Tuesday, September 20, 2016

L.H.M.M. : "God's chosen earthly organization" ?

L.H.M.M. :  "God's chosen earthly organization"

Leon Snyder to Adam Urban, Dec. 1 2014

"There is only ONE publisher of God's word of Truth: The Truth Movement!  These arrangements have been set forth by the great Jehovah through the vessels He has chosen to serve earthly and this practice continues to this very day!"

Dec. 8, 2014, from the Executive Trustee

"I'm grateful for the privilege that the lord has placed upon my shoulders to, to be the guide at this present time for His movement.  Amen"   Leon Snyder

March 2015  Seattle Convention

"In recognition of Bro. Leon Snyder as the Lord's choice as leader of the Consecrated Epiphany Campers, the brethren will vote for him as Executive Trustee (Conducting the business) of our Movement. "

Florida 3/11/16
Muskegon May 20
Bible house 7/15

In March of 2015 just after our small class hosted the Seattle convention, I was given documents from two brethren in my class regarding "errors" on justification by faith and sectarian errors.  I was asked my opinion.

It said:

"ERRORS of PT 749"

"starting with paragraph No 4, the present “acting executive trustee” comes up with his own version of justification"

It went on to describe what seemed very close to Ransom denial.

Notice it says:

"one should go back to the original version of the said article, found in BS 202, of January 1953, written by Bro. Jolly, to see to what extent the authors of the two differ on the subject." (available here: http://www.obronaprawdy.pl/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/Errors-of-PT-749.pdf )

Here's how I was set up.  I honestly studied and studied. Acts 17:11  Then I found that the brother taking over as Executive of the movement was in error - on many things. 

  • Both he and brother Herzig before him refer to the LHMM as "God's chosen Earthly organization" - exactly the way the Jehovah's Witnesses say it. 
  • On more than one occasion it was also written that the Executive Trustee was the "Spiritual Leader" of the Lord's people.

What were they thinking?

THIS is what I had been thinking all along, before I knew anything.
"I love these brethren.  I love Leon who visited our class.  I loved Ralph and enjoyed talking with him.  Nice old knowledgable guys.  And I have no problem with them deciding on a business office or choosing favored successors..."

We all wondered aloud: Why the rush?
Why couldn't we have had independent third-party health reports on brother Ralph?  Rather than his own successor, the assistant to the executive trustee.   Even worldly people have a higher standard of verification and trust so that they have a third-party give the report on the health of a current top executive.  We were told at times that Ralph was still lucid, but never told his view on elections while he yet lived... Why the rush to have the election with Ralph still alive?

Why the reluctance for the E.T. to simply act as "Interim E.T."?
Why not simply sign documents as "assistant executive trustee" until an election can take place? He signed docs as "E.T." while Ralph was even still working in office.

Why the drum beat of propaganda re: "E.T."?
During conventions, speaker after speaker alluded to the change over to the new executive trustee, at least somewhere in their talk.  For some it was the entire content of their talk. We all noticed it was like a running commercial for one man's election.

Can't things can be done more properly, brethren? 
Especially in light of the storied history of Present Truth?  Especially in light of the remarkable protection and direction by God over Pastor Russell and Bro. Johnson who blessed so many?

In the words of Leon Snyder himself

from the convention platform, verbatim

"Paul S.L. Johnson, founder of the LHMM, and the way he was set in place for the office of Executive Trustee was, by Pastor Charles Taze Russell.  He was (trailing off)...It was, the announcement was made, that he was to be the one that would follow.

Then the Lord also had a hand in it. The Lord set in place then as the leader of the Lord's people.  Two different offices entirely.  Yet they are performed as they had been from day one by the same individual. I don't see any reason where the Lord would change that at the present time."

Though he does not describe it, "Executive Trustee" is supposed to be a business office only.   He does not explain at all about the other office he presumes to take, as "Spiritual Leader" and "leader of the Lord's people."
So he sees himself as filling both executive offices in one person.  During all this I remembered Pastor Russell's views regarding the errors of organizations, and the dangers of leaders grasping for power, etc....

