Blog Note: We're trying something here this is a talk and text from video to blog for quick release, forgive our mistakes please. The video quotes as follows:
"...BRIC's SYSTEM. And when that happens the dollar will be denounced as the global reserve currency so the petrodollar status will collapse virtually overnight at that point and nations around the world will abandon the dollar and move into the BRICS system because well they don't wanna be punished by the crowd bully western nation that will cut you off from the swift system if you don't obey their geopolitical mandates, you know the World Economic Forum globalism and all that garbage so nations that have just been watching all of this they're going to dump the dollar and move into the BRIC system and by the way if you wanna buy energy you want to be able to do business with Russia and if you want to buy manufactured goods you want to be able to do business with China and if you want to buy cheaper manufactured goods you want to do business with India and so on if you want also cheap oil you want to do business with Nigeria and so as this happens imagine the ramifications of China announces no more exports to America what if China has an export embargo to the United states which declares the US to be an enemy nation as Russia has done you know the unfriendly nation designation China could do that overnight and that would be the end of America it would be the end no supply chain America does not have a domestic supply for the parts for the appliances for the automobiles the microchips the plastics and resins and polymers you know textiles and everything you can think of every single thing that goes into cars and planes and buildings and homes and everything almost all that comes out of China or other countries when China denounces the US it's it's over when exports are blocked so understand that the US is on the verge of collapsing into a third world existence with a useless Fiat currency that will have no value the dollar will utterly collapse the world will denounce the dollar and denounce the United States and its bullying of the world it's been going on for generations and the Western Europe will fall as well so the UK will collapse Germany will collapse you'll start to see that this winter with the lack of energy and the United states will collapse and then of course Australia will fall Canada will fall and so on I mean the whole world order is going to be completely reconfigured and some people ask me well where should I go it doesn't matter where you go folks you're on planet earth you're gonna deal with this so the strategy to survive this is to be prepared be able to make it through at least a year with no grocery stores functioning no banks functioning no transportation functioning no trains no trucks no coal no power grid nothing functioning 90% of the population will die in that scenario if that is sustained even for six months 90% will die America will collapse to a fraction of its current size but there will still be survivors and it will be the preppers it won't be the lunatic leftist in the cities they will mostly die and we might get invaded by China during this entire process because China wants to take over North America and it would be hard to defend ourselves against China because the military has outsourced everything to China and other countries and of course the military is purging all the good patriots and Christians and pro America people who might defend this country so it's gonna be messy folks but understand the picture is becoming very clear now there's now no doubt where this goes the dollar collapses America collapses there will be riots looting lawlessness revolutions maybe secessions and civil war in certain areas we don't know every little detail of what's going to happen but we know the big picture America collapses and the vast majority do not survive the question is which side of this equation do you wanna be on stay informed watch my website prep with
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