Tuesday, September 20, 2016

L.H.M.M. : "God's chosen earthly organization" ?

L.H.M.M. :  "God's chosen earthly organization"

Leon Snyder to Adam Urban, Dec. 1 2014

"There is only ONE publisher of God's word of Truth: The Truth Movement!  These arrangements have been set forth by the great Jehovah through the vessels He has chosen to serve earthly and this practice continues to this very day!"

Dec. 8, 2014, from the Executive Trustee

"I'm grateful for the privilege that the lord has placed upon my shoulders to, to be the guide at this present time for His movement.  Amen"   Leon Snyder

March 2015  Seattle Convention

"In recognition of Bro. Leon Snyder as the Lord's choice as leader of the Consecrated Epiphany Campers, the brethren will vote for him as Executive Trustee (Conducting the business) of our Movement. "

Florida 3/11/16
Muskegon May 20
Bible house 7/15

In March of 2015 just after our small class hosted the Seattle convention, I was given documents from two brethren in my class regarding "errors" on justification by faith and sectarian errors.  I was asked my opinion.

It said:

"ERRORS of PT 749"

"starting with paragraph No 4, the present “acting executive trustee” comes up with his own version of justification"

It went on to describe what seemed very close to Ransom denial.

Notice it says:

"one should go back to the original version of the said article, found in BS 202, of January 1953, written by Bro. Jolly, to see to what extent the authors of the two differ on the subject." (available here: http://www.obronaprawdy.pl/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/Errors-of-PT-749.pdf )

Here's how I was set up.  I honestly studied and studied. Acts 17:11  Then I found that the brother taking over as Executive of the movement was in error - on many things. 

  • Both he and brother Herzig before him refer to the LHMM as "God's chosen Earthly organization" - exactly the way the Jehovah's Witnesses say it. 
  • On more than one occasion it was also written that the Executive Trustee was the "Spiritual Leader" of the Lord's people.

What were they thinking?

THIS is what I had been thinking all along, before I knew anything.
"I love these brethren.  I love Leon who visited our class.  I loved Ralph and enjoyed talking with him.  Nice old knowledgable guys.  And I have no problem with them deciding on a business office or choosing favored successors..."

We all wondered aloud: Why the rush?
Why couldn't we have had independent third-party health reports on brother Ralph?  Rather than his own successor, the assistant to the executive trustee.   Even worldly people have a higher standard of verification and trust so that they have a third-party give the report on the health of a current top executive.  We were told at times that Ralph was still lucid, but never told his view on elections while he yet lived... Why the rush to have the election with Ralph still alive?

Why the reluctance for the E.T. to simply act as "Interim E.T."?
Why not simply sign documents as "assistant executive trustee" until an election can take place? He signed docs as "E.T." while Ralph was even still working in office.

Why the drum beat of propaganda re: "E.T."?
During conventions, speaker after speaker alluded to the change over to the new executive trustee, at least somewhere in their talk.  For some it was the entire content of their talk. We all noticed it was like a running commercial for one man's election.

Can't things can be done more properly, brethren? 
Especially in light of the storied history of Present Truth?  Especially in light of the remarkable protection and direction by God over Pastor Russell and Bro. Johnson who blessed so many?

In the words of Leon Snyder himself

from the convention platform, verbatim

"Paul S.L. Johnson, founder of the LHMM, and the way he was set in place for the office of Executive Trustee was, by Pastor Charles Taze Russell.  He was (trailing off)...It was, the announcement was made, that he was to be the one that would follow.

Then the Lord also had a hand in it. The Lord set in place then as the leader of the Lord's people.  Two different offices entirely.  Yet they are performed as they had been from day one by the same individual. I don't see any reason where the Lord would change that at the present time."

Though he does not describe it, "Executive Trustee" is supposed to be a business office only.   He does not explain at all about the other office he presumes to take, as "Spiritual Leader" and "leader of the Lord's people."
So he sees himself as filling both executive offices in one person.  During all this I remembered Pastor Russell's views regarding the errors of organizations, and the dangers of leaders grasping for power, etc....

I took the bait and took a look at when Raymond Jolly took over these"two offices in one", trying to take the place of Brother Johnson. That's when things went wrong.  He may have been well intentioned and properly chosen, but he was as wrong for the job as Matthias was to replace the 12th Apostle. 

So today, Bro. Snyder publishes new errors on justification, because he received new errors from Bro. Ralph Herzig, and before him from Bernard Hedman, and Gohlke before him...  Each of them have coming up with new mistakes to cover for the last ones.  All have introduced teachings that wrestle against what Pastor Russell and brother Johnson would ever endorse, then or now.

Rutherford = Jolly

So it all began with self proclaimed "Pastor" Raymond G. Jolly, whose multitude of errors are documented and are being highlighted in this blog.  It is our contention that, just as "Judge" Rutherford perverted Pastor Russell's teachings, so did  R.G. Jolly do the same, to both brother Russell and Johnson's teachings.

It's not hard to see the big picture here, as a Scripture comes to mind.

Rev. 18:4 

Yours in Truth,

Bro. Regan

From That Servant

IMAGE worship is hindering hundreds from seeing the beauties of the Word of God. They may perhaps glance at it, and for a moment think for themselves, but that is all. The church discipline is so strict, and they reverence it so much, that a look or frown is sufficient to warn them that independent thought is a dangerous thing, and must not be indulged in, lest they be regarded as infidels. Would that all could see that these local organizations called churches are not THE CHURCH, but that the Church of God includes all Christians, all whose names are written in Heaven, and that when these local organizations attempt to come between them as children, and God their Father, or to put their creed instead of the Word of God, their assumed authority is not to be recognized, nor tolerated; and that it is our duty to rebuke it as sinful."  Pastor C.T. Russell

This arrangement by which God gave Israel its judges is in considerable harmony with his dealings with spiritual Israel during this Gospel age--raising up for them from time to time special counselors, deliverers, ministers. Similarly Spiritual Israelites are not to caucus and wire-pull and decide for themselves who shall be their spiritual leaders; but are to regard the Lord as the great Chief Captain, and to look to him to raise up from time to time such spiritual chieftains as he may please. The acceptance of the leadings of these as God's appointees does not necessarily mean their selection by ballot, but may be indicated merely by giving ear to their teachings in harmony with the Word of the Lord. The lead of such spiritual lieutenants of divine appointment will always be marked by spiritual victories and the bringing of the Lord's people into closer heart-relationship with him. Any leadership which does not produce such fruits is evidently not of the Lord; the spirit of the Lord leads not to bondage, ignorance or strife, but to love, joy, peace of heart, liberty of conscience.

Nor should any brother assume public duties in the Church as leader, representative, etc., without an election-- even though assured that there is no question respecting his acceptability. The Scriptural method of ordaining elders in all the churches is by congregational election--by stretching forth the hand in a vote. To insist on such an election before serving is to follow Scriptural order; it fortifies the Elder, and, additionally, reminds the
Ecclesia of its duties and responsibilities as appointees of the elders in the Lord's name and spirit--as expressing God's choice, God's will. Additionally, this Scriptural arrangement interests the members of the Ecclesia in all the words and deeds of the elders, as their servants and representatives. It opposes the too prevalent idea that the elders own and rule the congregation and puts an end to their thinking of them and speaking of them as "my people"--rather than as "the Lord's people whom I serve."

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