I took the bait and took a look at when Raymond Jolly took over these"two offices in one", trying to take the place of Brother Johnson. That's when things went wrong.  He may have been well intentioned and properly chosen, but he was as wrong for the job as Matthias was to replace the 12th Apostle. 

So today, Bro. Snyder publishes new errors on justification, because he received new errors from Bro. Ralph Herzig, and before him from Bernard Hedman, and Gohlke before him...  Each of them have coming up with new mistakes to cover for the last ones.  All have introduced teachings that wrestle against what Pastor Russell and brother Johnson would ever endorse, then or now.

Rutherford = Jolly

So it all began with self proclaimed "Pastor" Raymond G. Jolly, whose multitude of errors are documented and are being highlighted in this blog.  It is our contention that, just as "Judge" Rutherford perverted Pastor Russell's teachings, so did  R.G. Jolly do the same, to both brother Russell and Johnson's teachings.

It's not hard to see the big picture here, as a Scripture comes to mind.

Rev. 18:4 

Yours in Truth,

Bro. Regan

From That Servant

IMAGE worship is hindering hundreds from seeing the beauties of the Word of God. They may perhaps glance at it, and for a moment think for themselves, but that is all. The church discipline is so strict, and they reverence it so much, that a look or frown is sufficient to warn them that independent thought is a dangerous thing, and must not be indulged in, lest they be regarded as infidels. Would that all could see that these local organizations called churches are not THE CHURCH, but that the Church of God includes all Christians, all whose names are written in Heaven, and that when these local organizations attempt to come between them as children, and God their Father, or to put their creed instead of the Word of God, their assumed authority is not to be recognized, nor tolerated; and that it is our duty to rebuke it as sinful."  Pastor C.T. Russell

This arrangement by which God gave Israel its judges is in considerable harmony with his dealings with spiritual Israel during this Gospel age--raising up for them from time to time special counselors, deliverers, ministers. Similarly Spiritual Israelites are not to caucus and wire-pull and decide for themselves who shall be their spiritual leaders; but are to regard the Lord as the great Chief Captain, and to look to him to raise up from time to time such spiritual chieftains as he may please. The acceptance of the leadings of these as God's appointees does not necessarily mean their selection by ballot, but may be indicated merely by giving ear to their teachings in harmony with the Word of the Lord. The lead of such spiritual lieutenants of divine appointment will always be marked by spiritual victories and the bringing of the Lord's people into closer heart-relationship with him. Any leadership which does not produce such fruits is evidently not of the Lord; the spirit of the Lord leads not to bondage, ignorance or strife, but to love, joy, peace of heart, liberty of conscience.

Nor should any brother assume public duties in the Church as leader, representative, etc., without an election-- even though assured that there is no question respecting his acceptability. The Scriptural method of ordaining elders in all the churches is by congregational election--by stretching forth the hand in a vote. To insist on such an election before serving is to follow Scriptural order; it fortifies the Elder, and, additionally, reminds the
Ecclesia of its duties and responsibilities as appointees of the elders in the Lord's name and spirit--as expressing God's choice, God's will. Additionally, this Scriptural arrangement interests the members of the Ecclesia in all the words and deeds of the elders, as their servants and representatives. It opposes the too prevalent idea that the elders own and rule the congregation and puts an end to their thinking of them and speaking of them as "my people"--rather than as "the Lord's people whom I serve."

Monday, September 19, 2016

How do I tell my girls about our class break-up?

The first Wollochet Bay Bible Students class

How do I tell my girls about our class break-up?  That was my biggest worry for 6 weeks as I couldn't decide for the life of me what to tell my beautiful young ladies regarding our friends in our Bible study class and why they have left us.

Finally I chickened out and left it to my wife to explain it during the news portion of our meeting on Sunday, September 11, 2016.

She did a good job though I don't recall much.  I was very distraught over it and have been for weeks.  But we still have an interested class and so we had a study, with me as elder.  

For my part, we covered these three main things:

#1  Why do we meet?  

We meet to build one another up in the Most Holy Faith, but why?  Based on what?  

To answer this, we proved that the God of the Bible is real and that His Word is to be trusted.  We did this through three areas of proof:  First by discussing the Jewish people (as my step-daughters are of Jewish background) their existence proving the Bible.  We then learned about Bible Numerics and Dr. Ivan Panin.  This week on 9/18 we discussed Bible manuscript evidence.

