Sunday, May 26, 2019


"The spreading of secular and religious Truth, especially the latter is one of the causes which contributes to the present order of things coming to an end"
written by P.S.L. Johnson in 1939

The Bible indicates that there are to be eight causes which would destroy Satan's empire, and that it would take 40 years* to effect this (Ezek. 7: 25; Jer. 46: 20; Is. 13: 6-11, 13; Joel 1: 15; etc.). The first of these eight causes is

Stijn Swinnen
(1) The World War. In the Bible the symbol for war is wind. Wars have occurred in the world since almost the beginning of the present evil world; but they have been more or less local wars; however, this first cause is the World War, a war which affected the whole world. Its results are economic, political and military evils now afflicting mankind. Such a war will never occur again. (1 Kings 19: 11; Matt. 24: 7; Ps. 35: 5, 6; Is. 17: 13; Jer. 18: 17; 49: 32, 36; 51: 1; Nah. 1: 3; Matt. 12: 28; Mark 13: 7, 8; Luke 21: 10; etc.). It is set forth as the first overturning of Ezek. 21: 27.

(2) The World Revolution is the second of these eight causes. This is symbolized in the Bible as an earth-quake, and is to follow the World War's results, when the people no longer can bear the poverty, tax burdens, and oppressions caused by the present conditions (1 Kings 19: 11; Matt: 24: 7; Mark 13: 8; Luke 21:11; etc., especially Rev. 16–19). It is indicated as the second overturning of Ezek. 21: 27.

(3) The World Anarchy is the third of these eight causes. This is symbolized in the Bible as fire. The World Revolution will not effect the relief hoped for, and will gradually develop into pure anarchy, in which everyone will be for himself (1 Kings 19: 12; 2 Kings 2: 11; Ps. 21: 9; Is. 9: 19; 29: 6; Mal. 4: 1; Is. 47: 14; 66: 15, 16; Ezek. 21: 31, 32; 30: 8; Zeph. 1: 18; 3: 8; 2 Thes. 1: 8; 2 Pet. 3: 7, 12; Hos. 8: 7; Nah. 1: 3; Prov. 1: 27, 28; Is. 17: 13; Matt. 24: 21, 22; etc.). In many Scriptures these three causes given under (1) (2) and (3) are treated together under one symbol, "fire," as in Ps. 21: 9; Is. 9: 19; 29: 6; 47: 14; Ezek. 21: 31, 32; 30: 8; Zeph. 1: 18; 3: 8; 2 Thes. 1: 8; 2 Pet. 3: 7, 12; etc. The Anarchy is indicated in the third overturning of Ezek. 21: 27.
Cole Keister

(4) Jacob's Trouble is the fourth of these eight causes. It will affect the Jews regathered in Palestine (Jer. 30: 4-9), following which God will destroy the last remnant of Satan's empire. For after anarchy has finished the present order of things here on earth without materially affecting the regathered Jews in Palestine, their prosperity will arouse the envy of the remnants of the nations in anarchy; and they will gather to Palestine to plunder the Jews; but these will be saved by the Lord, who will destroy the whole plundering horde, as indicated in 2 Kings 19: 32-35; D 626-629; D 552-559; Ezek. 38; 39; Zech.12: 1-9; etc.

Uriel Soberanes
(5) Satan's kingdom divided against itself is the fifth of these eight causes. This division is the result of sharp disagreement between rival groups of the fallen angels, between the spiritual and civil powers and between rival combinations of civil powers, which disagreement is due to some of the fallen angels rebelling against Satan's rule, because they are dissatisfied with being in subjection to Satan. Such rebellion with its resulting strife between state and church and between rival combinations of states will destroy his control over a great part of humanity; and the above-mentioned calamities are the result. That this has taken, is taking and will take place is recorded in the Scriptures (Prov. 11: 29; Matt. 12: 25, 26; Mark 3:24-26; Luke 11:17, 18; etc.).

Arthur Miranda
(6) The Truth is the sixth of these eight causes. The spreading of secular and religious Truth, especially the latter is one of the causes which contributes to the present order of things coming to an end. The gradual spread of education has shown the people how they have been deprived of social, religious, economic and political rights. The religious truths: God's Word, His plan, His salvation, especially as made known in the present Truth of the Parousia and Epiphany, gradually convince the people that they have been exploited and deceived by the clergy, politicians and capitalists, and that instead of worshiping God, they have in reality been worshiping Satan, his angels and various other idols. All this will cause divisions of the people: those who have and those who have not, those who want a new deal and those who prefer the old order of things, and will bring on Armageddon and Anarchy. The spreading of these religious truths God's Truth (John 17: 17) was and is the privilege of the saints (Ps. 149: 9; 96: 13; John 8: 32; Rom. 1: 18; 2: 2; 2 Thes. 2: 10 Prov. 13: 13; Is. 30: 30-33; 55: 11; Jer. 5: 14; 23: 29; 51: 60-62; Ezek. 12: 28; 20: 47, 48; Joel 2: 11; Zeph. 2: 5; Matt. 24: 35; Mark 13: 31; Luke 21: 33; 2 Pet. 3: 5-7; etc.). The spread of secular truth, resulting in the invention, among other things, of highly destructive means and implements, has already played, is playing and will play a marked part in the overthrow of Satan's empire (Dan. 12: 4, 1).
Nikolas Noonan

