"The historian Hume says that the assassination of Protestant rulers was the most meritorious of all acts, in the eyes of the Jesuits. A large number of Jesuits, together with many ship loads of instruments of torture, accompanied the Spanish Armada when it attempted to invade Great Britain, while "Father" Garnet endeavored to raise an insurrection among English papists. Nicoline asserts: "If they (the Jesuits) hated England and Queen Elizabeth in the sixteenth century, they bear no less hate to Queen Victoria in the nineteenth. . . . The riots, that blood spilt at Stockport, Dublin, Belfast and elsewhere—the attempted beginning of civil war—believe me, is due to the Jesuits." ...
"While we do not like some of the sharp expressions in the above, we have the following to say on its closing sentence: Not only will he shortly go from America, but also from every other country on earth, for Armageddon is coming on with a rush; and very shortly not only will through it Jesuitism be swept off the face of the earth; but also the Roman hierarchy and church with every other false religion. " 'Tis a consummation devoutly to be wished!"
audio/video "The Jesuit In History" and Sign of the Times"
JESUIT! It is a term of reproach among papists and the synonym of all that is soulless, untruthful, inhuman, ungrateful, cowardly and serpentine throughout the nations of the earth. Of all the virtues it recognizes but one—obedience, but one doctrine—expediency, but one end— power. As the tool it is the friend of the despot; as the master, his terror. It is the slave of the wealthy until the family skeleton has been brought to light, when it becomes the despot. Like a serpent it coils itself in the halls of the commonwealth ready to strike the hand which gave it succor. In the unfriendly monarchy it is republican or socialistic. In the republic it is anarchistic or communistic. It whispers greed in the ear of capital and inflames the blood of labor to rebellion. It thrives upon anarchy, rebellion, dissension and strife as vultures fatten upon carrion. It recognizes but one master—force, and bows to but one condition—necessity. It divests itself of all that is human, that it may dehumanize humanity. It is the foulest, blackest, most soulless essence ever distilled from all that is most foul in mortality. It is the serpent of Eden; the devil of Scripture; the Pandora of mythology, without any of their redeeming qualities. The arch conceiver of the Society of Jesus was Ignatius Loyola, a Spanish soldier of noble birth, who, given to the excesses of his class during the most immoral period of the middle ages found his career as a gallant soldier suddenly cut short by a wound which rendered him a cripple for life. He was born in the year 1491, at Guipúzcoa in Spain [and was active] at a time when Martin
Luther had awakened the world to the vileness and corruption existing in the papal church.
Ostensibly to reform the church, but in reality to establish an independent hierarchy of his own, he formulated the principles which afterwards, with modifications, became the law of the Society of Jesus. Acting upon the theory that a despotism is potent only in such ratio as its elements are individually impotent, he constituted obedience the watchword of the society of which he subsequently became the regular head, thus forming an imperialism over body and mind unexampled in human history. "Ad majoram Dei gloriam" (to the greater glory of God) was the device with which he sought to delude the world and to silence his opponents, he being the self-constituted interpreter of the will of God. Allied with him a few years later, were Francis Xavier, Peter Lefevre, James Lainez, Claudius Le Jay, Paschasius Brouet, Alphonso Salmeron, Simon Rodrigues, Jean Codure and Nicholas de Bobadilla. The constitution of the society, composed by Loyola himself, may be comprehensively condensed into one word "Obedience." In this all other principles and considerations were submerged. The constitution was written in Spanish, and assumed its present form in 1550. It was translated into Latin by the Jesuit Polanco in 1558, and was kept religiously secret until 1761 when it was ordered published by the French government.
Owing to lack of space, which prohibits the publication of the document in full, we select a few passages as samples of the whole: In part VI, chap. V, sec. 1, the constitution says: "No constitution, declaration or any order of the living, can involve an obligation to commit sin, mortal or venial, unless the superior command it in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, or in virtue of holy obedience." After decreeing that the Jesuit must surrender all property to the society, the constitution goes on: "And that his better example may shine before him, he must put away all strong affection for his parents, and refrain from unsuitable desire of a bountiful distribution arising from such disadvantageous affection."— Const. part iii, chap. 1, sec. 7-9 and Examen, IV, sec. ii. Again: "As for holy obedience, this virtue must be perfect in every point—in execution, in will, in intellect—doing what is enjoined with all celerity, spiritual joy and perseverance, persuading ourselves that everything is just; suppressing every repugnant thought and judgment of one's own in a certain obedience . . . and let everyone persuade himself that he who lives under obedience is moved and directed under divine providence, by his superior, just as if he were a corpse (perinde acsi cadaver esset), which allows itself to be moved and led in any direction."—Const. part VI, chap. 1, sec. 1. Rule 34 for the government of novices, says: "At the voice of the superior, just as if it came from the Lord, we must be ready, leaving everything whatsoever, even a letter of the alphabet, unfinished though begun." Again: "I should regard myself as a dead body, without will or intelligence, as a little crucifix which is turned about unresistingly at the will of him who holds it, as a staff in the hands of an old man, who uses it as he requires it, and as it suits him best."—Bartoli, vol. II, p. 39. "To believe that a thing ought to be because the superior orders it, is the last and most perfect decree."—Bartoli, vol. II, p. 94.
