Recorded on Election Day, Tuesday November 8, 2016
FIRST BROADCAST after many years of radio retirement...

I thought the video was poor quality so I never shared it. (Also before an injury diagnosis and subsequent KETO diet that helped me shed 60 lbs.] In light of today's news I cue this up as my #1 broadcast which will grow into an archive, God willing. I know the result will be my slandering, beheading, ostracizing, boycotting and the like. As mentioned in the video, it's already happened enough. Undoubtedly more to follow.
They shall put you out of the synagogues; yea, the time cometh that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service-John 16: 2.
The persecutions of today are more refined than in any previous period. The faithful today are not stoned with literal stones or shot with literal arrows or literally beheaded, but it is still true that the wicked shoot out arrows at the righteous, "even bitter words"; and many because of faithfulness are reproved and slandered and cut off from fellowship-"beheaded for the testimony of Jesus." Let all such emulate Stephen, the first Christian martyr. Let their testimonies be given with radiant faces like his. Let their eyes of faith perceive Jesus at the right hand of the Majesty on high as their Advocate and Deliverer. Let their words be with moderation as were Stephen's, and let it be true of them, as written of him, "full of grace and power" and "filled with the Holy Spirit"-Z '97, 57 (R 2108).
All the faithful have incurred the displeasure and consequent disfellowship of the nominal people of God. Misunderstood with respect to their work, teaching, character and hopes by those out of harmony with God's Plan, God's faithful people have been regarded by them as the enemies of God, His Plan and His Church, and consequently the latter have often thought they served God by killing those who really were His children-P '34, 62, 63.
They shall put you out of the synagogues; yea, the time cometh that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service-John 16: 2.
The persecutions of today are more refined than in any previous period. The faithful today are not stoned with literal stones or shot with literal arrows or literally beheaded, but it is still true that the wicked shoot out arrows at the righteous, "even bitter words"; and many because of faithfulness are reproved and slandered and cut off from fellowship-"beheaded for the testimony of Jesus." Let all such emulate Stephen, the first Christian martyr. Let their testimonies be given with radiant faces like his. Let their eyes of faith perceive Jesus at the right hand of the Majesty on high as their Advocate and Deliverer. Let their words be with moderation as were Stephen's, and let it be true of them, as written of him, "full of grace and power" and "filled with the Holy Spirit"-Z '97, 57 (R 2108).
All the faithful have incurred the displeasure and consequent disfellowship of the nominal people of God. Misunderstood with respect to their work, teaching, character and hopes by those out of harmony with God's Plan, God's faithful people have been regarded by them as the enemies of God, His Plan and His Church, and consequently the latter have often thought they served God by killing those who really were His children-P '34, 62, 63.
How Romney's Loss Predicted Donald Trump
2012 Election Recap A to Z
Nov. 21, 2012
[Note: Normally I don't write politically. This was just my post election rant as I was sorry to see Obama stay in office due to my love of America and Israel. Again I deem it to be prescient and therefore post it with the above video.]
a is for abortion, that every democrat supports, and Obama believes should be implemented upon living infants who survive botched procedures.
b is for bailouts for companies from the government, giving them free ride on the American taxpayers back.
c is for communists who mentored Obama, just look up frank Marshall Davis, his idol. Millions died under communism.
d is for debt, as the 16 trillion dollar cliff looms larger each day while dems spend us into disaster.
e is for embassies, and the Americans who died because Obama refused to help them while under attack by terrorists on American soil.
f is for failure to pass anything even with control of both houses for two years.
g is for golf, Obama playing the most rounds of any president ever, far more than bush.
h is for hypocrite, saying we need an end to bipartisan bickering and calling for civility, then telling constituents to vote for "revenge".
i is for I, the word used most by the narcissist in chief and Israel, the nation snubbed by Obama in favor of radical Muslim enemies of Israel.
j is for Jeremiah Wright, the radical racist black supremacist pastor who led Obama spiritually for over 20 years
k is for killers led by the Koran visiting the white house, the book that Obama grew up with that says kill all the Jews and Christians, he entertains known terrorists.
l is for lying to the people, such as the lie that Benghazi was a spontaneous protest caused by a video, told for weeks in front of TV audiences and the united nations.
