological 7th Day, or the seventh thousand years from the day you were born until now, here on The End Of The World Game! And we've seen what happened so far...
...Adam...adam. If I can call you adam *OF COURSE I CAN! I NAMED YOU!* but seriously, Adam. What's wrong? Why so many troubles along the way, why, why can't you just get your act together?
[Adam] Because I'm stuck on stupid?
[GSV] NO! Adam? It's BeCAUSE you are sick according to the fall. You made a mistake back in the garden to not follow your Creator in Heaven with 100 percent trust and assurance of faith, now hasn't that cost you enough yet? Because if it HASN'T, TELL HIM WHAT else is GOING TO HAPPEN, BOB!
[cue music] [broadcaster bob] THE END OF THE WORLD! [more music]
Let's play our game, shall we? OK
[GSV]===============question one
What year is the first year of the seventh thousand year day since your fall?...What year is the first year marking the seventh thousand year day since your fall?
[Adam]: No idea?
[GSV]: Sorry, 1874 the year is 1874...
===============question two
What's the first thing that happened at the start of your seventh one thousand year day here on earth so far? what was the first MAJOR occurrence after 1874 began, Adam?
[Adam]: Uh, the invention of the light bulb? the locomotive. the steamship, the telegraph? modern mails, modern schools? cars were invented! ///]
[buzzer sounds]
[Adam]: Darwinian science!
[Adam]: women voting?
[GSV] I'm sorry Adam while those are all very good tries, the reality is that 1874 was the beginning of THE SECOND ADVENT! (applause) that's right, the second coming of yours truly back to earth after being in heaven. Remember I told this during my first time on earth.
In John 14:2-3, NKJV. "In My Father’s house are many mansions;if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also."
and again in Matthew 24:30 "Then will appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven. And then all the peoples of the earth will mourn when they see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven, with power and great glory.
Next question!
===============question three
What did I return for FIRST? What did I return for first?
[Adam]: hmmm..
[waiting music...]
[GSV] 10 seconds Adam
[Adam]: I'm thinking!
[GSV] All humanity is waiting Adam.
[Adam]: I DON't [buzzer] know. :([crowd boos, ]
[GSV] 'Erk!' Time's up as they say!
[GSVhands up and open] Now Adam what happened?
[Adam]: I didn't even know you came back in the 19th century.
[GSV]: And why's that?
[Adam]: Because I killed the prophets?
[GSV]: That's right! because you killed not only the man Christ Jesus on your 4th day but all His followers ever since that day, isn't that correct?!
[Adam sheepishly]: Yes
[GSV]: yes that is coRRECT! Now Adam.
[Adam]: yes that's right
[GSV]: because you lied
[Adam]: that's right
[GSV]: you covered up.
[Adam]: yes sir.
[GSV]: And that's why no one today, no one knows I returned already on the very morning of 1874 exactly 6000 years from your fall from grace? and why's that Adam?
[Adam]: I didn't want to hear it.
[GSV]: you didn't want to hear it.
[Adam]: I've fallen. and I can't get up.
[GSV]: Well Adam, here's the answer. What did I return for first? Answer: my bride. The bride of Christ. The 144,000! [crowd cheers her]
let's have a big hand for the lovely little flock. Rev 14:1 And I saw, and behold, the Lamb standing on the mount Zion, and with him a hundred and forty and four thousand, having his name, and the name of his Father, written on their foreheads.
Tell us more about her, Bob!
[broadcaster bob] The little flock of 144,000 is the lamb's wife, That was made well known to mankind by the great Pastor Charles Taze Russell, who was writing over 50,000 pages for over 40 years, published in over 4,000 newspapers across the world daily, over one million miles traveled all over the globe!
[GSV]: and yet his words are now become little known history, why is that do you think, Adam?
[Adam (sweating)]: I don't know.
[GSV]: Why do you suppose people don't read it now?
[Adam]: because him I didn't kill, I just SHAMED him into historical obscurity.
