Pastor Russell Predicted The Anarchy, Quotes Lincoln

"Godliness with contentment is great gain"; and only if this foundation be first laid can education be guaranteed to be a great blessing. The selfish hearts and the spirit of the world are at variance with the spirit of love, and no compromise will avail. Education, "knowledge increased," among the masses is bringing the social crisis and its ultimate result, anarchy."
This is the MAY 18 MANNA
We which have believed do enter into rest-Heb. 4: 3.
Our rest in the Lord is as complete as is our belief in Him. He who believes fully rests fully; he who believes only partially rests but partially. The ideal condition of the spiritual Israelite is the attainment of a perfect rest, a perfect sabbath-keeping, in his present experience, and a waiting and laboring for another and still more complete rest-the actual rest of the perfected condition-the rest that remains for the people of God. "Let us therefore labor to enter into that rest [sabbath], lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief [of fleshly Israel]" (Heb. 4: 9-1l)-Z '99, 253 (R 2534).
The weekly sabbath of the Jews, with its rest from labor and its worship, fittingly symbolizes the Millennial Sabbath, with its rest from the curse and its service of God. Our faith-justification reckons to us the Millennial rest in its perfection, and enables us to have the rest of faith in Christ's finished work. In consecration, we labor earnestly even unto death, to be enabled to enter into the rest that remains for the people of God in His glorious Kingdom-P '33, 79.
We which have believed do enter into rest-Heb. 4: 3.
Our rest in the Lord is as complete as is our belief in Him. He who believes fully rests fully; he who believes only partially rests but partially. The ideal condition of the spiritual Israelite is the attainment of a perfect rest, a perfect sabbath-keeping, in his present experience, and a waiting and laboring for another and still more complete rest-the actual rest of the perfected condition-the rest that remains for the people of God. "Let us therefore labor to enter into that rest [sabbath], lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief [of fleshly Israel]" (Heb. 4: 9-1l)-Z '99, 253 (R 2534).
The weekly sabbath of the Jews, with its rest from labor and its worship, fittingly symbolizes the Millennial Sabbath, with its rest from the curse and its service of God. Our faith-justification reckons to us the Millennial rest in its perfection, and enables us to have the rest of faith in Christ's finished work. In consecration, we labor earnestly even unto death, to be enabled to enter into the rest that remains for the people of God in His glorious Kingdom-P '33, 79.
Pastor Russell Quoting President Lincoln:
From Volume 4 The Battle of Armaggeddon
pg. 58... Thus all the nations of "Christendom" are heedlessly stumbling on in the long-preferred darkness. Even this fair land of boasted liberty, in many respects so richly favored above all other nations, is no exception; and it, too, has had many warnings. Note the almost prophetic words of its martyr President, Abraham Lincoln, written shortly before his assassination, to a friend in Illinois. He wrote:
"Yes, we may all congratulate ourselves that this cruel war is nearing its close. It has cost a vast amount of treasure and blood. The best blood of the flower of American youth has been freely offered upon our country's altar that the nation might live. It has been a trying hour indeed for the Republic. But I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country. As a result of the war, corporations have been enthroned, an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money-power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all the wealth is aggregated in a few hands, and the Republic is destroyed. I feel at this moment more anxiety for the safety of my country than ever before, even in the midst of war."
The HEART of the STORM
Message of hope and comfort amidst The Anarchy
that's right it's the new adventures of
sid canoe the guy with the utopian new
view from what was once an inarticulate
mass of lifeless tissues may I now
present a cultured sophisticated we do
our best every week to land on an
interesting topic so today and are
flying canoe we're landing in the heart
of the storm last week's episode hosts
freedom apocalypse and how to survive
the war in fact most of our episodes
lately are about this war that we see on
our televisions every day every night
there's a golden lining behind the dark
clouds an alternative view of current
events yes we say everything written is
coming to pass and we're seeing these
two elements the radicals and
conservatives the left and the right
they're going at it and the friction
from that battle the friction will melt
all the elements
when dealing with powerful criminal
elements one can never be too well
prepared precision decision
the key to success in life as well as in
sports today I was inspired by a
headline that I read in the newspaper
just up in the corner I didn't actually
read the article McDaniel's builds up
his team I liked that
McDaniel's builds up his team it's
better than tearing down your team every
team needs someone who's gonna build him
up everyone can complain everyone can
look at things wrong and see how empty
things are I'm a glass full kind of guy
and I want to build up my team so I'm
gonna talk about why I do the show and
what I talk about also some of the
things maybe that I don't talk about do
you know I won't be talking about sports
I enjoy tennis quite a bit I want to
watch all the matches but some things
I've had to give up episodic television
for instance lots of movies I don't
watch I just don't have room for that in
my head because I'm studying something
that we call present truth so I'd like
to talk about the anecdotal stories
people losing weight on the new keto