m is for military downsizing and mothballing aircraft carriers and making us vulnerable
n is for news networks entirely run by democrats who run a non-stop pr campaign for Obama while attacking his opponents with lies and obfuscation.
o is for the occupy movement, destructive anarchists embraced by Obama
p is for platform at their convention that rejected God whom the dems denied three times and booed off their stage
q is for queers getting his endorsement to get married. [Their word, not mine.]
r is for redistribution of wealth, Obama view that those who work hard should give more to those who refuse to work at all.
s is for Solyndra and solar companies that failed, which were subsidized by taxpayers in return for campaign support for Obama.
t is for taxes, the highest increases in the history of the nation.
u is for unemployment and underemployment, with the worst levels since the great depression, far worse than under bush.
v is for violations, violating the constitution, ethics violations, violating the rights of churches not to have to supply birth control and abortion against their faith.
w is for Winston Churchill, the statue of whom was given as a gift to G.W Bush for the brave defense it symbolized, but rudely returned to England by Obama.
x is for x-ray machines at airports and other blatant invasions of privacy increased under Obama, which under bush were howled against.
y is for young people of elementary school age being brainwashed and exploited by Obama for campaign commercials.
z is for zero, which if for what Obama is doing about the jobs and the economy, and how much time there is left before the fall.
b is for bailouts for companies from the government, giving them free ride on the American taxpayers back.
c is for communists who mentored Obama, just look up frank Marshall Davis, his idol. Millions died under communism.
d is for debt, as the 16 trillion dollar cliff looms larger each day while dems spend us into disaster.
e is for embassies, and the Americans who died because Obama refused to help them while under attack by terrorists on American soil.
f is for failure to pass anything even with control of both houses for two years.
g is for golf, Obama playing the most rounds of any president ever, far more than bush.
h is for hypocrite, saying we need an end to bipartisan bickering and calling for civility, then telling constituents to vote for "revenge".
i is for I, the word used most by the narcissist in chief and Israel, the nation snubbed by Obama in favor of radical Muslim enemies of Israel.
j is for Jeremiah Wright, the radical racist black supremacist pastor who led Obama spiritually for over 20 years
k is for killers led by the Koran visiting the white house, the book that Obama grew up with that says kill all the Jews and Christians, he entertains known terrorists.
l is for lying to the people, such as the lie that Benghazi was a spontaneous protest caused by a video, told for weeks in front of TV audiences and the united nations.
m is for military downsizing and mothballing aircraft carriers and making us vulnerable
n is for news networks entirely run by democrats who run a non-stop pr campaign for Obama while attacking his opponents with lies and obfuscation.
o is for the occupy movement, destructive anarchists embraced by Obama
p is for platform at their convention that rejected God whom the dems denied three times and booed off their stage
q is for queers getting his endorsement to get married. [Their word, not mine.]
r is for redistribution of wealth, Obama view that those who work hard should give more to those who refuse to work at all.
s is for Solyndra and solar companies that failed, which were subsidized by taxpayers in return for campaign support for Obama.
t is for taxes, the highest increases in the history of the nation.
u is for unemployment and underemployment, with the worst levels since the great depression, far worse than under bush.
v is for violations, violating the constitution, ethics violations, violating the rights of churches not to have to supply birth control and abortion against their faith.
w is for Winston Churchill, the statue of whom was given as a gift to G.W Bush for the brave defense it symbolized, but rudely returned to England by Obama.
x is for x-ray machines at airports and other blatant invasions of privacy increased under Obama, which under bush were howled against.
y is for young people of elementary school age being brainwashed and exploited by Obama for campaign commercials.
z is for zero, which if for what Obama is doing about the jobs and the economy, and how much time there is left before the fall.
So all of the above were things you weren't supposed to talk about because it might offend or alienate certain voters and you had the right strategy for winning - "reach across the aisle", appear moderate, move to the center, don't criticize Obama or his party! That was the ticket to having the winning ticket. So you picked a wishy washy moderate with a liberal past in regards to abortion and health care and tamed him into keeping completely quiet on obvious wide openings left by the wildly swinging left. he held the bat on the biggest fattest slow pitches down the middle, choosing instead to cater to moderates by walking on eggshells.
