"the governments of the whole civilized world are resting on the very edge of a smoking volcano"
"I will stand upon my watch, and fix my foot upon the Tower: and I will watch, to see what will be said to me, and what I may answer to him [the unbeliever] that reproveth me. And the Lord answered me [or gave me an answer for such] saying: Write the vision and make it plain upon tables that he that readeth it may run over it [be able to prove to himself its correctness.] For, as yet, the vision is for an appointed time, and it shall appear at the end, and shall not lie. If it [appear to] make any delay wait for it: for it shall surely come, and it shall not tarry." Habakuk, 2:1-3. – Douay Translation.
When we and others called attention in 1876 and 1877 to the presence of the Lord, and showed that it was taught by the revelations of God's word, we found few ready to believe our report, and many said, "Where is the promise of His presence?" The only answer we could then give them was, that they should examine the Scriptural evidences offered. But soon outward evidences appeared which corroborate the Scriptures: the railroad riots of 1878 came, and Socialism in Germany, Nihilism in Russia, and Communism in France, began to put on a bold front, and it became evident that the governments of the whole civilized world are resting on the very edge of a smoking volcano, which at any moment might burst forth and destroy them.
In their haste some supposed that all things concerning this day of the Lord, were to transpire immediately, but no, the apostle shows that its trouble will come like spasms, like great waves following each other, each bringing nearer the grand climax stated by the prophet: "I will overthrow the throne of kingdoms, and I will destroy the strength of the kingdoms of the nations." (Hag. 2:22.)
Yes this liberty, religious, financial, and political, is what mankind needs and longs for. It is a precious boon, but the path by which it shall be gained is steep and thorny. The [R622 : page 2] overturning of present gigantic systems and monopolies, religious, financial, and political, by the new King in this His day, causes "a time of trouble such as was not since there was a nation; no nor ever shall be. (Dan. 12:1; Matt. 24:21.)
"Now the world is full of suffering,
Sounds of woe fall on our ears,
Sights of wretchedness and sorrow,
Fill our eyes with pitying tears.
"'Tis the earth's dark night of weeping,
Wrong and evil triumph now;
We can wait, for just before us
Beams the morning's roseate glow.
"We are waiting, hoping, praying,
For Messiah's glorious reign,
For we know He'll reign in justice,
Right and truth shall triumph then.
"Worldly pleasures cannot win us
While we wait for that bright day:
Worldly splendor cannot charm us,
While its light beams on our way."
While watching for the consummation, while realizing that it will bring the Time of Trouble, while seeking to be as fully prepared as possible for whatever share we may have in that Trouble, let us not unduly emphasize this feature of the Divine Plan in presenting matters to our Christian friends of the world. Let us more and more cultivate a sobriety of mind, a loving tenderness of disposition, which will seek to tell only so much as may be necessary to be known. Let us emphasize the goodness of God and the great blessing that is in store for mankind and the nearness of this blessing and the grand
results to be obtained. Let us tell that the fulfilment of our Lord's prayer, "Thy Kingdom come," is close at hand ![R5374 : page 4]
Question. – What is your understanding of the call and work of a minister or preacher, as taught in God's Word?
. – (1)talents in spreading the truth. That in a general sense all Christians are anointed of the spirit to be preachers, and are such in proportion as they exercise their(2) That any Christian (man), having knowledge and ability as a herald, who feels drawn to devote all his time to the spread of the truth, an open door being seen, is justified in changing his field of labor from temporal to spiritual, in part or in whole, giving more and more of his time and energy to his direct vocation of an ambassador for God and less and less to his avocation earthly.
(3) That these heralds shall trust in God to supply their needs; and receiving only free will offerings from the brethren and others should "labor" for the things needful, accepting these conditions of the Lord's providence.
(4) That when one of these finds every door of opportunity closed, he shall accept it as an evidence of work done in that field and should seek to know whether for some reason his service is not acceptable longer or whether the Lord has another field for him, or whether all the work is done. In any case, he should recognize that his vocation is that of an ambassador for the truth, and that earthly affairs are only his avocations, and should seek to prosecute as best he can the ministry of the Word, through evil and good report, through trials and encouragements, through sorrows and joys.
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