#2  How do we meet?  

We don't want formalism, yet we do have a form.  We start at 11 AM with a hymn and a prayer, the news, views and manna.

We don't want any fuss over temporal provisions which proved to be a source of contention.  Each may have their own beverage of choice.  

#3  What do we study?

So far we are studying current events and how they relate to Scripture, especially regarding ISRAEL.

We are bringing together our girls Jewish heritage with their prophetic Bible study, all while talking about current events.  We will continually emphasize Israel's right to live as Jews in their own land - all of their land!

We will of course have further Berean study.  By so doing, we not only learn our proper course respecting how we should study, but as an added bonus, we now learn even more about our own present distress regarding our class difficulties!  

from Pastor Russell in Volume 6:

Another kind of meeting which has proven very advantageous in the study of the Word is known as a "Berean Circle for Bible study." These are not merely reading circles, but a systematic study of the divine plan in all its phases, taken up item by item. The several volumes of SCRIPTURE STUDIES, treating the subjects, as they do, in a connected and consecutive order, constitute (with the Bible) textbooks for these Bible studies; but in order to the profit of these classes it is necessary that the leader and the class should clearly differentiate between reading and studying. So far as the reading is concerned, all of the dear friends can 


as well, or perhaps better, do their reading by themselves at home. The object of these studies is to take up a certain portion of each topic as presented in one or more paragraphs, and to discuss it thoroughly between themselves, calling up collateral passages of Scripture, etc., and thoroughly ventilating the matter, and, if possible, getting each member of the class to give an expression of his thought respecting the particular matter under consideration, proceeding then to the next topic. Some of these Berean Circles have taken a year or two for the study of a single volume of SCRIPTURE STUDIES--and that to great interest and profit.* 

"Let Every Man Be Fully Persuaded in His Own Mind"
--Rom. 14:5--

All logical minds delight in reaching a decision, if possible, respecting every item of truth; and this the Apostle declares should be striven for by each member of the Church for himself--"in his own mind." It is a common mistake, however, to attempt to apply this personally good rule to a Church or to a class in Bible-study--to attempt to force all to decide on exactly the same conclusion respecting the meaning of the Lord's Word. It is proper that we should wish that all might "see eye to eye"; but it is not reasonable to expect it when we know that all are fallen from perfection, not only of body, but also of mind, and that these deflections are in various directions, as shown by the various shapes of head to be found in any gathering of people. Our various kinds and degrees of education are important factors also in assisting or hindering oneness of view.

Oh how wonderfully charitable are the wise words of That Servant when compared to the intolerance of the day!

THE ANARCHY is another thing we discuss.  We think we are in THE ANARCHY PHASE, according to the Bible and the two Star Members.  More on that later.

As for me and my family, I'm just a simple Bible student. My wife and I are basically newlyweds coming up on 5 years of marriage.  She and my daughters are new to the Truth.  My wife chose to consecrate.  The girls are typical teenagers, so they don't participate too much yet.  I hope for them to know all they can about the Bible. I hope to influence them in that way.

That's why we all meet.  During our brief time with the L.H.M.M., so often we'd hear about "consecrated Epiphany campers". And so almost as soon as we first even ask: "we'd love to hear more, please where is it in the Bible?"  - they just split the class and basically disfellowshipped us.  

All I have to do is tell this story to any person, be they Muslim or Hindu, Catholic or Jew, democrat, republican, Lutheran, you?  I think you would say "wow really this happened to you?" 

Yeah.  Like so many who have gone before.  John 16:2

Yours in Truth,


Bible Students ecclesia breaks up on a sectarian rock, "Consecrated Epiphany Camper" class

"...and knowing your fascination with Hoefle, We don’t see any possibility to continue to study Bible Truth together!" 

From a letter sent to Octaman from his brethren who he had fellowshipped with across three decades...

Octa-Blog Announcement:  "The Everett/Gig Harbor/Fife Bible Students have crashed against the sectarian rock called the "Consecrated Epiphany Camper" class.  

