#AustinSteinbart is well equipped to supply the true narrative on how the crown of London, or more specifically London City, has been in control of America since 1783. Strong critique of #Trump while offering a plan to unite people around actual truth.
Part One
Blood Money episode 21 with Austin steinbart and we discuss what is Q Intel Pro hi Austin how you doing hey man I'm doing good how about you good good I saw you guys scrambling there to get uh ready and stuff is everything cooler yeah we're having a little few technical issues but we're good we're good to go okay awesome awesome how you doing man I'm doing great how about you see that you guys got this exciting new Collective starting out there in Vegas yeah yeah with uh Studio 17 you know and uh America happens we're launching a new platform with uh Studio 17 producing all the content and on that tip a shout out to Travis and Andrea for uh helping us Put This Together Travis you know helped us put these wonderful Graphics together so shout out to those guys and Travis is the man yeah so I want to dive into it here with um Austin you know let's kind of start off with um you know I mean you know the mainstream he just says a whole bunch of crap and uh let's talk a little bit about that they say a whole bunch of things about you I want you to explain to them to the folks out there uh how you see yourself um in uh the fight for freedom well there as you said there's a lot of rumors out there about me um essentially I am trying to quarterback or play quartermaster for a regime change operation that we're trying to make happen in the United States and what do I mean by regime change I don't mean just business as usual I don't mean just try to elect a few people and have them go in there get captured I mean bypass these rigged elections as you guys experience out there in Vegas as we experience here in Arizona it's a blockchain election and have everybody vote to the tune of like 75 percent to put this country into bankruptcy put this Corporation I should say into bankruptcy um to pretty much fire our entire government and uh update our Constitution and start a new country with a fresh start with a fresh flag yeah I noticed you have a plea Peace Flag back there we'll talk about that in a sec but what is the core I guess principles of where you see the biggest problems that we have that kind of filter themselves into all the corruption uh frankly in all branches of our government right now I see um us being captured by the British Empire um as our biggest issue so a lot of people don't know this but a lot of the ruthless banking oligarchs that started Federal Reserve worked for the British Empire um DC itself is this city-state where they don't have to follow the constitution in the same way as they would as if they were a state and that is such a carbon copy of this thing called the city of London so the city of London is a medieval banking Enclave within the actual city of London where the normal rules of parliament don't apply and that's where the bar is like the international bar where all the other bars like the legal thing uh franchise their procedures from that's where the bank of England is um and the bank of England uses the fact that they have this special privileges granted by the city-state of London um to essentially backstop all the Offshore Banking in the world so if you're a rich person and you want to go put your money in some sketchy place like claim it the Cayman Islands what makes you confident that that bank isn't just going to fold and you're going to lose all your money the thing that makes you confident is it's backstopped by the Central Bank of England because the Central Bank of England doesn't have to follow the same rules as the country of England or the country of the UK so uh the carbon copy of the city of London in DC the uh capturing of our banking system and then in the 40s uh the capturing of our intelligence services so the it like in as the World War II was breaking out um the MI6 the secret intelligence service came over here and helped us build OSS which is the precursor the CIA from the ground up and they essentially taught them everything they know they said hire these people do things this way so on so forth and oh by the way we're gonna make this little deal with you we've been running a lot of these mafias in the United States and as you know they made the deals with the gang the mafias to protect the docks for intelligent Services um but so they said we're gonna make this deal for you and essentially when you need to order something that is illegal by United States standards or you need to get rid of somebody that you guys can't legally do that that you can call us up and you can use the authority of the crown to be taken care of that and if it's because because it's in a different jurisdiction and hence uh there becomes jurisdictional issues is that the reason why oh well no in the crowd's case the crown just by law doesn't have to follow any rules the crown uh can never be prosecuted right if you're a royal like one of the if you're King Charles right now you could go just murder 100 people in the street and there's nothing they could do to prosecute you uh so that legal immunity is one thing the fact that the crown is the formal commander-in-chief of not just the British Military and intelligence services but of the Canadian ones of the Australian ones of the New Zealand ones of the Belizean Woods of the Jamaican ones right so they have all of these is uh military and intelligence assets at their disposal they could never be prosecuted no matter