Anarchy, Immediately Before the Kingdom
"There is no one so stupid but that he can see..."
"Then will come the determination to inaugurate something like Socialism. This the governments will endeavor to put down, and to some extent they will succeed. Then will come the great explosion—the Armageddon of the Scriptures. Thereafter will come the worst part of the Time of Trouble, Anarchy, immediately before the Kingdom."
Herald of the Epiphany, 1941 by Paul S.L. Johnson about the then ongoing second World War and what to expect following that event.
"Only as we look at the Divine Plan as a whole can we understand God's relationship with this bloody war—and with all war. Many have seen only small portions of the Divine Plan, and so have failed to grasp the great lengths, breadths, heights and depths of God's great Purpose. But whoever has an understanding of the great Plan of God will ever after be able rightly to appreciate and to locate not only the events of today, but also everything that is coming; for the Bible outlines the history of man. The Scriptures clearly teach that our earth is the only rebellious province in all God's fair creation. In this little planet God has permitted sin to take its course—to bud, to blossom, to bring forth its fruitage—that both men and angels may see the dire results of opposition to the Divine Government. The Bible tells us how this world became rebellious. It tells us that God did not create mankind imperfect, as we are today. Man was created perfect, an earthly being—in the image of his Heavenly Creator, in the sense of having a moral character, but limited to earthly conditions. This perfect man was placed in a perfect home, in every way adapted to his needs. This Eden was especially prepared for him, and he was to enjoy it. But he was the king of the whole earth; and therefore his Creator instructed him that, as his family increased, he was to subdue the earth and develop it. Had mankind remained in harmony with God, the whole world would have become as Eden. God foreknew, however, just what would occur. He foreknew Adam's sin and fall, as well as the mental, moral, religious and physical degeneracy which would result from the disobedience of our first parents. He foreknew our weakness and imperfection, our attempts at moral, religious and mental reform and at mental and physical health. Yet He permitted all this to occur.
Sin entered the world, and has continued to rest upon the human family for six thousand years. This curse of sin and death is upon mankind. God's penalty for sin is death; and whether it comes through pestilence, famine, war or by slower processes, matters little. There is no one so stupid but that he can see that the whole course of human history has been a reign of Sin and Death. The Bible tells us that God has permitted this condition to continue for the past six thousand years as a great lesson on the exceeding sinfulness of sin and on the utter hopelessness of any other help than that which He Himself has provided. For six great Days of a thousand years each—from Adam's time until now—Sin and Death have reigned over the race. These are man's Work Week, in which he has been permitted to try everything he could imagine for his own relief from sin and its penalty—death—(Rom. 6: 23). And now, after the Work Week has drawn to a close, what de we find? Mankind are still dying—mentally, morally, religiously, physically. So far from gaining life for our race, all our efforts through doctors, scientists, etc., have accomplished practically nothing. Yea, our most learned physicians and specialists tell us that the world is on the verge of a collapse. They say that at the present rate of increase there would not be, in a hundred and sixty years from now, enough sane people in the world to care for the insane. They tell us that various diseases are increasing so rapidly as to endanger the existence of the race in a very short time; and this in face of the fact that sanitary conditions are made a necessity, even to the extent of providing individual drinking cups. Our only hope is in God; and He has arranged that His blessing shall come through Messiah's Kingdom when our race shall have reached its limit. Man's extremity will be God's opportunity. in the great Seventh Day of man's Work-Week, the antitypical Sabbath, Messiah will, in association with His Church of this Gospel Age, set up the Divine Kingdom amongst men—a spiritual Kingdom, not an earthly one, ruling, blessing and uplifting mankind. For a thousand years this work of uplift will progress, until all the willing and obedient will have attained again the lost likeness of their Creator and all the unwilling and disobedient will have been cut off from life in the Second Death."...
"The present war will weaken the nations, not only of their life blood, but also of their wealth; and it will demonstrate the inefficiency of all Gentile kingdoms to bring to the world peace, righteousness, satisfactory government. But Messiah's Kingdom, which will then be inaugurated, will be "the desire of all nations." Like the World War, this war, and Armageddon and Anarchy, which will follow it, will prove conclusively the great need of Divine interposition in human affairs (Hag. 2:7).
Doubtless earth's great rulers have done the best they knew how to do for their peoples. Some of our very best laws came from Julius Caesar, in combination with the Mosaic code. Some of the world's rulers today are also doing their best; but they are confused. Having a false idea of what constitutes Christ's Kingdom, they seem to think it their mission to conquer the world. Some of them fear the triumph of Totalitarism, others that of Democracy, and their hearts are failing them, fearing the things coming upon the earth. While they—each side—knew that this would be the most cruel war ever known, yet they preferred it to that which they were striving to ward off and which they have succeeded in keeping off for the present. But they are losing some of their best blood, their best energy, their money, commerce, etc.; and when the war is ended, these nations, sorrowful and famine stricken, will be greatly angered at their rulers. Then will come the determination to inaugurate something like Socialism. This the governments will endeavor to put down, and to some extent they will succeed. Then will come the great explosion—the Armageddon of the Scriptures. Thereafter will come the worst part of the Time of Trouble, Anarchy, immediately before the Kingdom."
