All Will Have Opportunity To Return To Divine Favor
"demonstrating to the best of their ability their patriotism,
are not thrown to the Devil to be forever roasted"
"All that are in the tombs shall hear his voice, and shall come forth" John 5:28:29
Written by P.S.L. Johnson in 1941 during WWII
We have read in history, and daily we are reading in the newspapers, how these nations are attempting to blow one another off the sea and the land. "The nations were angry," says the Revelator. There is no nation so small but that it desires to go to war to preserve its rule.
As the Prophet Joel says to the nations, "Come up to the Valley of Jehoshaphat." Outside of the walls of Jerusalem is the cemetery of Jehoshaphat, known as the Valley of Graves. In figurative language the Prophet is saying to the nations, "Come up to the Valley of Graves!" And this is just where they are going. When we think of the appalling loss of life amongst these angry nations, it is grand to know that all these bitter experiences are not lost, and that the poor creatures who have suffered are not, when they die, hurled into eternal torment—that these poor creatures, not knowing what the war really is about, but demonstrating to the best of their ability their patriotism, are not thrown to the Devil to be forever roasted. Ah, no! According to the Scriptures, they are falling asleep in death. Their sorrows and woes are all over for the present. They will know nothing more until He who has redeemed them will call them forth from the dominion of Death.

The present war [ed. note: 1941 WW2] will weaken the nations, not only of their life blood, but also of their wealth; and it will demonstrate the inefficiency of all Gentile kingdoms to bring to the world peace, righteousness, satisfactory government. But Messiah's Kingdom, which will then be inaugurated, will be "the desire of all nations." Like the World War, this war, and Armageddon and Anarchy, which will follow it, will prove conclusively the great need of Divine interposition in human affairs (Hag. 2: 7).
Doubtless earth's great rulers have done the best they knew how to do for their peoples. Some of our very best laws came from Julius Caesar, in combination with the Mosaic code. Some of the world's rulers today are also doing their best; but they are confused. Having a false idea of what constitutes Christ's Kingdom, they seem to think it their mission to conquer the world. Some of them fear the triumph of Totalitarism, others that of Democracy, and their hearts are failing them, fearing the things coming upon the earth. While they—each side—knew that this would be the most cruel war ever known, yet they preferred it to that which they were striving to ward off and which they have succeeded in keeping off for the present. But they are losing some of their best blood, their best energy, their money, commerce, etc.; and when the war is ended, these nations, sorrowful and famine stricken, will be greatly angered at their rulers.
Then [ed. note: after 1945] will come the determination to inaugurate something like Socialism. This the governments will endeavor to put down, and to some extent they will succeed. Then will come the great explosion—the Armageddon of the Scriptures. Thereafter will come the worst part of the Time of Trouble, Anarchy, immediately before the Kingdom.
Let all the Gentile kingdoms be
Subjected, mighty Lord, to Thee!
And over land and stream and main,
Then wave the sceptre of Thy reign.
[Editors note: The length of time between our dear brother Johnson's last sentence and the one before that is not known. What is known is that the nations have certainly followed this script and instituted "something like socialism" all over the world since 1945. They are now through the EU attempting to "inaugurate" it globally. Currently Mr. Trump and other nationalist movements like Brexit stand in their way. Right now or very soon at least, we may well be experiencing the "great explosion". RB]
Be not overcome of evil-Rom. 12: 21.
We are never to take up or to use evil words or methods or manners. To do so is temporarily to join the enemy, or to admit that his implements and methods are better than those of the Captain to whom we belong. To answer anger with anger, evil report with evil report, bitter words with bitter words, slander with slander, persecution with persecution, blow with blow, or any of these, would be to endeavor to overcome evil with evil. This, which is natural to our fallen natures, is what we are commanded to avoid, that we may the more thoroughly cultivate the new nature. To be misled by the Adversary to use his methods in any of these ways is to be overcome by evil-Z '97, 267 (R 2212).
Evils of all sorts are permitted to assail the Lord's people. The devil, the world and the flesh are constantly seeking to overcome the new heart, mind and will. Only by persistent battles will we be enabled to overcome our enemies. God's Oathbound Covenant is our encouragement in this warfare, and His Spirit, Word and Providence are our weapons of defense and offense. Therewith let us fight the good fight of faith, so that instead of being overcome by evil, we will overcome it-P '33, 79.
THIS EPISODE: "Post-Freedom Apocalypse & How to Survive The War"
"the time of clamping down on free speech..." and the origins of freedom.