what they do and anything that they do order by law according to this monarchy thing can be kept secret forever so uh it's it's quite a doozy there but they made deals with the CIA and with D5 which is the uh covert counterintelligence wing of the FBI to where uh if they need something handled in the United States and they don't have the legal authority to go scratch that itch they can just run it through the crown and the crowd can handle that for them could you explain uh you gave me some practical examples of that I think you're referencing um the JFK assassination could you could you explain to the viewer uh what that means practically in terms of an operation like the JFK assassination yeah so so it means that um if the CIA and certain elements of the military want to get rid of JFK want to say oh he's a communist threat or whatever pre-checks that whatever BS pretext that they're trying to use to get rid of them that they can go to the crown and they can get the crown to order that and get MI6 to facilitate that and then it's not illegal and it could be kept secret forever um so if you've noticed in the justification in the BS justifications that they've gotten over and over and over again for not declassifying the JFK documents what does it say it says it would it would cause identifiable harm to the law enforcement military intelligence and the conduct of Foreign Relations key kicker there so essentially they they could say they could label this classification because they could say oh if people ever found out that this was you know the Brits helping us do this then that would irreparably harm our relationship with the crown and with with our closest Ally and so the priority of keeping that secret to maintain this Ally a good relation with this Ally outweighs any public interest in disclosure and uh they did that with the Vegas thing too that was a on the part of the silver first October 1st 2017. yep uh we'll get into that in a bit but essentially so so I listened to this thing with Roger Stone the other night and he was talking about you know all the various players that had bones to pick with JFK from the bankers to the intelligence services to the mafia and all this stuff and in his calculation the Nexus between all those points was LBJ and LBJ uh you know was a Savvy guy um but he didn't have the pull like that he didn't have the resources to be able to make that happen unless he had a massive like the world's most massive and oldest intelligence service behind him right so that's that's the real Nexus and LBJ is just the beneficiary yeah because the Roger Stone's book about the man who killed Kennedy's uh he points a finger at LBJ as being pretty much the necessary fulcrum to all of the assassination plans I mean you you don't agree with that assessment I I don't agree that he was the one that had the pull to make it happen against the president um and I think later on uh he demonstrated this willingness to use foreign intelligence services to achieve his ends on the USS Liberty so that was a situation where um they were trying to make stuff happen in the Middle East and they got the Israelis to attack an American signals intelligence ship to kind of cut that off so so I think LBJ demonstrated later on uh that he knows exactly how that works of getting foreign intelligence services to scratch an itch on your back for you and uh so so I don't necessarily think it's wrong that he was intricately involved that he was uh you know definitely wanting that to happen he he had that one quote was it during the election that was like oh they're like why would you be his vice president he's like oh well it's just a Heartbeat Away from the president yeah yeah right so and Nixon pretty much said that he you know in not in not so many upfront words but definitely hinted him believing that LBJ was willing to kill a president I think was his uh quote yeah absolutely I I don't doubt that he was ruthless enough to want to kill the president and to try to set that in motion um I just contest that he had the resources and the pull to be able to make it happen at that level so so you thinking that whatever's left with the JFK files I think like three percent of the documents or whatever you think within that there's evidence that foreign there was foreign involvement with MI6 I do I do well and I think that the things that is the lever they're using to keep it so secret for so long and uh yeah so I use the finders as my little lever there the one where they will the CIA right even if they do terrible things themselves uh that's allowed to come out right so the finders was that CIA child kidnapping ring and they would steal these kids from tunnels out of preschools and they would lock them in cages and do these crazy Satanic rituals on them to traumatize them enough so that they would be docile and not read away um so I think base based on the finders right they are willing to admit that the CIA was involved in some of the worst things imaginable um and I think this JFK stuff at least how they view it is considerably worse and so that gets us into the queue until uh Pro website did I am I saying the website right is q intel.pro q Intel Pro cointelpro is what the FBI does to us on political campaigns and on YouTube videos and keyword tellpro is what we do to them right back is this is this URL down here correct q intel.pro that is correct awesome awesome so uh yeah that gets us into that that whole conversation with what you guys are doing with Q Intel Pro essentially um the way I explain our conversations is whenever somebody gets to a point where