Paul III approved the society in 1540, and immediately afterwards Ignatius scattered his emissaries throughout the world. Lefevre was sent to Spain, Lainez and Le Jay to Germany, Bobadilla to Naples, Brouet and Salmeron to Ireland and Rodrigues and Xavier to Portugal. Under Loyola the Inquisition was reorganized, and the fires of persecution relighted, acts which the Jesuits of today count as their chief glory. Salmeron and Brouet remained in Ireland only 34 days, during which time they stirred up enough revolution to last for several years. In his advice to these Jesuits Loyola said: "When the devil attacks a just man, he does not let him see his snares; on the contrary, he hides them and attacks him only indirectly; without resisting his pious inclinations, feigning even to conform to them; but by degrees he entices him, and surprises him in his snares. Thus it is proper to follow a similar track to extricate men from sin."—Orlandi. Much advice of similar and more deadly import to honor and morals was given at the same time. Before visiting Ireland the two Jesuits visited Scotland where they stirred up the Scotch king, James, against Henry, the result being a bloody war in which thousands of lives were sacrificed. Three Jesuits, Sanci, Capella and Turrian, went to Salamanca in 1548 to establish their society in defiance both of the law of the state and the church, and after being mobbed by the populace and banned by the archbishop, through their intrigues with the crown succeeded in establishing themselves. In Toledo, where they were graciously received, they became so insolent and corrupt that they were put under the ban. At Saragossa also, in spite of a prohibitory law, they established themselves against the will of the civil authorities and amid the curses of the priests, but not until the Jesuit intrigues at court had compelled the people to submission. In Portugal, where Rodrigues was kindly received, the Jesuits, becoming enormously rich, gave themselves up to a life of debauchery and immorality. Such was the scandal that Rodrigues was removed. While Henry II, eminently desired the Jesuits in France, the better to suppress the spirit of liberty which had commenced to take root there, the parliament refused to sign the decree of admission. In the end Jesuit intrigue won, and the massacre of St. Bartholomew followed. On July 31, 1556, Loyola died at the age of 64. Francis Xavier, in India, turned the Christian religion into a mixture of heathen rites and papal ceremonies, yet of all Jesuits Xavier stands out upon the pages of history as the most human. In 1606 Francis Nobili took Xavier's place in India, and in order to establish Jesuitism, became a Brahmin and conducted the ceremonies of that faith. Towards the end of the sixteenth century Ricci, a Jesuit priest, crept into China and into the Emperor's favor under the guise of a mathematician and subsequently caused the upright bishop of Tournon, who opposed the Jesuits' idolatrous rites and immorality, to be cast into prison, where he was so fearfully tortured as to die shortly after his release.
Shortly afterwards, at Montepulciano, the Jesuits became so notoriously immoral that the college at that place was suppressed. Accusations of a similar kind of unnatural offenses were made at Milan, and but for the intervention of Pius IV, the same results would have followed. Borgia, the third general, and lineal descendant of the incestuous and bloody Alexander VI, became the power behind the throne which conducted the massacre of the Huguenots, promoting, witnessing and enjoying the miseries and tortures inflicted upon the Protestants. In 1572, the Jesuit Gandon went to Scotland and stirred up those elements of strife which ultimately cost Mary, Queen of Scots, her head. In 1576, the Jesuits were driven from Donay and their college was looted by the populace who hated them. The Jesuits, under Parsons and Campion, two English perverts, landed in England in 1580, and immediately commenced to sow discord among the English people. Campion was at last captured and executed. It is worthy of note that no papist had been executed for high treason until after the landing of the Jesuits. The famous William Parry, after being pardoned by the queen of England, was persuaded by the Jesuit Palmio to return to England to assassinate Elizabeth. He was caught, confessed and was beheaded. A law was then enacted expelling the Jesuits from England. The historian Hume says that the assassination of Protestant rulers was the most meritorious of all acts, in the eyes of the Jesuits. A large number of Jesuits, together with many ship loads of instruments of torture, accompanied the Spanish Armada when it attempted to invade Great Britain, while "Father" Garnet endeavored to raise an insurrection among English papists. Nicoline asserts: "If they (the Jesuits) hated England and Queen Elizabeth in the sixteenth century, they bear no less hate to Queen Victoria in the nineteenth. . . . The riots, that blood spilt at Stockport, Dublin, Belfast and elsewhere—the attempted beginning of civil war—believe me, is due to the Jesuits."