One student in this class was asked point blank if he accepted a doctrine called "Consecrated Epiphany Campers".  The answer was no, he couldn't find that teaching in the Bible.  He never interjected his view into the class studies, nor asked for any special hearing.  He suggested it be left up to the class to decide if they'd ever care to study it.

The interrogators became the silencing minority.  In the course of answering them they learned he did not accept the "CEC" class.  Not willing to hear him, they decided to split the class, cutting tender friendships that spanned three decades.  

They still meet with High Calling brethren who also do not see a "CEC" class in the Bible.

In any event, ALL Bible Students should know that The Ransom is the only doctrine that determines fellowship

The End of the Fife Bible Class

Our record will show how we left off as a class in the Photo Drama of Creation on the chapter about the faithful Martyrs and reformers and how they where mistreated for asking questions..."Huss, Wycliffe, Tyndale Etc.

The lessons of the past should never be forgotten."..."Fortunately there are always advanced thinkers on all lines. Such are generally considered fools, and persecuted. In reality they are the greatest benefactors of mankind. Huss suffered for his faithfulness to the Bible. Wycliffe and Tyndale were persecuted. Tyndale's Bible was burned publicly by high ecclesiastics, in front of St. Paul's Cathedral, London."

That Servant and the Epiphany Messenger taught against sectarianism. 
How the majority have branded the minority as "heretics" through the age!

For FEAR of one person's independent study, one elder and his wife cut off from fellowship five of their brethren.  aIt split a class that had grown at some meetings to about 10 or 11 people, mainly from two families.  

They used a misapplied text to split the class, wrongly applying Amos 3:3 to Christian fellowship.

The proper usage is plain from the context of the Bible, and has a clear explanation from That Servant, and by The Epiphany Messenger as referring to the separation between natural Israel and God because of sin.  So this verse is NOT used as an excuse text for separation of christian ecclesias over non-essential doctrines.

In searching all of Zion's Watchtower I could find Amos 3:3 quoted just three times.  How ironic is the added strength of admonition to study here, since one of the accusations against me was that I "study too much".

We cannot have the heart filled with two things at the same time. If we are filled with love there is no room left in our hearts for evil. (`2 Cor. 10:5`.) 'Casting down imaginations and bringing into captivity every thought to Christ Jesus.' There are two indispensable things for the Christian to do. He must study, study, study; and he must read, read, read. It does not require much to decide your chance. Love and trust the brethren if the heavens fall. You will be misunderstood, but God is for us. Keep with those who have the same mind that you have, the same hope, the same desires. What concord the Apostle advises! How can two walk together unless they are agreed? '

Our Pastor himself quotes Amos 3:3 only once, teaching how it properly applies to natural Israel.
Since I can't quite see the "Consecrated Epiphany Camper's", perhaps they are just so high up, and I don't see as high as they, to see well enough to endorse a course of division over one person's non-intrusive, independent study.  It seems they're walking in the very footsteps of those who persecuted some who dared to read the works of Paul Johnson, telling them their fascination with him could get them second death.  Now they say such things of Bro. Hoefle.

Yes, Bro. Hoefle, the pilgrim appointed by Bro. Johnson who funded nearly the entire Epiphany movement by himself, was slandered and smeared simply for asking the question,where in the Bible is the consecrated Epiphany Camper class taught? He never got an answer. (It came from Krewson). He was simply murdered - spiritually -  by R.G. Jolly in order to avoid the question.  

Brother Johnson tells us on p. 585 of Vol. 10 that R. G. Jolly had a “bad” conscience, and often “misrepresented” Brother Johnson.   Notice also on the same page 585 that Brother Johnson openly accuses R. G. Jolly of being “unfair and unkind”... 

Now I know just how he felt.  I had no idea that accepting the doctrine of CEC's unquestioningly was a requirement to study with the L.H.M.M.  Yet the Epiphany Truth is shining so clearly as I'm more "epiphanized" day by day, thanks to this experience. 

We seek others in Christian fellowship   

In contacting the brethren from Bro. Hoefle's original Mt. Dora class, we inquired and received the names of four local brethren who had also contacted them, willing to study apart from the L.H.M.M.  Two of the names were the very same individuals who just split our class and left us.