[GSV]: you beheaded him only in the sense that he's not now encouraged to be read by many today. Why did you do that?
[Adam - getting heated]: Because he said ministers shouldn't get paid. Because of that movie he made, The Photo Drama of Creation, which was the first motion picture with both sound and color for the first time in history,
[GSV]: And so?
[Adam (upset)]: So that would lead everybody back to me! He presented the story of Adam and Eve...(gasping) And he talked about a great war coming exactly in the year 1914 and it did. And he said that the chains of ignorance and shackles of church and state were breaking, and how kings would be deposed and they were. And he said Jews would return to Palestine, and they did. He said that was all proof that you were here. Sir.
[GSV]:Jer 16: 14 Therefore, behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that it shall no more be said, The Lord liveth, that brought up the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt;
15 But, The Lord liveth, that brought up the children of Israel from the land of the north, and from all the lands whither he had driven them: and I will bring them again into their land that I gave unto their fathers.
[GSV]: tell us what else did he say, bob?
[broadcaster bob]: [in the sermon book entitled "Forces Mustering to Armageddon" SM234 ]
. . . . that.... The ecclesiastical kings and princes, ....will be gathered in solid phalanx—Protestants and Catholics. The kings and captains of industry, ... The political kings and princes, with all their henchmen ...will follow ... the same side. The financial kings and merchant princes, and all whom they can influence by the most gigantic power ever yet exercised in the world, will join the same side, according to this prophecy. They do not realize, however, that they are coming to Armageddon.
[GSV]: He wrote the Truth and predicted the war, but you ignored him and defamed him. Well Adam, from all the looks and sounds of it, it appears that you are certainly on, the side of, Satan!
That's the devil, let's meet him! let's bring him out! #godofthisworld #lucifergoodthemovie
[crowd]: applause
[GSV]: so devil, your playing for domination, your "prince of this evil world", the bible calls you. How does that make you feel? [points mic]
[Satan]: Feels great, I'm on top of my game, deceiving mankind for over 6 episodes, 6 thousand years now, yes sir.
[GSV]: and yet, Adam thinks you're on his side.
[Satan]: yeah! I know! [laughs]
[GSV]: And yet he's missed every question so far. There he is, the devil, ladies and gentlemen!
[crowd: applause]: hoots, hollars "six six six dude! all right!" (opt.)
[GSV]: He'll be back to play at the very end of our show.
===============question four
[GSV]: Very good now. Adam! now for the bonus round. Are you ready once again to play "the end of the world game"?
[Adam]: I'm always ready for THAT game god. I mean jesus. I always get that mixed up, don't I?
[GSV]: ok here it is, our next question: What are the two opposing sides at war in the end of the world?
[Adam]: I don't know, God and the devil?
[GSV]: Wrong! Radicals vs. Conservatives. That's right. Capital vs. Labor would be another correct answer.
[broadcaster bob]...from Pastor Charles Taze Russell's article in the overland monthly entitled: The Battle of Armageddon: In the Scriptures, the Lord has evidently seen fit to associate the name of this famous battle-field Armageddon, with the great controversy between Truth and Error, right and wrong, God and Mammon, with which the Gospel Age will close and the Messianic Age be ushered in. He has purposely used highly symbolic language in the last book of the Bible, evidently with a view to hiding certain important truths until the due time for their revealment. But even in the due time, "None of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand." (#Da 12:10.) [crowd]: oooh!
===============question five
Now Adam, next question: As the most well known Pastor of the 19th and 20th centuries during his time, Charles Taze Russell said that the end of the world battle of armageddon would be between the conservatives and the radicals, of those two sides, which side is "the Lords great army"?
...Again between the conservatives, that is those who uphold church and state and represent mainline governments and Churchianity, vs. the radicals, that large diverse group of everyone from communists, socialists, anarchists of every stripe, which is known as "the Lord's Great army", which one is Gods side?
[cue music]
[Adam]: Well of course I would think that those who uphold law and order, those on the side of protecting the government and church tradition, those are the good people, practicing Christians and Jews who wouldn't think to surrender to terror, they must be God's army.