they realize that our government is utterly corrupted and there's things happening that are uh way beyond our imagination I think that's where they run into you know people like you Austin when they're searching and they're and they're at that level so uh tell us a little bit about what you've done with this uh Q Intel Pro website so this qatl Pro website is designed to be the visually appealing SparkNotes version of a lot of the topics uh all of us talk about in the various truth communities here and it's designed for The Tick Tock world for all the crowd with Tick Tock braids so that kind of if you're just skimming through and you're looking at pictures reading headlines you can kind of digest what is the big picture of what we're saying here because I think there's a lot of super smart people out there that are incredibly well researched on a lot of these topics and I think that as the truth Community we get so much [ __ ] for you know being called conspiracy theorists that a lot of people they like to just download right they like to to demonstrate their knowledge and show that like no this is right and they write up these huge long very granular pieces and they do these shows that are super duper long and I think uh if we want to get a more mainstream audience on board which that's what I'm trying to do here is we gotta back up and give them just the basics and so we're hoping that with this site um it's not just the stories it's laced with a bunch of WikiLeaks and a bunch of other various documents you're showing them absolutely you're not just throwing theories out there yep but I'm trying to give just a little clip of the receipt obviously for people who care they can go look it up on Wikileaks and see the full exchanges the full sets of documents what I'm talking about but I'm trying to give just a little bit of nothing snippet to say like hey this is the real thing that we're talking about this really happened this is really how it is and so that way we can get through through to a lot more people that we haven't been able to reach in the past and so I'm hoping that uh people like you guys over here um have blood money and not America happens Network um and just throughout the truth Community I'm hoping that this can be this cute process can be kind of like a gateway drug into the truth Community here right that we're just at least opening the door in people's minds to the idea that the worst case scenario is possible and then uh we could be channeling and and uh kind of switchboarding a bunch of other really smart people have been talking about this kind of stuff for a long time if people want to dive deeper on the various details right you talk to the libertarian crowd they're all about and the FED right you talk to the like code pink lefties they're all about these wars a racket uh you talk to certain other people they're all about Healthcare um so we want to have it be this is kind of a big picture from every angle our government is fundamentally corrupt and fundamentally compromised and it will never get better until we take it down democratically and create something new uh but we're just trying to open that door give them the big picture and then um allow all the other really smart people who've been talking about a lot of this stuff for a long time to kind of explain it in further detail should they need to rise and I think a lot of people will be interested so yeah and you know let's for people that don't understand the kind of effect of the crown Corporation and how much of our lives are controlled by the crown Corporation could you tell us a little bit more about that of how that affects us and you know how that's the Crux of the issue well it's just uh you know we have this idea in the United States um that we you know we're super tough and we just kicked these mean old Brits out and you know we just won and that was that it was settled so on and so forth and if you look in the British history books they tell a completely different story and um kind of the idea is David tried to get us back for this whole time through legal means through the bar through those messages absolutely so so they start start off phase one was we got away we we did the revolution but then in 1783 they made this treaty where all of the shareholders the existing British shareholders that held these rights to land and the resources could maintain those rights throughout this process and the problem with that was you know when when the first colonists were coming over here uh the East India Company deployment company the Virginia Company all that stuff um it was such like a corporation that Ruled the Land and I think they got some huge cut of the Timber of the silver of the gold all that stuff so when those companies dissolved uh those rights got transferred to shareholders and then those shareholders had their rights reaffirmed by this Treaty of 1783. so right off the bat we were in uh not a good spot and a lot of people if you look at the letters we're writing George Washington saying hey what what is going on here this is you know we were trying to kick these people out and you just let them have it right back um fast forward a little bit uh we set up a National Bank of the United States and that National Bank you know is intended I I think for most people saw that as well intended thing right but over time it ended up being bought up by straw buyers that were controlled by the Rothschild so essentially it got recaptured by the preeminent British oligarch at the of the day and so they dissolved it in 1811 and that caused one of the big reasons for