(7) Disordered Nature is the seventh of these eight causes. These disorders in nature are seen in famines, pestilences, droughts, pests and calamities in the earth itself, such as unprecedented floods, tidal waves, hurricanes, conflagrations, earthquakes, volcanoes, etc. The facts show that up to the present time we have had very many of these, but the news thereof has in part been obscured by evil political news. We expect that these disorders of nature will continue to increase for some time: These are prophesied in the Scriptures in many places as to their being both literal and symbolical disorders. All these calamities will contribute their share to the destruction of Satan's empire, the present evil world (Is. 51: 19; Jer. 11: 22; 14: 12; 14: 15; 16: 4; Ezek. 14: 13, 21; Matt. 24: 7; Mark 13: 8; Luke 21: 11; Jer. 44: 13; Ezek. 38: 22; Is. 29: 6; etc.).

(8) The Christ taking His great power and reigning is the final and greatest of these eight causes. The Scriptures teach us that our Lord's Second Advent took place in 1874, and that His day, the Parousia, our Lord has used to prepare for the overthrow of Satan's empire (John 3: 4; Jude 14). He gave the bulk of the present Truth then due through that Servant. He, as the Father's Representative, has gathered the Church (Ps. 50: 5; Mal. 3: 17; Matt. 24: 31; Rev. 14: 14-16), those here on earth, and has resurrected the sleeping ones that they might also have a share in the overthrow of Satan's empire (Ps. 149: 9; 110: 5). This Parousia day lasted 40 years, from 1874 to 1914; then the night, the Epiphany, set in, when The Times of the Gentiles expired, and when the Church was complete. Christ Jesus began then to exercise His royal power with violence (Ps. 89: 27). The preparations were then complete and the destruction began promptly on time with the World War. As none of the world's rulers would willingly vacate, they must be dispossessed by force; but as God's plan has provided for a certain time to accomplish this, so in harmony with this plan, it will last 40 years*. The average night and day are of equal length. Hence the Parousia day and the Epiphany night are of equal duration. (Ps. 2; Luke 17: 26-30; Ps. 110: 5, 6; Prov. 20: 26; Matt. 25: 43; Mark 3: 27; Luke 11: 21,. 22; 12: 30; Rev. 11: 15; Ps. 18: 40, 42; Heb. 12: 29; Mal. 3: 1-5; Rev. 12: 10; Ps. 72: 4; John 5: 27; 2 Thes. 1: 8; Rev. 17: 14; etc.). In the above we have set forth the eight causes which will destroy Satan's empire. Many more Scriptures might be cited especially from the Old Testament, which contain many prophecies illustrating its destruction in the Epiphany, but surely enough have been cited.

*[Editors Note:  We read the following with the understanding that while perhaps the time features were not correct, however everything else harmonizes with the known facts of history up to and including current events.  It is our view that we are farther along the timeline than most would imagine, even well beyond the beginnings of Armageddon and in the beginning stages at least of the Anarchy. RB]


Knowledge puffeth up, but love buildeth up-Cor. 8: 1.

All who seek to teach the Divine Plan to others are exposed to peculiar temptations, so that the honor of serving the Lord and His people demands a correspondingly larger measure of the graces of the holy Spirit, as well as of knowledge. Whoever, therefore, would be an instructor of others, a mouthpiece of the Lord, should cultivate all the various graces of the holy Spirit including meekness, that these (combined in Love) with knowledge, may build up himself as well as build up those to whom he ministers-Z '97, 277 (R 2218).

The natural tendency of knowledge is to puff up its possessor, whose defense against such pride is a humble recognition that this knowledge is not his own invention, but a gift of God. The natural tendency of love is to build us up in abhorrence and avoidance of evil and opposition to it, in the graces, in the heavenly disposition, in the consecrated use of our fleshly members and in strengthening, balancing and perfecting the elements of Christlikeness-P '32, 48.

The New Radio Adventures of Sid Canoe
the battle between conservative and radical melting the elements of society just as the Bible predicts! 
(recorded Sept 7, 2018)

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