Sin entered the world, and has continued to rest upon the human family for six thousand years. This curse of sin and death is upon mankind. God's penalty for sin is death; and whether it comes through pestilence, famine, war or by slower processes, matters little. There is no one so stupid but that he can see that the whole course of human history has been a reign of Sin and Death. The Bible tells us that God has permitted this condition to continue for the past six thousand years as a great lesson on the exceeding sinfulness of sin and on the utter hopelessness of any other help than that which He Himself has provided. For six great Days of a thousand years each—from Adam's time until now—Sin and Death have reigned over the race. These are man's Work Week, in which he has been permitted to try everything he could imagine for his own relief from sin and its penalty—death—(Rom. 6: 23). And now, after the Work Week has drawn to a close, what de we find? Mankind are still dying—mentally, morally, religiously, physically. So far from gaining life for our race, all our efforts through doctors, scientists, etc., have accomplished practically nothing. Yea, our most learned physicians and specialists tell us that the world is on the verge of a collapse. They say that at the present rate of increase there would not be, in a hundred and sixty years from now, enough sane people in the world to care for the insane. They tell us that various diseases are increasing so rapidly as to endanger the existence of the race in a very short time; and this in face of the fact that sanitary conditions are made a necessity, even to the extent of providing individual drinking cups. Our only hope is in God; and He has arranged that His blessing shall come through Messiah's Kingdom when our race shall have reached its limit. Man's extremity will be God's opportunity. in the great Seventh Day of man's Work-Week, the antitypical Sabbath, Messiah will, in association with His Church of this Gospel Age, set up the Divine Kingdom amongst men—a spiritual Kingdom, not an earthly one, ruling, blessing and uplifting mankind. For a thousand years this work of uplift will progress, until all the willing and obedient will have attained again the lost likeness of their Creator and all the unwilling and disobedient will have been cut off from life in the Second Death."...
"The present war will weaken the nations, not only of their life blood, but also of their wealth; and it will demonstrate the inefficiency of all Gentile kingdoms to bring to the world peace, righteousness, satisfactory government. But Messiah's Kingdom, which will then be inaugurated, will be "the desire of all nations." Like the World War, this war, and Armageddon and Anarchy, which will follow it, will prove conclusively the great need of Divine interposition in human affairs (Hag. 2:7).
Doubtless earth's great rulers have done the best they knew how to do for their peoples. Some of our very best laws came from Julius Caesar, in combination with the Mosaic code. Some of the world's rulers today are also doing their best; but they are confused. Having a false idea of what constitutes Christ's Kingdom, they seem to think it their mission to conquer the world. Some of them fear the triumph of Totalitarism, others that of Democracy, and their hearts are failing them, fearing the things coming upon the earth. While they—each side—knew that this would be the most cruel war ever known, yet they preferred it to that which they were striving to ward off and which they have succeeded in keeping off for the present. But they are losing some of their best blood, their best energy, their money, commerce, etc.; and when the war is ended, these nations, sorrowful and famine stricken, will be greatly angered at their rulers. Then will come the determination to inaugurate something like Socialism. This the governments will endeavor to put down, and to some extent they will succeed. Then will come the great explosion—the Armageddon of the Scriptures. Thereafter will come the worst part of the Time of Trouble, Anarchy, immediately before the Kingdom."
A peculiar people, zealous of good works-Titus 2: 14.
A "peculiar people"-not peculiar in dress, nor in manners, nor in language, nor in foolish, senseless forms and idiosyncrasies; but peculiar in that it is separate from the world and the spirit of the world. It has the Spirit of Christ-a spirit of full consecration to the Lord, and separateness from the world and its selfish aims. It is peculiar in its adherence to the Word of the Lord as its only law. It is peculiar in that it rejects worldly wisdom when it conflicts with the Divine revelation. It is peculiar in that it is in the world, but not of the world. It is peculiar in that it has a decided faith and acts in harmony with its faith, and with zeal. It is peculiar in that it is self-sacrificing and knows no will but the will of its king. It is peculiar in that it knows the Truth and is able to give a reason for the hope within, while others merely speculate and wonder and doubt-Z '97, 95 (R 2127).
The peculiarity of God's people consists in their separateness from selfishness, worldliness, sinfulness and erroneousness, and their dedication to the Lord for His service. They are peculiar to the Lord in the sense that they are owned by Him, and are for Him, ready for His service in the promotion of truth and righteousness. As such they are enthusiastically active in well-doing, serving in good things, as they have opportunity, all men, especially the household of faith-P '26, 61.
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