In Portugal, the Jesuits became the confessors and advisers of royalty. They tore the crown from the head of Don Sebastian and placed it upon their creature, Phillip II, the bloody tyrant. In France, the council of sixteen, headed by the Jesuits, kept up a bloody rebellion against Henry IV because the latter was a Protestant, until they were defeated. Pasquier says, "the colleges of the Jesuits were, as was notorious, the general rendezvous of persons hostile to the king." One Barriere, who was sent to Melun to assassinate the king, acknowledged that he was a tool of the Jesuits. Chastel, a Jesuit student, also attempted Henry's life. For this attempted crime the Jesuits were expelled from France by a parliamentary decree enacted Dec. 29, 1594. This decree asserted the doctrine of the Jesuits to be: "As perverse, destructive of every principle of religion and even of probity, as injurious to Christian morality, pernicious to civil society, seditious, dangerous to the rights of the nation, the nature of the royal power, and the safety of the persons of sovereigns, as fit to excite the greatest troubles in states, to form and maintain the most profound corruption in the hearts of men." Whole regiments of Jesuits supported by a papist army spread themselves over the German empire in the middle of the sixteenth century, and drove the Protestants to death or perversion. They acquired immense wealth and became the real rulers of the country.
In Austria—also under the heel of the Jesuit—under Rudolph II, the bitter persecution of the Lutherans began in 1578. The most fearful atrocities prevailed, in which the Jesuits were the ringleaders, who were invested with absolute powers. In 1574, the Jesuits secured a foothold in Freiburg and Lucerne. For a hundred years thereafter the fires of the Inquisition were kept alight and the best blood of hundreds of thousands of Protestants was shed under the direction of the Jesuit monster, Posseoin, who, sword in hand, hunted down the inoffensive Waldenses, like wild beasts, slaying, torturing and ravishing the young and the old alike with savage and lustful fury. In Spain, the Jesuits ruled with an iron hand and subordinated all things spiritual and secular to their own interests for many years. With the coronation of Louis XIV began the real reign of the Jesuits in France. Louis delivered a decree of extirpation against the Jansenists and to his Jesuit friends gave the power to enforce it. Pere La Chaise, the confessor of the king, was charged with the mission and the blood of the Huguenots once again flowed in torrents and the atrocities of St. Bartholomew were repeated a hundredfold, while the [seemingly] saintly La Chaise sat at the side of the king and smiled approval, directing the massacre. Under Philip IV of Spain, the Jesuits stirred up a bloody revolution, because he refused to be ruled by them. The gunpowder plot of England, was conceived by the Jesuits and known to their general. The Jesuits were the advisers and confessors of the ill-starred monarch, Charles I of England, and through their advice he oppressed the people and subsequently lost his head. It is asserted by Jurieu that the Jesuits afterward betrayed and deserted Charles in order that the kingdom might be disintegrated by civil war and render the Jesuit conquest sure. Through his rascally intrigue with them, James II of England lost a kingdom.