the war of 1812. uh was to come try to get that back in addition to dissolving that the people of the day the governor the governing body of the day whether I on the ball that this Ross child that this Rothschild guy is this British agent at trying to capture us uh they try to do this original uh 13th Amendment of the Constitution so the 13th Amendment of the Constitution not the original 13th Amendment the original 13th amendment was focused on it was called the titles of nobility and essentially what it was it said anybody who is a uh Asian of the crowd directly indirectly anything like that or anybody with any royal title you are not allowed to participate in American government categorically period end of story so when the British came over in 1812 they burned our capital and they burned that document specifically to the ground and the significance of that I just want to sorry to interrupt you but this is the biggest of that is that Esquires basically lawyers are considered titles of nobility which essentially uh seems like there was some very smart people in government at that point that realized that giving unrestrained power or to the bar and to essentially the practice of law was going to have negative consequences which sounds like that's why they had that original 13th Amendment do you think that's correct yeah absolutely that was a big part of the reason um because the bar right is headquartered in that uh aforementioned city of London jurisdiction so it's this shadowy organization that controls the law that's headquartered in this place that there's not really any rules uh so that was a bad idea I think the other thing was uh at the time the Ross Childs they had got elevated to Baron right the title of Baron which is the title of nobility as well so bankers and lawyers they were like GTFO with this uh new new Amendment and um that didn't get brought up I think part of the reason was several of the founding fathers were also Esquires themselves so they would have been kind of like precluding themselves from participation there um but that was a sorely needed thing and that never came back and and what that would have done uh frankly is I don't know if it would have precluded uh those politicians from you know being in office we would have just have to come up with our own legal Society that's not a monopoly controlled by the city of London basically yep that's what we should have done uh but that would take a lot of work and um you know for whatever reason that didn't happen unfortunately uh the other thing that happened later on was they did that organic act and they said that DC is its own city-state now where carbon copying the city of London uh format here in the United States and they turned the United States uh into this Corporation the significance of this I mean I just want to break this down for to the viewer because we always wonder why are things unjust why do we have a like unjust legal system why is everything you know there's an elite that you know has Justice and then there's like the little people 99 of us that don't see that same Justice and people wonder what's the root of that and you know the way you break it down here in terms of the effect of going through these legal channels to essentially create laws codes regulations that are uh diminishing our god-given and constitutional rights is where the Crux of this all lies basically just ignoring our god-given constitutional rights at this point right outright yeah yeah so all right so essentially the the the bar city of London they create this a new law essentially and new you know what they call Legal by diminishing our rights could you tell us a little bit about that in terms of how they put all that into place foreign well I I just the the simple answer is you know they created a city-state that's not a state right it's it's not a state it doesn't have this it has a different type of government than what the Constitution originally prescribed and based on that technicality of it not being a state they just say hey we don't have to follow the constitution in the same way right it's not the supreme law of land it's more like a Airy fairy suggestion over here wow so uh take us through a little bit more of the Q and tell uh Pro site and what other uh you know I guess claims or facts you guys put out there in terms of the level of corruption and what that needs to be replaced with in the future so we talk about as we mentioned the cabal and the cabal is this uh medieval Royal bloodline um that controls a lot of countries in Europe right now and it's all one bloodline all offshoots of Queen Victoria all this uh it's house Coburg and sax gotha dating all the way back to this original House called house vetton and um the thing about this is it was the Holy Roman Empire based thing right so the Holy Roman Empire used to be what Germany North Northeast France some of Poland Italy all that was called and it the pope was essentially like the uh Arbiter of all these little kingdoms here right so these Royals and a lot of these Bankers like the Rothschilds like the shifts like the warburgs they all got their start wheeler and dealer in the Holy Roman Empire and so um they come to power right they they capture this British throne the British throne is run by Germans not even by Brits and um they've they've just had this very ruthless modus operandi and they see us all as not people it's more like animals and so I'm trying to be more specific with the language I hear the cabal a lot the cabal which by the way do you mind if I interrupt you real quick when when uh just for the