[buzzer sound]
[GSV]: ooh no I'm sorry. Those good and gentle townsfolk who uphold all that is good and decent in society and who work to enforce laws to maintain the peace and security of all ~ those are Satan's army. It's one of the great ironies of all time. They are the ones trying their best to keep in place an evil, man made system of Government that must go away prior to the Kingdom of God on earth.
Let's hear more from brother Paul S. L. Johnson who continued bro. Russell's work after the first world war: Tell us, Bob.
[broadcaster bob] He wrote about "The Epiphany" in volume 4 of the Epiphany Volumes, that's D pg 23. "The Epiphany" is the time period when certain things would be happening AFTER the Second Advent of Christ had begun.
"This brings us to a consideration of our Lord's special Epiphany work ... During this time our Lord does a special work... Part of this work He has already done; the rest remains to be done. ... His Epiphany work is twofold:
(1) His separation of the world into its two classes, the Conservatives and the Radicals; and
(2) His revelation of Himself to the world as present in His Second Advent as the Overthrower of Satan's Empire and as the Establisher of God's Kingdom. "
(See Pastor Russell's booklet "Our Lord's Return," pp. 16-21; 41-44.)
"one of His Epiphany works toward the world was His separating it into its two classes, the Conservatives and the Radicals.
This work began ... Fall of 1914... The separation of these classes is now worldwide.
All of us are familiar with the fact that the war, through endangering the existence of the various nations, actually but temporarily cemented the radicals and the conservatives into one class in every country involved in the war.
But... an exposure of the evil deeds of those claiming to exercise power by Divine right,
which proved that they were responsible for the war and its disaster,
men divided into the two social groups, the Radicals and the Conservatives. ...
As a result men everywhere in every country on earth are divided into the Radicals and the Conservatives.
The conflict between these two classes is shaking the social fabric everywhere.
Every newspaper gives us fresh evidence of the fact that this division has occurred. ..
and you can read much more all about this in Epiphany volume D 23 and 24.
===============question six
[GSV]: Next question, what is the main character trait characterizing all forms of human government so far: Is it, liberty? or oppression?
[Adam]: liberty?
[GSV]: wrong answer, earth's history is one of mankind yearning to break free from the shackles and chains of oppression over the masses who are governed or ruled by the classes, the few, the royals and aristoctrats of earthly society.
===============question seven
Next question: During the reign of the roman empire, mankind experienced a rough patch of experience. By what name were those ages known as?
[Adam]: No idea. I could ask my smart phone.
[GSV]: Sorry, the correct answer is "dark ages, the dark ages."
[Adam]: Darn.
===============question eight
[GSV]: next question: What was the number one illuminating influence that liberated the people from ignorance throughout history?
[Adam]: Vegan diet?
[GSV]: Sorry the answer is: The Bible. The Bible.
===============question nine
[GSV]: And Adam for a hundred points, under the guidance and direction of the Papacy, were Bibles made available or were they scarce?
[Adam]: Available!
[GSV]: No, the answer was scarce. Bibles were illegal to own or translate under the Papacy. That's why we had the dark ages.
===============question ten
Next question: Which nation was instrumental in God's hand in promoting truth and liberty along religious and societal lines, dealing a blow to church/state tyranny?
[Adam]: I know this one! It's gotta be Israel!
[GSV]: NO I'm sorry you missed our last bonus round question, but thank you for playing today. NO there was no Israel during the dark ages, the land had been vacated long before the Jews return after the 1800's. No the correct answer is America. America or "the United States".
[ break opt. broadcaster bob voice does a short on us history, the Mayflower, puritan migration, 1st thanksgiving, Abe Lincoln, end of slavery, et al. you should know all this already, Adam!]
===============final round questions
[GSV]: OK Adam, now let's play the final challenge of round 7. So far your winnings total nothing. Our first question, category: The 20th century, the 20th century.