In the early part of the eighteenth century, the Jesuits had become so corrupt, overbearing and treacherous in their immense power that the popular voice and hand was raised against them almost throughout Europe. The richest banking houses, the most prosperous mercantile companies were entirely under their control, and large revenues were derived therefrom. It may be added that the same conditions obtain today. They own millions upon millions of stock in commercial concerns and newspapers, both in the old world and the new, and in this way control, to a large extent, the commerce, finance and journalism of the world. Driven from the old world, they have taken refuge in the new. If you would find them, go to the National Capitol. They are to be found among your Congressmen and Senators, your heads of newspaper syndicates and railroad corporations; among many of your secret societies, labor unions, and anarchistic organizations; their presence and object, the dismemberment of the Republic and the enslavement of free men to the conditions of Spaniards and Portuguese in the sixteenth century. If we would remain great, if we would remain free, if we would retain those glorious principles for which our forefathers gave up their lives and bathed our fair nation in an ocean of loyal blood, we must drive these excrescences back to the foul pit from whence they emanated and obliterate their slimy trail from the face of the fair earth. In the disunion of nationalities is their strength, in the destruction of the peoples their glory, and in the fracture of the fraternal ties their boast and delight. Slavery, ignorance and unnaturalness are their allies, black is their banner, and darkness their bloody field of victory, illuminated only at intervals by the torch of the Inquisition. What they were in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, they are today in spirit. Their constitution, laws and enslaving methods have not changed a particle. They have been driven at various times from [practically] every country upon the habitable globe, as the history of nations testifies.
The Jesuit has cursed the earth too long. The land of the free should never be the home of the serpent crew. The Jesuit must go—bag and baggage—root and branch: Selected.
While we do not like some of the sharp expressions in the above, we have the following to say on its closing sentence: Not only will he shortly go from America, but also from every other country on earth, for Armageddon is coming on with a rush; and very shortly not only will through it Jesuitism be swept off the face of the earth; but also the Roman hierarchy and church with every other false religion. " 'Tis a consummation devoutly to be wished!"
DO YOU KNOW that Judge Cohalan, formerly of the N. Y. Supreme Court, laments Romanism's lack of leadership in the higher things of American life, not realizing that this condition is due to the blighting effects of Romanism on genius and progress?
Do you know that the Romanist district attorney of D. C. by refusing to call favorable witnesses for bishop Cannon succeeded, as a part of the hierarchy's political strategy and revenge, in getting the grand jury to indict him under the corrupt practices act?
Do you know that the Romanist Union and Times, diocesan periodical of Buffalo's bishop, editorializing on the appalling loss of Romanist members, attributed it to mixed marriages, birth control, spirit of the times, lack of priestly zeal, clerical monetary hunger, etc.?
Do you know that the same magazine announces a decline in K. C. members of 228,000 the last eight years?
Do you know that Vice-chancellor Bigelow of N. J. signed a decree on Sept. 8 forcing priest Griffin and mother superior Dolorosa of Morristown, N. J., to surrender Kathleen, the 15 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John L. Meehan, Jersey City, N. J., to her parents, from whom despite repeated requests they withheld her, as a prisoner in a convent, not letting them see her?
Do you know that the policy of the department of labor in greatly restricting immigration and in energetically deporting criminal and smuggled-in aliens is greatly angering the hierarchy?
Do you know that the hierarchy's overturning so many Latin American governments and its attempting but failing to overthrow others are good reasons, in addition to Romanists' double allegiance, why its subjects should be kept out of public offices in the U. S.?
Do you know that the many deaths due to Romanist firetrap eleemosynary buildings, called again to mind by the disastrous burning of the Romanist Pittsburgh Home For The Aged, conducted by the Little Sisters of the Poor, resulting in the death of about 50 and in the injury of about 200, instead of being permitted to be made, as it was, the occasion of the hierarchy's press, according to its habit in such cases, capitalizing the fire for Rome by extolling the alleged heroism of the nuns, should be made the occasion of penalizing the hierarchy for building such firetraps in non-use of legally required safety devices?
Do you know that Romanist Judge, Jean H. Norris of New York, an appointee of Mayor Walker, was deposed from office by the unanimous decision of the appellate division of N. Y.'s Supreme Court for cruelty and gross injustice to the real and framed fallen women of New York for whose help she was designedly appointed?
Do you know that the gang wars and murders of New York, like those of Chicago, are engaged in almost exclusively by Romanists and that their victims' funerals are usually conducted with much pomp by Romanist priests to, in and from Romanist churches?
Do you know that there is a direct connection between N. Y. and Mass. legislatures memorializing Congress to arrange for the abolition of prohibition on the one hand, and the Romanist majorities in those States on the other?
Do you know that the legislative investigation into corruption in New York is showing that Tammany, the hierarchy's political arm in New York, is very corrupt?
Do you know that every height in and about Washington, D. C., selected by Union commanders as fortifiable places for the capital's defense during the Civil War, is now in the hands of the hierarchy, which has erected fortress like stone buildings on every one of them?
Do you know that under Rome's schools 77% of Porto Ricans were illiterate and that under American schools their illiteracy has been reduced to 44%, the bulk of whom are leftovers of those illiterate in Rome's heydays?