beer when Austin is saying that they diminish your uh what you are as a man or woman that's a literal thing where in in their laws don't don't they essentially state that we are chattel or we are you know people in the middle of the ocean under maritime law so we don't even get to enjoy under their system basically the laws of the land yep that's that's how it works so uh the British Empire their power was sea based right they weren't of uh sweet land power but they controlled the ocean right so they wanted to get us into that Maritime jurisdiction so that um we're under the laws of Commerce of Corporations instead of the laws of people right um so this this is one of those things they they see themselves as like gardeners and we are the plants right so they can just chop any of us kill any of us move any of us right they they don't care they see us as that low and it's actually interesting you see like Meghan Markle out there saying oh they're racist they're this they're that but the thing behind the scenes they are saying when Harry was marrying Megan it wasn't about she was black it was about it wasn't like ooh yuck she's black it's more like ew yuck a commoner right so um that just that's how they see the world and uh they have over the years created this uh unkillable vampire system that is just holding holding us all in the Middle Ages and uh a lot of people look at they're like oh that sweet old Queen Elizabeth how could she be that evil or oh this [ __ ] Charles like he doesn't even know what's happening like how how is he masterminding this and at this point um this this particular last couple generations of Royals far less ruthless or calculated as their predecessors but this legal Authority and this system that they've set up is the basis for the Intel the Rogue intelligence agencies and their Super Auto locks that there are that they're organized around to be just manipulating everything and um doing all this crazy stuff to us are there any other examples I mean we went over the JFK assassination are there any other examples where this kind of jurisdictional issue that they've created uh has you know led to cover-ups you know controversies conspiracies uh yeah so they uh as I have assassinated many of our presidents so Lincoln was assassinated uh by John Wilkes Booth but John Wilkes Booth was recruited trained hired paid by agents of the British Empire uh named George Sanders and John Sarat one of them worked for the Hudson Bay Company which is like the East India Company of Canada and the other one worked for the london-based uh Confederate Secret Service right so the Confederate the Confederacy all together was this uh Empire strategy of if your colonies are getting out of hand I call it Chopped and Screwed you cause cause wars Civil Wars and you chop them into smaller pieces so this happens this very day right Sudan I think the guy in 2011 his name was Omar al-Bashir and he wasn't playing ball with what we wanted to do so they went and they stood up this Civil War this Insurrection in the South ran by this Maniac named his last name was Kier where a cowboy at and they took all of the oil Rich section of Sudan and broke that off into South Sudan so they do this in Africa all the time they try to do in the United States uh but Lincoln being like he was you know he wasn't completely perfect he did some things that maybe were bad presence down the road in in certain cases but in this case of bringing the South back in as if they had never left that was the right choice because it would have been an Empire Victory otherwise later on um there is a guy uh President Garfield he was assassinated by a guy who was part of one of those weird you know exotic experiment sex Cults um and they said it was because he was disgruntled about some things but he was an agent of the British Empire uh later on Willie McKinley was trying to um such a usurp or tried to degrade the British power over trade right they owned the oceans they owned all the choke points um you know Suez Canal Gibraltar uh throughout the Caribbean all all of the key places if you wanted to do business in the sea which was how most of the trade had to go by the day um you had to go through the British and you had to pay them there cut and you had to follow their rules so McKinley was trying to create this railroad system he was working with the Russians he was working with the Germans he's working with some other people they wanted to create this Railway system that would go through the Bering Strait and all the way to the southern tip of South America so you could get from Western Europe to South America by Rail and that would have dramatically degraded this Maritime power of the British Empire he was also trying to do a gold standard he was interfering with some of their empire building activities in South America and so they sent this Anarchist quote unquote to kill him but that Anarchist was a British asset that Anarchist was a part of this thing called the Emma Goldman Anarchist networks and over the years they assassinated six monarchs three prime ministers a few presidents right all across the world and uh that was these uh new york-based British Banking oligarchs right like the shifts the warburgs funding these criminal proxies and then those criminal proxies being used as the people that were actually killing people so um back in the day obviously the forensics weren't as great and um you know things were a lot more hardcore so if you did figure it out it was a lot easier to just come off you um than it is now but I think that precedent right of every president who's