Question. according to Pastor Russell, ok not according to your own church ministers, news prognosticators or world leaders but according to Pastor Russell, what was supposed to happen at the beginning of the 20th century?
[Adam]: Nations mustering forces to battle of Armageddon, to a time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation.
[GSV]: Dan 12:1 And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince who standeth for the children of thy people; and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time:
And when exactly was that supposed to start?
[Adam]: 1914. It was well known even unto ministers and kings that Bible people were instructing the nations that this would happen.
[GSV]: That what would happen?
[Adam]: The end of the world.
[GSV]: The end of the world! [cue music, applause, laughs]
[GSV]: Now Adam, he didn't mean the literal end of the world now did he?
[Adam]: No he meant present social order, that the kingdoms of this world would be supplanted by the kingdom of God on earth.
[GSV]: SO a new dispensation then.
[Adam]: A new dispensation.
[GSV]: And did you believe him?
[Adam]: No we listened to our own ministers.
[GSV]: And YOUR modern ministers Adam, the ones you chose, what did they say to the people at that time?
[Adam]: They said we should fight the war and defend the crown and king and country. that we should all fight and kill, and if we die we all go to heaven and the world would burn up at the end while we float on clouds playing harps.
[GSV]: They said that. Hmm... And how many people died in the two world wars?
[Adam]: estimates total from 50 to 80 million.
[GSV]: 50 to 80 million of your children. Gosh Adam.
===============BONUS round questions
Now Adam listen carefully, you're in the bonus round. To save mankind, what should YOU do now? what should you do now.... You have one minute, go.
[cue music]
[Adam]: well let's see. global warming is really bad, we need to fix that. and there's racial issues we need to stand up about that. And the war on terror and the refugees issue We've got to fix all those things you see.
[GVS]: 30 seconds!
[Adam]: Of course so right now we've got to elect the right people to office, enact the right legislation, enforce the right laws, not enforce other laws... We've got to fight the war on terror...
[GSV]: 10 seconds.
[Adam] ...I dunno, boost a sagging economy, eat organically, save the rhinocerous! save the planet! black lives matter!
[GSV]: err. sorry, times up. the correct answer: There's nothing you can do. There's nothing man can do to save himself.
Romans 5: 6 For while we were yet weak, in due season Christ died for the ungodly.
7 For scarcely for a righteous man will one die: for peradventure for the good man some one would even dare to die.
8 But God commendeth his own love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
9 Much more then, being now justified by his blood, shall we be saved from the wrath of God through him.
10 For if, while we were enemies, we were reconciled to God through the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, shall we be saved by his life;
11 and not only so, but we also rejoice in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received the reconciliation.
12 Therefore, as through one man sin entered into the world, and death through sin; and so death passed unto all men, for that all sinned:--
[GSV]: And now, as we mentioned at the top of our show, playing in today's end of the world game on behalf of the devil are seven devils worse than himself, let's bring them out, shall we? Now we're going to introduce to youa total of 8 players. Let's see who can guess which one of the following groups is not a devil!
[broadcaster bob], as we read a quote included in C.T. Russell's publication of May of 1883
1. The entire Roman Catholic world has been taught that the
present period is the time especially designed by God for that
Church to crush all obstacles to its triumph and full restitution of
the Papal prerogatives.
2. The Russian nation and entire Greek Church also have been in high expectation
since the predictions of Peter the Great, that about the present time the Russian sword
will drive the Grand Turk from St. Sophia [in Turkey], and give the Greek
High Priest once more the opportunity to celebrate mass at the
ancient Christian altar.
3. It is no secret that the Republicans of all nations believe that the
present period is the fore-ordained time for monarchical
governments to give place to universal republics.
4. Communists
declare that the set time has come for all governments, civil and
religious, to fall before the imperious demands of Communism.
5. The Protestant pulpit and press publishes the tidings that the
prophetic time has come for the evangelization of the nations
and the commencement of a "golden age."