Do you know that the hierarchy boasts of having 2,600,000 pupils in its American parochial schools?
Do you know that our schools for Indians have proven a failure, largely because they are mainly nun-taught?
Do you know that the work of raising $20,000,000.00 for additional endowment of the Catholic University at Washington is growing apace all over the country under the hierarchy's pertinent drives?
Do you know that through a recent loan of $30,000.00 by Mr. Rascob the National Democratic Committee has had its debt to him increased to over $600,000.00, which means that this puts him into a position to dictate the 1932 Democratic platform and presidential candidate?
Do you know that he, a chamberlain of the pope and chairman of the National Democratic Committee, stands for Al Smith as the 1932 presidential candidate?
Do you know that "Barcus is willin", therefore, as is evidenced, despite his post election announcement in 1928 that he was "through with politics," by his strenuous denial of the statement of a close friend to the effect that Al Smith would not be a candidate in 1932?
Do you know that Gov. Roosevelt is believed to be a Rome and Rascob-Smith decoy as a presidential candidate, to be turned down at the fit time by the convention in favor of Al Smith?
Do you know that the merger of the two leading antipolitical-Romanism magazines—The Protestant and The Fellowship Forum—will strengthen greatly the fight against political Romanism in America?
Do you know that other ably edited magazines, particularly the American Standard, now a year old, with the support of its two radio stations, are likewise mightily shaking political
Romanism in America?
Do you know that Methodist bishop Dubois, accused like others, e.g., bishop Cannon, through hierarchical manipulation by Al Smith's supporters for his 1928 activities against their favorite candidate, was tried on, and acquitted of their charges?
Do you know that whereas the U. S. population increased 40-fold from 1775 to 1930 that of Romanists increased 800-fold during that time, this increase being largely due to heavy Romanist immigration, as can be seen from the fact that it all occurred before 1920, since which time restricted immigration reduced their increase to 14% whereas the nation's increase as a whole was 16%?
Do you know that the various bureaus of the National Catholic Welfare Conference, the American hierarchy politically organized, prove it to be a political, not a religious organization, as the names of these bureaus suggest: Bureau of news, of immigration, of historical records, of publications, of publicity and information, of motion pictures and of business and accounting?
Do you know that the National Council of Catholic Women in their recent annual convention at Washington, D. C., sent the pope-king the assurance of their allegiance to him, declared their loyalty to the entire program of the Catholic Action (political Romanism), their condemnation of our public school system, their approval and support of Rome's parochial school system and their opposition to the establishment of a department of education in the president's cabinet, deplored, the attendance of Romanist children at public schools, pledged their efforts to undo it and planned a proselyting program for public and non-sectarian orphanages, hospitals, sanitariums, homes for the aged and reformatories?
Do you know that the hierarchy is seeking to capitalize the sesquicentennial of Yorktown, though Romanists were almost entirely absent from the besieging American and French armies, the French being mainly anti-Romanist?
Do you know that despite papacy's age-long disapproval of the rule of the people— Democracy—Romanist beauty parlor experts are dolling up antitypical Jezebel, the Romanist Church, as the source of the declaration of independence, falsely alleging that Jefferson plagiarized it almost word for word from the alleged democratic writings of cardinal Bellarmine, Rome's champion controversialist against Protestantism and defender of autocracy?
Do you know that American Romanist periodicals continually refer to Mexico's defensive measures against the political aggressions of the Mexican hierarchy as attacks on Christianity?
Do you know that the Mexican hierarchy sought in vain to secure the intervention of the Federal Government to prevent the operation of the Vera Cruz law limiting priests to 1 for each 100,000 people in the state?
Do you know that Vera Cruz has dismissed all Romanist teachers from her schools on the ground that double-allegianced teachers do not make pupils patriots?
Do you know that the Romanist College at Atemajac, Mexico, was closed for teaching religion in disregard of the law that confines such teaching to church edifices?
Do you know that hierarchical disregard of Mexico's laws is arousing Mexicans to burning and bombing Romanist Churches, etc.?
Do you know that Gov. Valdes of Durango, Mex., was ousted from office, because he allowed 209 priests to operate in his state, whereas the law allows only 25?
Do you know that Cuba's Liberals, defeating the late papally brewed rebellion, have added another victory to patriotism against papal meddling in politics everywhere, all the time and by all means?
