"The UnAmerican Designs of the Foreign-Spirited Roman Hierarchy on American Soil"
"unless real Americans defeat the hierarchy in this plot Democracy in America is lost"
written in 1933 by P.S.L. Johnson

Bigotry and intolerance are an ignorant, unreasonable and stubborn maintenance of one's opinions and their consequent propaganda and practices and an unreasoning boycotting attitude toward those of differing views and practices. The man who firmly holds and practices well reasoned and grounded opinions compatibly with the rights of others is not a bigot. It is simply vituperation and slander to call him such. And when such vituperation and slander proceed from designing and sinister agencies like the Roman hierarchy, the most bigoted and intolerant aggregation of all history, it should be accepted and worn as a badge of honor, an encomium from the Lord and a sign of his approval, granted by the Lord for opposition to the most bigoted of all corporations in its fell designs on the liberties of the freest and most liberal nation on earth. Let the pope fully renounce his undemocratic teachings and practices and then a Catholic will not be opposed as such when see king the vote of real Americans for office.

If the criminal, the vicious, the grafting, the rebellious, the traitorous, the oppressive, etc., denounce our well-reasoned opposition to their evil designs as bigotry and intolerance, do such denunciations really make us bigots and intolerants? Should we permit them thereby to make us, cowardlike, desist from opposing their ways? Surely not! And, for a similar reason, the similar denunciation of Americans enlightened as to papal political designs on America, which sought realization in Al Smith's election to the presidency, does not make such Americans bigots and intolerants, nor should such denunciation make such Americans retreat one step in this battle for the actual separation of state and church in America. Rather it should make them all the more aggressive to oppose unto complete victory designs so inimical to America's well-being and liberty. And the irony and effrontery of the whole situation is this, that the most intolerant and bigoted system of all history has hypocritically put on the to her ill-fitting garments of tolerance and brayed "intolerance" at the most tolerant part of the human race, whose intelligence as to papal designs on America rightly arouses them against the unAmerican designs of the foreign-spirited Roman hierarchy on American soil, which designs it seeks, among other ways, to realize by the election of its subservients to office in America. It was not bigotry and intolerance that moved patriots, Protestants and consecrated Christians to vote against Mr. Al Smith for his relations to the hierarchy as a Catholic, but it was a well-reasoned vigilance, whose eternal exercise is the price of liberty, a true knowledge of history, whose pages teach that the papacy is everywhere and always the worst, most cunning enemy of popular liberty, a holy love for the principles of our government, whose foundations are directly opposed to those of the papacy, and the laudable desire to preserve American freedom, for whose existence our fathers sacrificed, bled and died, that moved patriots, Protestants and consecrated Christians to vote against Al Smith as the hierarchy's candidate and hope for the realization of its designs on America..."

"... Rome's efforts began before the Civil War to Romanize America and its people, politically, governmentally, religiously, socially, educationally, economically, financially, etc.; (4) her course in advocating that the pupils of the public schools be indoctrinated in the theories of the New Deal, so that when they are grown up they may accept it as a matter of course and conform to it, i.e., long after the present emergency is past; (5) her indoctrinating, as her textbooks prove, the scholars of her own schools in its undemocratic theories, all the time the hypocritical lip service that her advocates have here offered Democracy has been intended to blind the American people on her real intentions; (6) the course of the hierarchy in Fascist Germany, Italy and Austria is to perpetuate Fascism; and the future will prove that the hierarchy has been plotting for Fascism throughout Christendom, since Rome is "semper idem"—always the same?"
"Do you know that neither Mr. Roosevelt, nor Congress, nor the bulk of non-Romanist supporters of the New Deal ever dreamed that the hierarchy plotted through the New Deal to destroy perpetually Democracy in America and to establish in its stead a perpetual absolutism in the form of Fascism?
"Do you know that neither Mr. Roosevelt, nor Congress, nor the bulk of non-Romanist supporters of the New Deal ever dreamed that the hierarchy plotted through the New Deal to destroy perpetually Democracy in America and to establish in its stead a perpetual absolutism in the form of Fascism?
Do you know that this situation means that unless real Americans defeat the hierarchy in this plot Democracy in America is lost?"
"Our Father's God to Thee,
Author of liberty,
To Thee we sing;
Long may our land be bright
With freedom's holy light,
Protect us by Thy might,
Great God, our King." HE 1933 #076-081\
Author of liberty,
To Thee we sing;
Long may our land be bright
With freedom's holy light,
Protect us by Thy might,
Great God, our King." HE 1933 #076-081\
Read the articles from the images above:
God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind-2 Tim. 1: 7.
The spirit of the Lord imparted to His people is not a spirit of fear, but on the contrary a spirit of power, energy, zeal awakened by love-loving devotion to God, and a desire to please and serve Him; loving devotion to the Truth, and a loving devotion to God's people and a desire to build them up in holy things, and to do good unto all men as we have opportunity-the spirit of a "sound mind"-a mind that is fortified and strengthened by the Word of the Lord on every subject, and hence, while thoroughly fearless of man, is wise in judging of times, seasons and methods for using the energy of love which burns as a fire within the consecrated heart-Z '97, 170 (R 2165).
As the spirit of fear is a timid disposition, so the spirit of power, of love and of a sound mind is the disposition of power, of love and of wisdom, i.e., a strong, loving and wise disposition. God rids us of a timid disposition by His Spirit, Word and providences, as well as thereby gives us a disposition like His own, in which wisdom, justice, love and power blend in beautiful harmony. Praise be to God for such a gift!-P '30, 78.
God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind-2 Tim. 1: 7.
The spirit of the Lord imparted to His people is not a spirit of fear, but on the contrary a spirit of power, energy, zeal awakened by love-loving devotion to God, and a desire to please and serve Him; loving devotion to the Truth, and a loving devotion to God's people and a desire to build them up in holy things, and to do good unto all men as we have opportunity-the spirit of a "sound mind"-a mind that is fortified and strengthened by the Word of the Lord on every subject, and hence, while thoroughly fearless of man, is wise in judging of times, seasons and methods for using the energy of love which burns as a fire within the consecrated heart-Z '97, 170 (R 2165).
As the spirit of fear is a timid disposition, so the spirit of power, of love and of a sound mind is the disposition of power, of love and of wisdom, i.e., a strong, loving and wise disposition. God rids us of a timid disposition by His Spirit, Word and providences, as well as thereby gives us a disposition like His own, in which wisdom, justice, love and power blend in beautiful harmony. Praise be to God for such a gift!-P '30, 78.
Octaman sings about God's plan of salvation
Hope in a fear filled world!
The Pope Vs. Jerusalem: End Time Antichrist Scenario
This is a "Sid Canoe" (Octaman Radio) broadcast
originally aired April 19, 2000
OCTAMAN vs. FAKE Health Care
Many hospitals are run by the Catholic Church
That's why you're sick!
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