diet I think that's a pretty cool thing
but however talking about the high
time is a precious thing never wasted
I'd love to talk cooking my wife and I
on the keto diet but I feel that I was
raised a Christian and so I have to do
my best to give the most important
message in the history of Earth at this
crucial moment the most important moment
in the history of time and explain tha
there is a kingdom of peace and
righteousness coming on the veryheels
of this storm so I think one should do
their best to raise their family and the
best way they know how and I believe
giving out the truth to them is my
highest purpose yes I believe we're in
the harvest time that the present evil
world is giving way to the Millennial
dawn the Babylon system is crumbling and
there was a team of small like-minded
believers called the little flock wh
are now setting up a kingdom which is in
opposition to all the powers of darkness
and this is the real cause of the
trouble shaking and the overturning of
society and so my job as an elected
elder in the group is to be like an
overseer of the flock a shepherd
guarding the Sheep from Grievous wolves
and Grievous wolf here is error mainly
to have error in our characters which is
worldly character very easy to fall pre
to this age of technological messages
entering our brain at a record rate
we need to control the content goes into
our minds I chose to devote most of my
time to the beliefs rather than the
trends and the secrets of the Bible give
us advice on conduct that were to follow
if we want to survive this terrible time
of trouble that we now live through it's
the beginning of this anarchy phase that
we were taught to expect and so as last
week we talked about freedom of speech
being clamped down that's something we
were taught to expect as a part of this
energy phase so today we're in the heart
of the storm things I want to share with
my friends my family and with the world
also I want to share as much as I'm able
to tell and I want to share as much as I
know about what the Bible teaches about
this anarchy phase and the great golden
lining behind the dark cloud that
there's a kingdom come but first it may
get worse before it gets better
so I'm talking about these things
because I'm the guy in the flying
chameleons that's the way we were
traveling if the good Lord had intended
us to walk he wouldn't have invented
roller skates so we were taught there'
be this anti typical French Revolution
we were talking to be an anti typical
overthrowing of Jerusalem AD and so
that's a pretty ginormous event I think
that we were taught to expect and I'm
seeing signs that this is the very time
that we are living we're being treated
too right now and so as a representative
of the faith of the Bible student
movement just about anywhere in the
it's my deepest first most sincere
commitment in presenting this important
knowledge at this important time in
history it's no less than my duty to say
what I know to the best of my ability
now I've been talking online about these
things for years you can see the
present truth forum is still up even
though it's sort of low ebb right nowkind of sleeping still exists the online
forum the oldest Bible student online
web forum so as a part of the Bible
student movement I'm connected with
brethren all over the world not with any
class right now because classes are
broken up over some of the questions
that I've asked about is the high call
enclosed the little flock gone because
the earth is huge refining
the salt has left the earth and the
earth can't be salted any more so the
things I say are not necessarily popular
among even those who share my faith but
it's not a thankless job as long as I
remember that I do serve the King of
Kings and that there's a great big
beautiful tomorrow and so we continue on
this new adventure show
Batman you think of everything
remember the boy Scout's motto be
prepared it would do well to keep that
in mind at all times so we're talking
about the heart of the storm the heart
of the matter is that we're in a storm
predicted in the scriptures that would
give way to the Millennial Kingdom of
blessing will be the safe harbor divine
Haven the desire of all nations and so
we're headed out might have some
difficulties to go through for us and so
on we go we're reading the past writings
of pastor Charles taze Russell why
didn't we think of this before that man
hindsight is often better than foresight
old chum what he said now in hindsight
looks like prophecy although he did not
say he was a prophet he was not a
prophet he just expounded the scriptures
he explored what they really say and
that we would go through three phases
war revolution and anarchy and he lived
his entire life as an example of
speaking the truth and guarding against
errors so I want to follow his example
that he followed Christ and be a
guardian of the flock of the errors that
crept in that created all these worldly
so we're gonna recognize that the little
flock is complete and that this crazy
battle between the right and the left
between conservatives and radicals that
that is the very Anarchy that we were
taught to expect and that it would
create enough friction to be the melting
of the elements so there's no greater
purpose than this that I can share with
you my neighbor my friends my family
this alternate view and that we can be
calm amidst the storm and that we know
there's a greater purpose in all of this
to overthrow the present evil world to
bring in the new kingdom that will be
the safe harbor the desire of all
nations that we will all have that one
king the present Messiah
so the Bible gives us some clues on how
we should approach these terrible times
it says we need to build up in our
characters enough love in our hearts and
our minds to prepare us no matter how
few friends we might end up with I don't
even know who's listening at this point
no the deal is this if we cost you
