Thursday, December 21, 2017

We were to expect: War - Revolution - Anarchy - Jacob's Trouble and HERE THEY ALL ARE!

Welcome Truth seekers.  We're trying to find out what all, according to the Bible, was supposed to happen AFTER Pastor Russell died, yet BEFORE the Kingdom in it's blessing phase comes.  Here we go!

We were to expect:

War - Revolution - Anarchy - Jacob's Trouble


"THE TITLE of this, the fourth volume of "THE STUDIES IN THE SCRIPTURES," suggests one of the three features of the great tribulation (Rev. 7: 14). According to Elijah's vision (1 Kings 19: 11, 12), this great tribulation was to have three stages:

(1) the World War (the wind); 
(2) the World Revolution or Armageddon (the earthquake); and 
(3) the World Anarchy (the fire). 

Ezek.14: 13-21 corroborates this with several additions; for by the sword he designates the World War and World Revolution and by the wild beasts he designates the anarchists who in their disregard of law and order are fittingly represented by wild beasts, which, of course, are lawless.

This passage also shows that famine and pestilence will play their part in the great tribulation, intermingling themselves with the above-mentioned three features of the Day of Vengeance. 

Rev. 7: 1 by the word "wind" refers to the World War; and Rev. 16: 16-18 
by the terms Armageddon and a great earthquake refers to the World Revolution, 
while 2 Thes. 1: 8 by the term "fire" refers especially to the anarchistic phase of the trouble. Many other Scriptures can be cited and quoted to show these three stages of the time of trouble..." [PSL Johnson]

We endorse the writings of Pastor Charles Taze Russell AND Prof. Paul Samuel Leo Johnson, quoted next, as the only trusted authors on these matters.  All other writers are mere speculation.  We seek to show how their writings fit exactly with what's happening today.  We don't claim to have all the answers or all the pieces.  We are sharing a very open puzzle box with everyone, and we see most of the pieces fit with just a few things left to complete.  

So, What remains? a few things including:

Ezekiel 38 and 39

continuing from PSL Johnson...

"our Pastor, in Studies, Vol. IV, applies this passage to Jacob's trouble in Palestine, which is to be not only after Armageddon, but also after Anarchy. The latter view is evidently right, for the conflict in Ezek. 38 and 39 will occur within one year, and that the last year of the trouble period, while Armageddon will last several years, a hectic peace for several years will follow it, then will follow Anarchy for several years, and thereafter Jacob's trouble will come."

So, we knew to expect after the war:  Armageddon which he said did start in 1914. 

We corroborate this view of CTR's where he said:


The present great war in Europe [1914-1918] is the beginning of the Armageddon of the Scriptures. (Rev. 16:16-20.)"
 CT Russell Sermons Book Pg. 676

We weigh the views of these two Star Members of the Church

In the Hebrew of Ezek. 38: 8 the expression rendered, "in the latter years," is to be translated, "in the last one of the years;" and in v. 16 the expression rendered, "in the latter days," is to be translated, "in the last one of the days"—a day here standing for a year. This proves that Ezek. 38 and 39 refer to a period subsequent to Armageddon and Anarchy.

"The anarchists will terribly persecute spiritual Israel, as indicated by Elijah's whirlwind ascent, and by the last ones' being "violently seized by clouds," the literal translation of the Greek rendered in the A. V. of 1 Thes. 4: 17, "caught up … in the clouds";
PSLJ Merariism Vol. 6 pg. 580-81

We may have a slightly different view ourselves, that Ezek 38 has been in progress for decades, however we don't set aside PSLJ's view at all but wait until things develop and are proven exactly by world events.  We seek clues and find the best information available...

End of Part One. NEXT:
THE DATE is 2018?
"2018 is the shortest we might dare hope for as the end of The Anarchy, in order to see the completion of Jacob's Trouble at the end of this Anarchy 
This date commends itself by being exactly 70 years from 1948 when Israel becomes a stateAND 70 YEARS IS ALSO (possibly) the correct length of what is Scripturally called a "generation"
This marks an even stage for our study timeline on

War / Armageddon / Anarchy / Jacob's Trouble

Feel free to comment below and please share our study.

Yours in Truth,

Bro. Regan Balman

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