You righties don't get how the game is played. All's fair in love and war. the left will say anything, do anything to smear your character and paint you as a nitwit nightmare, and the truth is the last thing they use. And you don't understand that lefties are the great unchurched, they have no moral playbook, while righties have the bible that they have to at least somewhat adhere to, meaning they aren't allowed to lie about someone to smear their character. And so the only weapon you have left is the truth, and it sits there unused! ignored! wasted!
Obama voted to have doctors murder living infants if they survived an abortion. You didn't talk about that when they blasted you for wanting to ban contraceptives. You didn't even vociferously deny wanting to ban contraception! You didn't call them crazy liars. At the debate Obama called Romney a liar to his face. Romney spent the third debate saying "i agree with the president" on this or that~ Wow what a convincing reason to vote Romney! people;le just remember their big impressions.
You didn't blast him for bowing to other world leaders nor explain why that was an important symbol of America's declining stature and why that's dangerous. You didn't hammer him for defense cuts and mothballing aircraft carriers. You didn't crush him for waffling on gay marriage and stand up against it to solidify your base. Most people don't favor gay marriage! But you were too afraid you'd offend the 2 or 3 moderates in the audience - those "swing voters" that you just had to have, by turning away from your main constituency of bible believing morality loving Christians.
You failed to blast him for turning the white house into a party house, Jay Z the racist sexist rap star, Michelle's extravagant wardrobe when they accused you of being the party of the rich - those many vacations more than any other president, using extra airplanes to get there to counter their phony environmental arguments. You didn't hit him over the head with his past as a member of the socialist party, and explain what that is and why it's wrong for America. You could have showed the documentation proving his alliance with not only that, but also the many terrorists who have visited the white house, his favoring evil figures like Raila Odinga and Bill Ayers, and how Ayers wrote Obama fraudulent book. you weren't allowed to discuss any of this because you were afraid you would lose!
And see the results! Losers!
Obama's communist mentors, his radical preacher mentor, his golf addiction, his spending habit, his past drug use! All true facts, low hanging fruit ripe for the picking. You could have painted him in his true colors as a deeply naive, idealistic megalomaniac with delusions of grandeur. Show the deficit more! Show the healthcare bill that will collapse the world economy! Show the unrest in the cities with Obama friends he embraced called the occupy movement. Teach the world about his radical past, his nightmarish agenda for the future, his dark and scary friends, his abandonment of allies like Israel and England, his embrace of the Muslim brotherhood and the Arab spring which is a nightmare for the world. No no, all you did was say, he's just misguided, not getting the job done. Meanwhile he successfully paints you as a woman hating, poor people crushing, selfish rich murderer. He called you a murderer and you said nothing! How about, Mr. President, I have to object, you are running ads in your campaign calling me a murderer and I'd like an apology. Meanwhile you allow terrorists to visit the white house and I think the American people should demand an apology for that.
No, be nice. And lose, lose, lose. Why not use the truth to paint a stark contrast between what's right vs. wrong, good vs. evil? What in the hell have you got to lose?
You needed to reach out to Latinos! Well why not talk about immigration and fairness! They love that issue. They would side with you for saying "wait in line with everybody else and come in legally, we'd love to have you." Explain no other nation on earth let's people poor across their porous border and then shower them with money upon arrival. And why on earth when you needed their vote didn't you play up the fact that you have a Mexican past? You guys were idiots to not talk that up to Latinos.
You could have hammered him on Solyndra but failed because 2 or 3 "swing voters" might think you were anti-green! You could have decimated him on Benghazi but feared the media taking his side. And that brings up another thing. Only Gingrich really blasted the media and people ate it up. Your biggest asset could have been a cogent argument proven by facts that the media vote democrat, support the left, and it shows in their donations, therefore they are biased. You could have once or twice refused to answer their stupid questions as a protest that people would have loved!
Instead you guys go on left wing shows on left wing networks, while avoiding the people who could really help you on right wing talk radio! You could embrace the greatest minds of the party such as Limbaugh, Levin and others. You even refuse to go on a show like Bill O' Reilly, now how did that somehow help you?
The truth is your ally. Right wing talk offers it up every day. You left it sitting their unused, and lost. There are better strategies other than chucking your long-cherished and deeply held convictions. Like fighting harder and telling the truth.
November 21, 2012
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