All should escape and be free from the smoke of confusion of any Babylon system of relgion, both big and small, because I can tell you this, it's causing it's adherents to act confused.  

Come out of her, my people! Rev. 18:4

Yours in Truth,

Bro. Regan 

P.S.  What Pastor Russell taught regarding hearing minority views:

"Any one in attendance at such a class should have the privilege of presenting his question or topic, and the spirit of love and sympathy and helpfulness and consideration pervading all should be such that all proper topics would be accorded a respectful hearing. And in the case of a special request for a topic supposed to be contrary to the general views of the congregation, yet fully within the lines of the foundation principles of the Gospel, the person desirous of having the subject discussed should be granted a reasonable time for the presentation, and should be the chief speaker for the occasion, his time possibly being limited, say, to thirty minutes or more or less, according to the importance of the topic and the interest of the class in it. Following his presentation the question should be open for discussion by the others of the class, the propounder of the question having a few minutes granted him subsequently for a brief answer to any objections brought forward by others, the Chairman having the final word in closing the meeting."

P.P.S.Exhortation and warning of the beloved Epiphany Messenger:

‘‘Among many Truth people, therefore, clericalism is one of the burning questions. It is almost everywhere rampant. In Little Babylon we have a little presbyterial system of church government – the rule of elders. In its work-director we have its ecclesial bishop..... In the Society pilgrims we have the little cardinals, and in the Society’s president we have the little pope. Trampled under the feet of these clericalists the democracy that in Brother Russell’s day exercised the autonomy and independence of the ecclesias, varyingly in the organizational Levite subdivisions, is being destroyed. Some of the brethren have been aroused to appropriate action in this matter; some are very timidly resisting.....
‘‘And to you, dear Epiphany-enlightened brethren, we would address a suit­able exhortation: ‘Stand fast, therefore, in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again in the yoke of bondage.’“ (See E:9. pp. 349-350 for the complete warning and exhortation)


March 15, 1918 Watch Tower, as follows:

"With deep regret we here mention that the practice of some is to go about the classes and at first, by soft and smooth speech, assure the dear sheep that they have deeply the interest of the Lord's work at heart; and then suddenly they bring a tirade against the work as the Lord is conducting it through the channel that he has used for the past forty years.  Some of the dear sheep become very much disturbed, and some are shaken out. This is another evi­dence of the great shaking now in progress. It would seem that any one who is loyal to the Lord and his cause and the brethren would not seek to disrupt his work; at least, if they could not see eye to eye with the manner in which it is being conducted, the proper spirit would prompt such to remain quiet or quietly to withdraw. Any other spirit would not seem to be the spirit of the Master.''

The foregoing quotation is from That Evil Servant, J.F. Rutherford

Friday, September 02, 2016

NO Popes, NO clerics, "NO earthly organization"

"One of the deceptive entanglements of our day is that we should join an earthly organization."  Pastor C.T. Russell R1067:2

"Organization, as commonly understood, and as illustrated in the various sects to-day, we could in no sense commend; it is a bondage contrary to the spirit of Christ and the apostles, as well as to their words. Such organization prevents growth in knowledge, as well as hinders the rejection of errors of wood, hay and stubble, already received. It selects by purely human election certain men as the only authorized teachers, and so binds them to traditions, that they can neither walk nor teach others to walk in the path of the just, "which shineth more and more unto the perfect day," while they remain in such organizations. Hence, such organizations are not only not of God, but are radically opposed to God's methods."  Pastor Russell Z836

In analyzing the attacks by R.G. Jolly against an innocent, brother John J. Hoefle, I didn't expect to have to comment on personal matters.

BUT NOW, my own brethren in my own ecclesia, those very ones who sent me all the documents highlighting problems in the L.H.M.M., have just recently chosen to split our ecclesia.  WHY?

When I was interrogated directly if I believed in "Consecrated Epiphany Campers" I had to say 

"No, I haven't seen it in the Bible myself yet, so I have to think the youthful worthy call is the only one open.