This is the true story of a man who was persecuted in communist Romania
for owning "Studies in the Scriptures" by Charles Taze Russell.
#1 FIRST BROADCAST "Predicting Anarchy"
recorded Election Day Nov. 8, 2016
"demonstrating to the best of their ability their patriotism,
are not thrown to the Devil to be forever roasted"Written by P.S.L. Johnson in 1941 during WWII
We have read in history, and daily we are reading in the newspapers, how these nations are attempting to blow one another off the sea and the land. "The nations were angry," says the Revelator. There is no nation so small but that it desires to go to war to preserve its rule.
As the Prophet Joel says to the nations, "Come up to the Valley of Jehoshaphat." Outside of the walls of Jerusalem is the cemetery of Jehoshaphat, known as the Valley of Graves. In figurative language the Prophet is saying to the nations, "Come up to the Valley of Graves!" And this is just where they are going. When we think of the appalling loss of life amongst these angry nations, it is grand to know that all these bitter experiences are not lost, and that the poor creatures who have suffered are not, when they die, hurled into eternal torment—that these poor creatures, not knowing what the war really is about, but demonstrating to the best of their ability their patriotism, are not thrown to the Devil to be forever roasted. Ah, no! According to the Scriptures, they are falling asleep in death. Their sorrows and woes are all over for the present. They will know nothing more until He who has redeemed them will call them forth from the dominion of Death.
The present war [ed. note: 1941 WW2] will weaken the nations, not only of their life blood, but also of their wealth; and it will demonstrate the inefficiency of all Gentile kingdoms to bring to the world peace, righteousness, satisfactory government. But Messiah's Kingdom, which will then be inaugurated, will be "the desire of all nations." Like the World War, this war, and Armageddon and Anarchy, which will follow it, will prove conclusively the great need of Divine interposition in human affairs (Hag. 2: 7).
Doubtless earth's great rulers have done the best they knew how to do for their peoples. Some of our very best laws came from Julius Caesar, in combination with the Mosaic code. Some of the world's rulers today are also doing their best; but they are confused. Having a false idea of what constitutes Christ's Kingdom, they seem to think it their mission to conquer the world. Some of them fear the triumph of Totalitarism, others that of Democracy, and their hearts are failing them, fearing the things coming upon the earth. While they—each side—knew that this would be the most cruel war ever known, yet they preferred it to that which they were striving to ward off and which they have succeeded in keeping off for the present. But they are losing some of their best blood, their best energy, their money, commerce, etc.; and when the war is ended, these nations, sorrowful and famine stricken, will be greatly angered at their rulers.
Then [ed. note: after 1945] will come the determination to inaugurate something like Socialism. This the governments will endeavor to put down, and to some extent they will succeed. Then will come the great explosion—the Armageddon of the Scriptures. Thereafter will come the worst part of the Time of Trouble, Anarchy, immediately before the Kingdom.
Let all the Gentile kingdoms be
Subjected, mighty Lord, to Thee!
And over land and stream and main,
Then wave the sceptre of Thy reign.
[Editors note: The length of time between our dear brother Johnson's last sentence and the one before that is not known. What is known is that the nations have certainly followed this script and instituted "something like socialism" all over the world since 1945. They are now through the EU attempting to "inaugurate" it globally. Currently Mr. Trump and other nationalist movements like Brexit stand in their way. Right now or very soon at least, we may well be experiencing the "great explosion". RB]Be not overcome of evil-Rom. 12: 21.
We are never to take up or to use evil words or methods or manners. To do so is temporarily to join the enemy, or to admit that his implements and methods are better than those of the Captain to whom we belong. To answer anger with anger, evil report with evil report, bitter words with bitter words, slander with slander, persecution with persecution, blow with blow, or any of these, would be to endeavor to overcome evil with evil. This, which is natural to our fallen natures, is what we are commanded to avoid, that we may the more thoroughly cultivate the new nature. To be misled by the Adversary to use his methods in any of these ways is to be overcome by evil-Z '97, 267 (R 2212).
Evils of all sorts are permitted to assail the Lord's people. The devil, the world and the flesh are constantly seeking to overcome the new heart, mind and will. Only by persistent battles will we be enabled to overcome our enemies. God's Oathbound Covenant is our encouragement in this warfare, and His Spirit, Word and Providence are our weapons of defense and offense. Therewith let us fight the good fight of faith, so that instead of being overcome by evil, we will overcome it-P '33, 79.
"the time of clamping down on free speech..." and the origins of freedom.
for owning "Studies in the Scriptures" by Charles Taze Russell.
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