6. The Atheistical world
adds its testimony to the universal proclamation that this is a
specific transition period, during which the Bible and religion
must cease to be, and the godship of nature and man must
henceforth rule the universe.
7. Amidst these varied expectations of coming change the Hebrew
proclaims the present time as the period for the appearing of his
8. Among the loud voices of this jargon surpassing Babel, a shrill
voice is heard from the Arabian deserts and African wilds, from
the Turk's dominions and the vast fields of India, sounding a
fearfully prophetic note, commanding the millions of Islam to
rally to the standard of their coming prophet, who, according to
their faith, will appear at the head of a conquering army...an
interpretation of a prediction of the Koran, and contains no
divine authority, and is unimportant only as it is believed by a
hundred and seventy-five millions of Mohammedans.
This faith is certainly likely, and has already commenced to produce a
formidable movement, which certainly is very threatening to the
peace of the world.
Please insert over the number 175 "mohametans", one billion Muslims today instead.]
===============LAST question
[GSV]: So Adam, out of those 8 groups, which ones are NOT a part of Satan's empire. Which of the seven are not a part of Satan's empire.
[Adam]: OK so say them again? There's the Roman Catholic Church, the Greek Russian Orthodox, The Republican nations, the Communists, the Protestant Churches and Press, The Atheists, the Jews and the Muslims?
[GSV]: That's right.
[Adam]: I'll say the Russians. At least they're trying to do something against ISIS!
[GSV]: Sorry that's incorrect. The correct answer is the Jews, God's own chosen people of the Bible.
[big end to the game, GSV] Well Adam. [gets closer with the mic] Adam, Adam adam adam adam. You didn't stay alive in the game! You killed your brothers! You drank flood waters! You built and lost and built and lost and didn't get to keep any empires. you killed God's prophets sent to help you. And at the Time of the End you ignored Gods messengers and to prop up your last falling empire, you called upon the god of war, which is militarism, the god of this evil world to protect you! And you lost just under a hundred million lives just during the wars you asked for. Man you deserve crucifixion! But we have one more chance for you.
That's right, a second chance to be saved from execution. What if I was to tell you - that in spite of how poorly you've done, that someone here was willing to take your place on the cross, give you a fresh start, a clean slate, and let you play one final jeapordy in our end of of the world game, what would you say then?
[Adam]:That'd be cool!
Tell him what we have for him, Bob!
[broadcaster bob]; continued from Romans 5:
15But not as the trespass, so also is the free gift. For if by the trespass of the one the many died, much more did the grace of God, and the gift by the grace of the one man, Jesus Christ, abound unto the many. ...
17For if, by the trespass of the one, death reigned through the one; much more shall they that receive the abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one, even Jesus Christ.
18So then as through one trespass the judgment came unto all men to condemnation; even so through one act of righteousness the free gift came unto all men to justification of life.
19For as through the one man's disobedience the many were made sinners, even so through the obedience of the one shall the many be made righteous.
21that, as sin reigned in death, even so might grace reign through righteousness unto eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
And now for your final jeapordy, here on "The end of the world"!
Now Adam, now that you have your further opportunity for life, here you are: There are two doors from which to choose.
...behind door number 1, you Adam get to have eternal life on earth in a garden of eden paradise, just for playing our game. Or you can choose door number 2, which is the second death. to be dead forever.
You and each of your children get to choose one of these doors. The conditions of the game are simple: Choose the correct door and you will live!
... door number one, life forever in a perfect earth when all humanity is raised from death to ideal eternal living...
Or door num-ber - two.... dying forever gone, erased, without any chance of coming back.
Which will Adam choose? Will he Choose Life?
How does a man or woman do that? Let's read:
door #1 | door #2 |
eternal life on earth in a paradise eden | 2nd death |
Deut 30:10-20 ..."if thou turn unto Jehovah thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul.
