Monday, June 10, 2019

The Great Social Explosion Described in Revelation as an Earthquake Will Take Place

The Great Social Explosion Described in Revelation as an Earthquake Will Take Place
"Free speech, free mails... will be ruthlessly shut off on the plea of necessity"
Austin Distel

Warren Wong
For a time the wheels of liberty and progress will be turned backward, and mediaeval restraints will be considered necessary for self-preservation, for the maintenance of the present order of things and for the prevention of the new order which God has decreed, the due time for which is at hand. Even those who may be God's people do not stop to consider whether it is His will that things should continue as they have been for the past six thousand years. The Bible says that such is not God's will, but that there is to be a great overthrow, that a new order is coming in.

For a brief time, as we understand the Scriptures, these combined forces of Armageddon will triumph. Free speech, free mails, and other liberties which have come to be the very breath of the masses in our day, will be ruthlessly shut off on the plea of necessity, the glory of God, the commands of the Church, etc. [Editor's Note: False gods of socialism, commands of the Church of atheism would be modern equivalents.]

The safety-valve will be sat upon, and thus will cease to annoy earth's kings with the sound of escaping steam; and all will seem to be serene, until the great social explosiondescribed in the Revelation as an earthquake will take place. In symbolic language an earthquake signifies social revolution, and the Scriptural declaration is that none like it ever before occurred. (Rev. 16: 18, 19). See our Lord's reference to it in Matt. 24: 21.


At this juncture, the Scriptures show, Divine Power will step forward, and God will gather the marshaled hosts to Armageddon, to the Mount of Destruction (Rev. 16: 16). The very thing which they sought to avert by their union, federation, etc., will be the very thing that they will hasten. Other Scriptures tell us that God will be represented by Messiah, and that He will be on the side of the masses. "At that time shall Michael [the Godlike One, Messiah] stand up" (Dan. 12: 1). He will assume authority. He will take possession of His Kingdom in a manner little looked for by many of those who erroneously have been claiming to be His Kingdom, and authorized by Him to reign in His name and in His stead.

Our Lord Jesus declared, "His servants ye are unto whom ye render service." Some may be rendering service to Satan and to error, who claim to be rendering service to God and to righteousness; and some may serve ignorantly, as did Saul of Tarsus, who "verily thought that he did God service" in persecuting the Church. ...

from "The Battle of Armageddon" by Charles Taze Russell 1897

 This is the MANNA for  JUNE 10

Lord, teach us to pray-Luke 11: 1.
In brief, our prayers, to be acceptable to God, must express confident faith, loving esteem and reverence, full sympathy with the Divine Plan and submission to the Divine will, childlike dependence upon God, acknowledgment of sins and shortcomings and desire for forgiveness, with humble craving for the Divine guidance and protection. These may not always all be expressed in words, but such must at least be the attitude of the soul.

"Prayer is the soul's sincere desire, uttered or unexpressed"-Z '95, 213 (R 1864).

We need the Lord's instructions in order properly to pray. We would not know for what to ask, why to ask, nor how to ask without His instructions. How necessary then, that we come to Him, with humble petitions that He teach us how to pray. Well for us that we prove as apt pupils as He is an apt Teacher of prayer. He will manifest to us its nature, elements, incentives, objects, conditions, cultivation, repression, expression and results-P '26, 76.

Parallel passages: Psa. 5: 1-3; 42: 8; 109: 4; 116: 2; Dan. 6: 10; Matt. 6: 5-15; Luke 2: 37; 18: 1-13; Acts 6: 4; 10: 2, 9; Rom. 1: 9; 12: 12; Eph. 1: 15, 16; Col. 1: 9; 1 Thes. 3: 10; 5: 17; 1 Tim. 5: 5; 2 Tim. 1: 3.

Octaman Radio: emergency radio broadcast
this weeks thrilling episode : The ROCKS OF ANARCHY
Published on Feb 28, 2017

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