Do you know that resentment at Romanist objection to Masonry, voiced by the administration's war minister, aroused the storm that led to the fall of the Ayora government in
Ecuador, which is another example of Rome's getting her fingers burned by dabbling in politics?
Do you know that shearing Rome of her powers and privileges in various countries is in part directly due to the nations' distrust of the pope as a temporal ruler?
Do you know that the tiara of the pope, the pretended vicar of Christ, who had nowhere to lay His head, is made of gold cloth and consists of three crowns, containing 252 pearls, 228 diamonds, 32 rubies, 19 emeralds and 11 sapphires?
Do you know that the pope, renewing his fight against religious liberty in Italy, is proving himself to be a bigot, and a hypocrite in making platitudes on tolerance?
Do you know that the pope rules that a civil marriage of a Catholic before or after a religious marriage is sin?
Do you know that a pamphlet entitled, Away With The Pope, and written by five Italians, was circulated in Italy advocating the arrest and trial of the pope as an enemy of the State and resulted in their arrest and trial?
Do you know that the pope and Mussolini agree to the pope's accepting Mussolini's contention that the Italian Catholic Action abandon politics and work exclusively in religion as the condition of Italy's legalizing again the closed Catholic Action Clubs?
Do you know that the following are the terms of surrender that the pope has accepted: The Italian Catholic Action must remain out of politics, have purely religious aims and activities, adopt Italy's, not the papal flag as its banner, abstain from trade union activities, bar athletics from their programs and limit their activities to educational, recreational and religious meetings?
Do you know that thus all is happy again between the pope and Mussolini after their "steenth" quarrel and reconciliation—until their next hair pulling contest, which may shortly be expected as the only logical result of the interrelations of two absolutists, like heavenly twins, pursuing conflicting purposes?
Do you know that at Anticoli Corrada, Italy, the Romanist priest required the citizens to surrender to him the Bibles given them by Methodist evangelists and then burned them in public in imitation of the similar Romanist stunts enacted ever since the Reformation began?
Do you know that since the war only Romanist Chancellors have been saddled on Germany?
Do you know that at Nuremberg, Germany, a paper for printing a cartoon derogatory of Romanism was suppressed by the Romanist director of police, but was reinstated by a Leipsig Court decision?
Do you know that the Ulster minister of education declined the invitation of the hierarchy to order the school teachers of Protestant Ulster to attend the papal Eucharist congress in Ireland?
Do you know that Irish Romanists violently prevented the holding of an Orange meeting at Cootehill, Ireland, thereby provoking the Orangemen to retaliate on a Hibernian meeting at Armagh, those two episodes resulting in rioting of both societies in Portadown?
Do you know that in nine years—1921-1930—the Romanist population of Bohemia declined 3%, whereas in the same time Protestantism increased there rapidly?
Do you know that the wrath of the Spanish people against the hierarchy seems unappeasable?
Do you know that Spain's decree, forbidding the hierarchy's further forehanded sale of church property, designedly puts that country into a position easily to nationalize such property, which it plans to do?
Do you know that the Spanish hierarchy in a pastoral letter, approved by the pope, dated July 25 and released Aug. 16, as against the democratic aspirations of the Spanish constitutional assembly, condemned the following principles, which are also embodied or implied in the U. S. Constitution: (1) exclusion of the papal church from secular teaching, making laws and
governing the people; (2) the theory that governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed; (3) separation of state and church; (4) freedom of speech, press, assembly, petition and conscience; and (5) equal legal rights for religions other than Romanism?
Do you know that this pronouncement, containing quotations in proof of these five positions from the ex cathedra utterances of popes, and undoubtedly expressing the official Romanist view on the pertinent subjects, proves that the contrary teachings of Jesuit, Paulist and other Romanist propagandists in America are deliberate deceptions intended to dope the American people into oblivion on Romanism's real political doctrines, until Rome gains the upper hand and can then easily subjugate the U. S. to Rome's control?
Do you know that Spain has had to suppress many Romanist newspapers for their anti-republican stunts?
Do you know that it persistently refuses at papal demand to apologize for its people's burning, etc. last Spring, Romanist churches, monasteries, nunneries, colleges, seminaries and other official papal buildings?
Do you know that it has not only adopted in its new constitution a clause abrogating the union of state and church, but also one expelling Romanist orders?
Do you know that thus Spain, as one of the ten horns of Rev. 17, is eating the symbolic harlot's flesh?
Do you know that such eating of her flesh is the immediate precursor of her annihilation?— Rev. 17: 16.
Published by PSL Johnson 1931
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