That's all it took.  My entire family are cut off from them over this.  Hey I know the drill, thanks to the writings of That Servant:

"As Papacy established the priesthood over the church, so Protestantism has established almost the same, and there is no opportunity for the body to edify itself, every joint taking part. True, there is a seeming show of liberty at prayer-meetings, etc., but it is only upon the surface, for the ordained pastor is to watch zealously lest anything contrary to the teachings of his church should be expressed, and if so to silence the audacious member at once, for the church creed is the rule, not the Word of God. If this is not sufficient, they must have a sort of church trial and excommunicate him ["kill him"]. The trial, by the way, gives evidence of another likeness to the beast, namely, the exaltation of the teachings of the organization above the Word of God, for all such are tried according to "the authorities" of their church. Z322

IMAGE worship is hindering hundreds from seeing the beauties of the Word of God. They may perhaps glance at it, and for a moment think for themselves, but that is all. The church discipline is so strict, and they reverence it so much, that a look or frown is sufficient to warn them that independent thought is a dangerous thing, and must not be indulged in, lest they be regarded as infidels. Would that all could see that these local organizations called churches are not THE CHURCH, but that the Church of God includes all Christians, all whose names are written in Heaven, and that when these local organizations attempt to come between them as children, and God their Father, or to put their creed instead of the Word of God, their assumed authority is not to be recognized, nor tolerated; and that it is our duty to rebuke it as sinful."

Here's just two quotes from the docs given me by the two brethren in my own ecclesia:

Dated Dec. 8, 2014, from the Executive Trustee of the L.H.M.M (yet not from the Executive Trustee?)  we read: 

"Some brothers find reason to continue to take a deviating course from the regulations governing the Bible Standard Ministries [LHMM] Movement.  In Christian love for them I, under the guidance of our great Jehovah, have chosen to remove them from the privilege of any affiliation under the Bible Standard Ministries [LHMM].

There is only ONE publisher of God's word of Truth: The Truth Movement!  These arrangements have been set forth by the great Jehovah through the vessels He has chosen to serve earthly and this practice continues to this very day!

Bible Standard Ministries must stand against anyone who knowingly and persistently agitates against any of the more important features of the Parousia and Epiphany Truth and its arrangements. The LORD has set in place the one who will properly do the representing, and who will set a proper example to the other brethren.

If one who claims to understand the Truth message and cannot see eye to eye with any of the more
important features of the Truth as presented in the P.T. and the B.S., he should first communicate with
me about it; and after he has had my reply or replies, if he still cannot see eye to eye with the pertinent arrangements or teachings the one's (sic) in error should step down from agitating against such arrangements."

This document, which has the same spirit of the modern Watchtower which claims to be "the channel" and "God's chosen earthly organization", also has the same persecuting spirit of papacy.  

It was signed "Bro. Leon Snyder, Executive Trustee".  Meanwhile, Bro. Ralph Herzig was still the living Executive Trustee at that time, no new vote coming for well over a year.

entire public doc here:  http://truth-beauty.net/dokumenty/inne/01--english--bro.Snyder's-letter-to-Polish-brethren.pdf


"This letter of disappointment is issued to Thomas Matthew for continued wrong doing in the position he once held with the LHMM!! This appointment was given to Thomas Matthew with the understanding that he would continue to honor the contract he signed with Jehovah thru God’s chosen earthly Movement; the Laymen’s Home Missionary Movement.

You, Thomas Matthew have and are now displaying conduct that is not conducive to any Christian; especially one that has been invited into the deeper understandings of God’s word. As the Executive Trustee of the Bible Standard Ministries [LHMM] I remove you from any further privileges of service within this movement!!"

entire public doc here:  http://truth-beauty.net/dokumenty/indie/01_Thomas_Matthew_dismiss_EN.pdf

He certainly uses a lot of exclamation points, perhaps as a helpful tool for someone who has not actually been voted in as Executive Trustee, yet who was signing letters as "Executive Trustee" months and months before there would be an election for that office.  

And yet, I never complained about that, knowing of the illness involved.  But they did.

Those brethren of mine who rejected me and my entire family over a non-essential doctrine lacking Scriptural support, also claim to oppose Leon Snyder, or so they said to us every time we saw them.  And yet they remain in the organization.  