tried to get us get us out of this or every every president who's caused problems for the British Empire's designs ends up dead as a doornail wow wow interesting so what so let's talk Solutions I mean you know our uh as we've seen our judicial ranks are highly corrupt uh I personally blame it on the bar it seems like you have you know similar sentiments about that uh our government's wholly corrupt uh Washington DC is apparently not even part of the United States uh what's the solution here what do we have to do in the future to fix this mess so we have to get her get around this system and get the Democratic mandate to overthrow this government peacefully of course uh but the way we do that is we get out there and we mix it up with a lot of the disaffected factions of not just the right but the left of the center of all the other exotic flavors out there so essentially the plan we're laying out on our site is we got a bunch of groups here so we got like the Jimmy door Russell Brand Joe Rogan left right that that's one group and that's a huge audience right they have they have a much bigger audience than the mainstream media at this point probably 10 times the size so that's a great one you call them lift it's interesting you call them I mean Jimmy Dore I totally get but uh Joe Rogan I guess he says he's left but you know seems like he agrees with a lot of conservative values yeah I think they were all lefties that started out as lefties and they kind of realized like whoa this is not what I signed up for over time right so I think they're very amenable to this sort of a situation if it can be uh done in a careful way uh then we have the you know anti-war crowd right they just want to stop these wars we have the people that are the healthcare activists we have the environmentalists uh so a bunch of various people that see at this point this government is not doing anything for you uh we got the BLM and antifa crowd and some of the people on the right bristle at me when I say that but I have a lot of luck when I talk to those guys you know when you get out there and you're like hey I I get it you know the courts the law enforcement system it's messed up but you know defunding local police means you get all Feds all the time and I don't think that's a step in the right direction yeah it seems like we talk about a lot of problems like we have similar problems but the execution of like yeah like we you know I think you're also bringing up like how the left's always hated the FBI and the right now hey FBI so we should be seeing really eye to eye on getting rid of the FBI but yeah absolutely that's what you tell them you're like hey haven't hasn't the FBI been your guys's mortal enemy for like 50 years hey guess what you know who else was labeled a Russian agent and gone after by the FBI the CIA uh Malcolm X and Martin Luther King right so so we can we could bridge this Gap um I always tell them too there when we when we come to a group about a lot of things like yeah we should take care of our cities instead of pissing away all our money on these wars we should get rid of this FBI you know we go on and on down the list and they're in agreement a lot of ways they're like just tell you one thing though like I don't get it like why did you like Donald Trump I you know all this other stuff makes a lot of sense but what doesn't make sense is why would you want Donald Trump why did you support that in the first place and I just tell him look I wanted a bankruptcy right I wanted this country to do a bankruptcy and guess what as you like to point out every other day Donald Trump is the bankruptcy guy he's the guy that is a expert at protecting the vast amounts of assets through nasty bankruptcy right so that was where my head was at I wanted the human motov cocktail Canada you know I didn't want the nice I I never and I think this is why we got to explain a lot of these lectures too I never saw him as like the Messiah that the Oracle the person who just knows everything I saw him as the blunt object that we needed to fight against the Deep State and in that regard I tell him in that regard I don't think he went far enough I think if he started to do the JFK document declassification and they said no that's what that Twitter was for right get on that Twitter and be like hey I'm the president I ordered this video classified and these guys are saying no what the hell is going on right so then if they do try to come I'm kill you now now it's a really dicey situation for them right yeah I so I wish you would have gone a little harder on that I think uh having the whole media against him including like half the Republican party uh always whiners like Mitt Romney um those corrupt jerks like red robbery um I think he got maybe a little intimidated um but you know you know he could have he could have done a little better for us as far as the object human motov cocktail thrown it into the establishment goes uh but yeah I think I think a lot of these lefties and you're like listen this country is fundamentally corrupt and we're never gonna have a better country until we do something about it and you can say nothing that we want do the Republicans ever do nothing that you want do the Democrats ever do right so let's let's do something about this let's actually have Agency for once |
See parts 2 and 3 here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNkFrnMgwSMXmOXUEL_dGWA
Thanks to Vem Miller
See Original Full Episode "Blood Money episode 21 with Austin Steinbart" https://www.bitchute.com/video/u0Dd3mpo189S/
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