something if you want to pursue
righteousness in this world it will cost
you something will cost you friends
prestige money
I was just elated to find out that there
was a real God in heaven that he did
have a plan for us I began to enjoy the
gift of life so much just breathing and
being on this earth amidst all the
nature and trees and animals and the
people that I loved and I wanted to
express that so I gave my life to God in
consecration in exchange for just the
opportunity to live to breathe the air
to see these wonders and all I can do
take everything use me as you please all
of my life all of my future all of my
tools all of my trades and he showed me
the divine plan at the ages I mean he
gave me a tool and I learned from Pastor
Charles taze Russell
Benjamin Barton and the Morton brothers
and a few others not to others this may
seem fanatical but to me it's perfectly
logical just as two plus two equals four
remember if this is true then all the
other philosophies are false and to this
date twenty years I've been running the
present truth forum and I have yet to
see any successful attack against
present true
which is what we call present true up
till this time and through that time
basically it's the summary writings of
Pastor Charles taze Russell what we call
presently the boil it all down we are to
seek meekness we are to seek
righteousness so that it may be we can
be hid in the day of the Lord's anger in
this day this time of trouble just
getting more troublesome out there every
day I think just behooves me as a friend
and I want to especially tell my spouse
my lovely wife who says the word spouse
anymore my lovely wife to whom God
entrusted my life and she entrusted to
me of all the things on this earth that
I could give her I think she values this
information the most there's nothing
else on this earth that I would have
wanted to share with her in our final
moment than listen for me
she's already privy to a few things and
you can read it on my blog by the way go
back articles on the time of trouble of
the anarchy you can even go find in the
links please subscribe by the way like
and subscribe and you find in the
description below there are links find a
little more about me
but the fulfillment of these prophecies
we've seen in our lifetime but people
really didn't appreciate it at the time
but now they prove that we must be in a
certain time in a harvest timeline that
passed the time when there was often
called feet of the heavenly church the
little flock though that time has passed
that class complete we think that they
are now working overtime friends and
bringing in the new Millennial Kingdom
so we continue on show hopefully we'll
get things rolling in just another
we've talked about the fulfillment of
prophecies happening in our lifetime
when people don't always appreciate it
so if you're gonna devote your time to
it better understand it's gonna cost you
something in the way of prestige friends
I'm just saying what I believe is my
Christian duty to tell you these things
because I think that it's a value I know
that for anyone knows of hearing ear out
there now for something they'll never
listen at all but if you have a hearing
ear out there this is wonderful news
there's gonna be a kingdom on earth it's
the one Jesus taught us to pray for when
he said pray thy kingdom come thy will
be done on earth there's something we're
gonna see where there's no more death no
more pain no more dying no more crying
it's the best news that you could ever
get as a human being
nothing less than the resurrection of
the Dead the coming back of all earth
sleeping family members we're gonna get
him back
so yeah this show it may be eccentric
I don't know how commercial it could
ever be I'm not talking about gardening
or mechanics or how to play the guitar
or singing I'm not talking about raising
cats and dogs together and what a
difficulty that can be or what to wear
on a sunny spring day you know things
that would get me a lot more accolades
out there
so some courage is involved here I'm not
saying I'm a big hero and I'm certainly
not the best messenger I'm sure but at
this particular time in history I seem
to be one of the only ones talking about
it and if I'm wrong if I'm Way off
there's no storm
the Liberals wake up tomorrow giving
free speech back to conservatives and
the radicals wake up tomorrow with love
in their hearts and stop bashing
conservatives over the heads of by
well then maybe this shows it's just you
know just a cute little quirky thing but
for me my way of looking at it is that I
have the highest motivation I could
probably have a nice life talking about
mechanics or guitars etc but what good
is my life if my children can't have one
you might have Jewish daughters bringing
up babies in the future how are they
gonna be treated when things are so
uncivil right now are they gonna get
better you're gonna put the toothpaste
back in the tube at this point I don't
think people are gonna get better I'm
just sharing with you what the
scriptures say about the best advice one
can follow in order to make it through
these terrible times of trouble this
time of trouble such as never was since
there was a nature
so again I'm just doing my best it may
get worse before it gets better
but there's a golden lining behind the
dark clouds so I hope you're enjoying
this alternate view of events everything
written will come to pass those two
warring elements conservatives and
radicals going at it as they are that
friction will melt all the elements and
then you'll see it it'll be that great
big beautiful tomorrow
yep a golden lining behind the dark
clouds an alternate view of these events
which please come with me on the new
adventures of sidqa new every week and
next week we'll try to get to the answer
of the big question if when will you get
a real job you bum
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