"Let us remember that grumbling and talking against sectarianism while sticking to it, and avoiding the real issue, is not the honorable straight-forward course in the sight of our fellow men; and yet more important, such a course is not approved of God." Pastor Charles Taze Russell

Matthew 5:12 And whosoever shall exalt themselves shall be humbled; and whosoever shall humble themselves shall be exalted.

IN THE END, HERE'S what the two brethren who sent me the documents, the same two who asked me my opinion on the errors, ultimately said to me:

 "knowing your fascination with Hoefle,
We don’t see any possibility to continue to study Bible Truth together!"

It get's worse.  When I sent to the Hoefle group asking for contacts of any brethren in my area who may wish to study, we were given the names of those very same two brethren who cut us off - the same two with whom I have fellowshipped, spanning three decades.  

They had already contacted the Hoefle group before I did, saying they would be open to studying with whomever they could put in contact with them.  

So NOW it's time for an exclamation point!

He revealeth the deep and secret things: he knoweth what is in the darkness, and the light dwelleth with him.

Thursday, September 01, 2016

Before we continue, a word from Bro. Hoefle

Part 4 of our RGJ vs. JJH series is coming soon, but first....

According to the lies told by various "sources", Bro. Hoefle was trying to take over the movement.  That's a bald faced lie coming from the bottomless pit.  Here's the Truth instead:



No. 136

Here we wish to make our own ambitions very clear: We do not want R. G. Jolly’s position; we wouldn’t accept it if it were offered to us. We consider our own position as somewhat analogous to Brother Johnson’s situation (although not a parallel, or offered as a prophecy) as set forth in Judges 9:7-15, where he relates the selection of the “bramble” (thistle, see margin) to rule over the Society, at which time they selected J. F. Rutherford – just as certain Levites now partisanly support R. G. Jolly; and note Brother Johnson’s comments about the selection (E-10:459):
“He by act told the brethren (although R. G. Jolly goes a little further here: He actually tells them – JJH) that they must not only accept, but be subject to him as controller, executive and manager, else destruction would go out from him against all who were leaders.”
When Brother Johnson gave us our Pilgrim appointment, he stressed the point that we were then privileged to teach any Ecclesia anywhere on earth if opportunity was presented; and he himself repeatedly gave us discourse opportunities at many general conventions to do that. Those assemblies always included some Saints, as well as some of R. G. Jolly’s “higher class”; but now that he has eliminated the Saints by his crafty “sleight-of-hand,” he would have his readers believe they should also eliminate JJH, too, which he himself is doing his best to accomplish. But his “best” has not been sufficient to do this. We state with considerable satisfaction that those who have been attracted to our writings are always those who were rated among the best brethren in character prior to 1950. We mention specifically Brother Roach (the very same brother a pilgrim – by R. G. Jolly’s appointment – praised so highly at a Philadelphia Convention after his trip to Trinidad – said he was so clear on the Truth, etc., with which we heartily agreed), long-time representative of Brother Johnson in Trinidad; Sister Condell of Jamaica; Brother Baxendale of England; Brother Wells of Winston-Salem, N. C.; Brother Price of Kansas; Sr. Oldham of California; Brother Dunnagan of Florida; and Brother Alger of Detroit. [emphasis RcB] We enumerate these publicly because they are all dead, but we could name quite a few others who are still living – all of them among the most loved and respected in the Epiphany Movement for their fine character qualities and spiritual discernment; and we believe those of our readers who knew them will agree with the compliment we now pay them (just as the brother praised Brother Roach from the Conven­tion platform in Philadelphia). And we know also that R. G. Jolly himself held many of them in high esteem until they began to reject his sins of teaching and practice, as we also have done.
We consider our appointment as General Elder in the General Church as valid today as it was when Brother Johnson gave It to us – but with greater responsibilities toward our brethren; and we are acutely conscious of Brother Johnson’s loving obser­vation in his letter that accompanied that appointment; namely:
“You can be assured that in this service you will have the special opposition of the adversary (Azazel! – JJH) and those who have his spirit, and thus you will have severer trials. On the other hand, remember the Lord is on our side and will give you special help and blessings, if you faithfully use your privileges of service.” ....  John J. Hoefle, pilgrim