15See, I have set before thee this day life and good, and death and evil; 16in that I command thee this day to love Jehovah thy God, to walk in his ways, and to keep his commandments and his statutes and his ordinances, that thou mayest live and multiply, and that Jehovah thy God may bless thee in the land whither thou goest in to possess it.17But if thy heart turn away, and thou wilt not hear, but shalt be drawn away, and worship other gods, and serve them;18I denounce unto you this day, that ye shall surely perish; ye shall not prolong your days in the land, whither thou passest over the Jordan to go in to possess it. 19I call heaven and earth to witness against you this day, that I have set before thee life and death, the blessing and the curse: therefore choose life, that thou mayest live, thou and thy seed; 20to love Jehovah thy God, to obey his voice, and to cleave unto him; for he is thy life, and the length of thy days; that thou mayest dwell in the land which Jehovah sware unto thy fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, to give them.
[GSV]: Or will Adam and his children choose door number two, which you've basically been taking from your fall in the garden, Adam![BUZZER SOUNDS] Oh! Times up. How did Adam do? Let's take a look:
Everything man has done after Adam fell has been wrong, almost everything. I won't say everything from adams creation because it was pure bliss back then when he was first created. If you look at the record in Genesis 2, he laid around all day naming animals. It's what he did. No but from the FALL OF ADAM, after his mistake of listening to his wife and eating the fruit of the forbidden tree, his main fault again and has been in organizing: In creating a top down heirarchy and thinking to self manage in any and every way he could apart from his Creator God.
There was one man that did right that was the man Christ Jesus.
1 Corinthians 15:22 For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will ...
For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive. ... For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ all will be made alive. ... |
Without Christ man is without hope. The first man here, Adam, fell. He disobeyed God and threw the race in his loins into the sentence of death along with him, dying as a race.
The first man Adam had his first son, Cain, who grew up to be a murderer. Remember, "am I my brothers keeper?" after he kills his brother? God let's him go, and the first thing he does, is he builds a city called Enoch, the first city mentioned in the Bible, Genesis 4:17 He's organized.
More Organized efforts were made. Then they built a society that became so wicked and decadent, it says in Genesis 6:11 "Now the earth was corrupt in God's sight and was full of violence.
Great efforts were made to save it. The angels that left their first estate, intermarried with Adams children, creating a hybrid race of real giants in those days that the myths of the greek gods were based on. They created a hybrid race between man and angels to try and save mankind but failed. And so this hybrid race was destroyed by the flood along with all humanity, save for Noah and his family.
Even More Organized Efforts were made and they built the tower of Babel. Genesis 11. That's when man thought to unify under one sovereign leader who was NOT God, and rally around what they built. God brought an end to their organization.
They built empires and they fell. They built greater empires and those fell again, just as HE wills for every human organization, or any structure not built nor authorized in His name. It all has to come down sometime, so that God's Kingdom can be set up in it's place. But the more mankind continues to pursue his own obstinate course, the worse the outcome may appear for a time to be.
[optional depending] according to Pastor Russell, talking about how :
the Lord's great army. And the Lord, through the Prophet Ezekiel, referring to this same time, and to the approaching calamities of Christendom, says:
"And I will give it into the hands of the strangers for a prey, and to the wicked of the earth for a spoil: and they shall pollute it...Make a chain [bind, unite them together; let them make a common cause], for the land is full of bloody crimes, and the city [Babylon, Christendom] is full of violence. Wherefore I will bring the worst of the heathen, and they shall possess their houses: I will also make the pomp of the great to cease, and their honored places [their sacred places, their religious institutions, etc.] shall be defiled." Ezek. 7:13-24
This may be understood to signify that the uprising of the masses of Christendom in anarchy will, during the prevalence of lawlessness, be so extremely brutal and savage as to outrival the barbarities of all heathen invasions-- as was the case in the French Revolution. Or it may signify an uprising of the peoples of India, China and Africa against Christendom--a suggestion already made by the public press anent the revival of Turkey and the uprising of the millions of Mahometans. Our opinion, however, is that "the worst of the heathen" are those in Christendom who are "without God" and without Christian sentiments or hopes; who hitherto have been restrained and held in check by ignorance, superstition and fear, but who in the dawn of the twentieth century are rapidly losing these restraining influences.
