Time for the Establishment of Messiah’s Kingdom
"In the Scriptures, the Lord has evidently seen fit to associate the name of this famous battle-field Armageddon, with the great controversy between Truth and Error, right and wrong, God and Mammon, with which the Gospel Age will close and the Messianic Age be ushered in.
"He has purposely used highly symbolic language in the last book of the Bible, evidently with a view to hiding certain important truths until the due time for their revealment. But even in the due time, "None of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand."
Charles Taze Russell - from Overland Monthly OV268
Time for the Establishment of Messiah’s Kingdom
"The Scriptures abound with allusions to Armageddon. Our Lord Jesus calls it "great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be." (Mt 24:21.) The Prophet Daniel describes it as "a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation, even to that same time." (Da 12:1.) Closely in connection with this statement, Daniel declares that God’s representative, "Michael, shall stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of" Israel. The word "Michael" signifies "He who is like God"—the God-like one. He will stand up for the salvation of God’s people, for the rectification of error and wrong, for the establishment of right and truth, to bring to the world of mankind the great Kingdom of God, which has been preached from the days of Abraham. ...
St. Peter tells us that this age is to end in a great conflagration—symbolical of the time of trouble, in which present institutions will be swallowed up (2Pe 3:8-13.) Elsewhere in the Scriptures, this terrible time of trouble is symbolically represented as a storm, as a whirlwind, as a fire, to consume everything. After the present order shall have passed away in the great time of trouble, God Himself will establish His kingdom—the one for which we pray, "Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth, even as it is done in Heaven."
"...In the same prophecy which tells that the Time of the End is the time for the wise toward God to understand, we are told that this time will be especially marked by two particular features: first, "Many shall run to and fro"; second, "Knowledge shall be increased" (Dan. 12: 4). Today we see this prophecy fulfilled. All over the world people are running to and fro as never before...."
"...in every home—opportunity for knowledge such as never has been known since man was on earth.
The remarkable fulfillment of this prophecy marks our day as the time of the end, in which the present dispensation is to be concluded and the new dispensation is to be ushered in—the time when God’s people will be able to understand..."
Pastor Russell from Volume 4 The Battle of Armageddon

Nationalism Vs. Globalism
"Global socialists are the new royalty - destined to fail, but they will not go quietly!"
Portion of a letter from Regan Balman dated Dec. 26 2016 written to epiphanybiblestudents.com
...As a class we have been studying from Pastor Russell's volume 4 quite a bit, especially regarding Armageddon, and the four phases you mentioned: War, Revolution, Anarchy and Jacob's Trouble. I Kings 19:11 is an area of personal study as well. I will post new blog entries regarding this topic soon, Lord allowing. It should cover the following thoughts:
Aspects of the Time of the End and watching them connect:
- Various and sundry Revolutions in the world from 1914 onward, but especially from 1954 onward.
- The four stage binding of the adversary. Bro. Johnson gives us a timeline... see also http://www.reganbalman.com/regan-s-blog/satan-is-he-bound-yet
- He also taught us about the division into two camps: radical vs. conservative

The four night watches could be a timeline. Remember the fourth watch was when the Apostles were sleeping and the waves were rising?
- The two symbolic pictures Bro. Russell taught us would be examples of this anarchy time, the Fall of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. and the French Revolution.
- Nationalism Vs. Globalism: Global socialists are the new royalty - destined to fail, but they will not go quietly.
- The Volume 4 Forward page 15 (xv) paragraph 3 could all end up happening at once. "Anarchy will result when socialism fails".
- Obama turning against Israel at the U.N. last week, possibly fulfilling Jer. 30:14
So, with troop movements everywhere, new threats of nuclear war, growing confrontations at sea, terrorism rising and people on all sides "prepping"... amidst all this, in my recent studies it appears from Bro. Russell's pen that he viewed the Armageddon and Anarchy as both consecutive and also concurrent, even referring to it once as "the armageddon of anarchy". As Revolution grows, so does the Anarchy it seems. Anyway, every major player and character that he predicted would be there, is there. All is in place. I'm hoping to be able to speak more about it soon. ... RB
Love . . . is not easily provoked-1 Cor. 13: 4, 5.
However natural depravity and heredity and nervous disorders may tend toward the spirit of fretfulness, taciturnity and touchiness, every heart filled with the Lord's Spirit must oppose this disposition to evil in his flesh, and must wage a good warfare against it. It will not do to say, "It is my way"; for all the ways of the fallen nature are bad; it is the business of the new nature to overcome the old nature in this as well as other works of the flesh and the devil; and few show to our friends and households more than this of the power of the grace of Love. This grace as it grows should make every child of God sweet-tempered-Z '97, 247 (R 2202).
By love not only is thankful good will meant, but more especially the unselfish, disinterested good will which delights in good principles, which appreciates character in harmony with them, which sympathizes with and pities those out of harmony with them, and which delights to lay down life to spread them. Such a love cannot become infuriated. An evil disposition is the reverse of such love. On the contrary, such a love is mild, long-suffering and forgiving-P '34, 63.
Love . . . is not easily provoked-1 Cor. 13: 4, 5.
However natural depravity and heredity and nervous disorders may tend toward the spirit of fretfulness, taciturnity and touchiness, every heart filled with the Lord's Spirit must oppose this disposition to evil in his flesh, and must wage a good warfare against it. It will not do to say, "It is my way"; for all the ways of the fallen nature are bad; it is the business of the new nature to overcome the old nature in this as well as other works of the flesh and the devil; and few show to our friends and households more than this of the power of the grace of Love. This grace as it grows should make every child of God sweet-tempered-Z '97, 247 (R 2202).
By love not only is thankful good will meant, but more especially the unselfish, disinterested good will which delights in good principles, which appreciates character in harmony with them, which sympathizes with and pities those out of harmony with them, and which delights to lay down life to spread them. Such a love cannot become infuriated. An evil disposition is the reverse of such love. On the contrary, such a love is mild, long-suffering and forgiving-P '34, 63.
Is Satan's Empire about to crumble? What will come in it's wake?
Will it be a Global "New World Order"? Or a new dark age?
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