The Lord, by his overruling providence, will take a general charge of this great army of discontents--patriots, reformers, socialists, moralists, anarchists, ignorants and hopeless--and use their hopes, fears, follies and selfishness, according to his divine wisdom, to work out his own grand purposes in the overthrow of present institutions, and for the preparation of man for the Kingdom of Righteousness.
For this reason only it is termed "The Lord's great army." None of his saints--none who are led by the spirit of God as sons of God are to have anything to do with that part of the "battle." (by the way)
and you can read all about that and more in C.T. Russell's "Scripture Studies" volume 5 "The Day of Vengeance" reference D551
That book by the way was retitled later on by the way and sort of repackaged and was then called "The Battle of Armageddon" - our volume five.
In OV 275 he says : Scriptures tell us that God will be represented by Messiah, and that He will be on the side of the masses. [applause]
God’s side of that battle will be the people’s side; and that very nondescript host, the people, will be pitted at the beginning of the battle. Anarchists, socialists and hot-headed radicals of every school of reason and unreason, will be in the forefront of that battle. He who has any knowledge of army life knows that a great army is composed of all classes.
The masses will be restless under their restrains, but will be conscious of their weakness as compared with the kings and princes, financial, social, religious and political, who will then hold sway. The majority of the poor and the middle class prefer peace at almost any price. The masses have no sympathy with anarchy. They realize truly that the worst form of government is better than none. The masses will seek relief through the ballot and the peaceful readjustment of earth’s affairs for the elimination of evil, for the placing of monopolies and utilities and the supplies of nature in the hands of the people for the public good. The crisis will be reached when the hitherto upholders of the law shall become violators of the law and resisters of the will of the majority as expressed by the ballot. Fear for the future will goad the well-meaning masses to desperation, and anarchy will result when socialism fails.
OV 275 again that's OV 275 overland monthly published all over the world at that time.
- At the very close of Armageddon will come "Jacob’s trouble" in the Holy Land. Then Messiah’s Kingdom will begin to be manifested. Thenceforth in the Land of Promise Israel will gradually rise from the ashes of the past to the grandeur of prophecy. Through its Divinely appointed princes, the Ancient Worthies (Heb. 11; #Ps 45:16), the all-powerful, but invisible Kingdom of Messiah will begin to roll away the curse of death and to uplift mankind. Then will be fulfilled the Promise "in thy Seed shall all the families of the earth be blessed." from the sermon book sm 232
So there's what you have to look forward to. You've been told what will happen! We hope you have enjoyed this weeks episode of "the end of the world" , the game where YOU decide who side you're on - or hopefully, you stay out of it.
8Thou didst cause sentence to be heard from heaven; The earth feared, and was still,
9When God arose to judgment, To save all the meek of the earth. Selah
10Surely the wrath of man shall praise thee:
BANNED! & Disfellowshipped!
She's off to the land of silver appliances...
12 weeks later, on 12/12/2019 Regan performed Matisyahu's "Lord Raise Me Up" at the closing music venue known as Performance Golf/Fox Island Brewery...
At that moment, The WHOLE WORLD Begins The Process of THE GREAT RESET of Global Lockdowns, Masks, Mandates, Vaccine DEATH JABS!...
See the latest video, Is Zidkenu about to meet Q?
July 23, 2022
From Regan:My love continues to this day toward all!Sid Canoe the true story will be told because my story is much bigger than myself and does not belong to me any longer. There is a non commissioned biographer / documentary maker working on making sure that even in the event of my death the entire true story will be told. If you wereone of the few friends who were supportive and honest and helpful and fair, you know who you are. If we interacted and it was bad for you, I apologize for anything said or done amiss on my part. I'm really sorry you may have misunderstood me as I developed in Christ. Forgiveness can change history. Matthew 6Yours in Truth,Bro. ReganAKA Sid Canoe/Zidkenu/Tsidkenu
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